[英语精学]---[A-Talk] 美丽又实用的物理学 (三):8minutes to 18minutes

Prof. Shankar: I think I’m grateful to Yale for giving me the opportunity to tape those courses.

tape 录制

Host : Can you tell us “How did this happen”, How did this Yale Open Course happen?

Prof. Shankar: Well, first of all, the fact I was even teaching that course.

even adv. unusual, unexpected , or extreme;
used to show that something is surprising.
even 就是出人意料的,非常规的,未曾期待的,恰巧的
I was even teaching that course. 我恰巧教了那个课程(本来我不教的) / (我未曾期待地教了那门课程)

is not in a normal course event because I normally teaching advanced courses

is not in a normal course event 不在我的常规课程事件
advanced courses 高级课程
I normally doing sth. 我正常情况下干…

But when I became the chairman, I did not have to teach so I don’t like that. (当我成为董事之后,我没必要上课了,但我不喜欢这样)

became : past simple of become
I did not have to teach 我没必要上课了。

I like to teach so I was waiting for some excuse to get into the class.

excuse n. 借口

so,one of my colleagues who was supposed to teach introductory physics,he felt ill in the summer and the classes were beginning in a couple of months in the fall,

introductory 开场的,首次的
introductory physics 入门的(基础的)物理,
fall 秋天
the classes were beginning in a couple of months in the fall 那些课程就要开始了

there was no one else to take place so I said I would do it (还没有找到替代他的老师,所以我就说让我上吧) , then I started teaching the course and I found that (接着我就去上这课了,然后我就发现) I enjoyed it a lot more than I had expected that.

I would do it 我可以做

so I tought it a few times, (然后我就上了几次课)。The students liked it and that when our dean , Peter Salovey, who’s now our president, he said we would like to record it (他说我们想录制下来) as part of Yale’s online Courses.

dean : an official of high rank in a college or university .(大学里的)长官(院长,系主任等)
We would like to do sth. 我们想做…..
as part of Yale’s online Courses. : as part of , 因为是part of , 所以 Courses 用复数

It is one of the, it was the first science course they taped (这是录制的第一个理科类课程)cos they were not sure is there any interest in (是否有兴趣对….) watching a science video , but I think they realized it is not ture (但我想,他们意识到这不是真的)

they realized it is not ture 他们意识到这不是真的

There is a lot of interest in science videos because science is universal (因为科学是普遍存在的) , you can talk about electronics in New Haven and you can understand in Beijin because it is the same electronics

“in” 与 “at” 在表示时间,地点上的区别
in 是 泛指,at是定位,at 是地理位置定位,时间精确点
比如,我住在青湖山庄2栋312,I live at Room.312, Unit 3, Building 2. QingHu Community (village) (Villa).
我住在 5期6栋三单元1203. I live at Room 1203, Unit 3 , Building 6, Period 5, HuaQianShu Community, HuiFeng District
我 6点半起床 I get up a half past 6

so, physics is universal appeal(因此,物理学还是具有广泛吸引力的) , that when they decided to have some time to record the second part of the course (于是他们决定录制这么课的第二部分)

Host: very good, Because of the success of the first one that led to the second (由于第一部分的成功导致了第二部分的录制)

Because of the success of the first on that led to the second. 由于第一部分的成功导致了第二部分的录制

Prof. Shankar : Yup, they realized that it’s ok to put a video out there in physics (他们认识到给物理学录制没什么问题) , and it’s being very helpful for Yale.

out there
video out there in physics. : in physics 修饰video
in 与 of 的区别
用of的时候,主语同of后面的词是指同一类的人或物。而用in的时候,主语同in后面的词是指不同类的人或物。如 Tom is the tallest of these students. (Tom与students是一类) / Tom is the tallest in his class. (Tom与class不是一类)
video in physics (physics与video不是同一类,video in physics 意思是 video在 physics 内容范围内的vedio)
of : used to show possession , belonging or origin ,表示占有,属于,出自于…
in: 表示某种属性,
video in physics : physics 方面的 video

