Salesforce集成(三). 获取数据00_Overview


Step Four: Walk Through the Sample Code

In this section you will create a series of REST requests. cURL will be used to construct the requests, and JSON will be used as the format for all requests and responses.

In each request, a base URI will be used in conjunction with the REST resource. The base URI for these examples is For more information, see Lightning Platform REST Resources.

In this example, a series of REST requests will be used in the following scenario:

1.       Get the Salesforce version.

2.       Use the Salesforce version to get a list of the resources available.

3.       Use one of the resources to get a list of the available objects.

4.       Select one of the objects and get a description of its metadata.

5.       Get a list of fields on that same object.

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6.       Execute a SOQL query to retrieve values from all name fields on Account records.

7.       Update the Billing City for one of the Account objects.