Because people know we are strong in science, people know we care about teaching , people , we want people to apply to Yale, you said it’s a very coveted institution, right (你也提到,这是梦寐以求的学校,确实) , every student wants to go to a good institution, but every good institutions wants a good student so it goes in both way.

covet , 贪求,渴望,觊觎
it’s a very coveted institution 这是梦寐以求的学校
so it goes in both way . 双向流动

That is our way of letting people know, If you come to Yale, it will be what your experience will be like (就会知道大致是个什么样子)

will be like 会是什么样子

Host: very good, it really satisfied our curiosity ’ cos lots of them are really, before that Yale Open Courses, we always want …. we were wandering what it would be like sitting in the classroom at Yale learning courses… (我们总是想知道, 坐在耶鲁的教室里上课会是种怎样的体验)

curiosity /ˌkjʊr.iˈɑː.sə.t̬i/ an eager wish to know or learn about sth. 好奇心
satisfied our curiosity 满足了我们的好奇心
what it would be like (它)会是怎样(一种体验)…

Prof. Shankar: Yup, in fact , they kept the atmosphere as natural as possible ,(他们尽量保持自然气氛) . There is no special studio, it’s a regular classroom , regular black board, regular mistakes made by the Prof. regular corrections,some jokes.some laughter, everything was recorded on tape. That’s really , you are right, there’s no real - difference between being in the classroom and watching the video

they kept the atmosphere as natural as possible
regular mistakes make by the Prof. regular corrections, some jokes

And I’m glad a place “like” Yale is willing to offer this to the whole world for free. It does’nt cost you anything We are always sure we have students come to Yale anyway, Why not share it ? When I was a young man in India , I was trying to learn physics on my own because I was an engineering student who wanted to study physics, I didn’t know where to learn from and If such a course had been available at the time (如果那时候就有这样一门课程) , it would have been very helpful to me.

If such a … had been available at the time 如果那时候就有这样一个….

But now I know that kids all over the world learn from that, not only kids, housewives

Host: Housewives as well ?

Prof. Shankar: They say look I wanted to do physics but I got married. (他们说,你看,我是想学物理但我结婚了) , I have kids and I have no time , but now when my kids are in school , (我有了小孩没时间了,但是现在小孩上学了), I want to go back and learn physics , so I’m learning from this course. (我想回来学物理,所以选择了这个课程)

I wanted to do physics but I got married 我想学物理但是我结婚了
I have kids and I have no time , 我有了小孩我没时间
but now when my kids are in shcool . 但是现在孩子们上学了
I want to go back and learn physics , so I’m learning from this course. 我想回来学物理,我就从这门课程中学。

We don’t know who will watch, it’s not always some students trying to get into college . (我们也不知道谁会观看,并不一定是那些要上大学的学生). It could be retired doctors who always like physics and want to learn.

It’s not always 并不总是
It could be 有可能是

Host: it is like anyone who’s interested in physics , right? (就像是任何对物理学感兴趣的人,对吗) , there is always a place where they can really continue the study.
(有这么一个地方他们能够继续学习), continue with their interest (延续他们的梦想)

who’s interested in physics 那些对物理感兴趣的人
interesting 与 interested 的区别:
interesting : adjective, 描写物 . The cat is interesting. The film is interesting
interested: adjective, 描写人 . I am interested in AI . I am interested in the book bought yesterday
通常,-ing后缀都是用来修饰物的,翻译为令人…的。例如 surprising 令人惊奇的。-ed后缀是用来修饰人的,翻译为感到…的。例如surprised 感到惊奇的。
此外,还有很多这样的词:embarrassing/embarrassed, worrying/worried, amazing/amazed, shocking/shocked 等等。

Prof Shankar: But you got to do the work(但是你必须有所付出), you cannot just learn all the fancy words.(你不能只学一些华丽的辞藻) . I tell them words mean nothing. because they depend on the language they are using, only ideas are the same.

get to do 表示开始做某事,往往暗示一个较长的过程,含有“渐渐开始”之意
you got to do the work = you should to do the work ? 你必须有所付出

So I tell them , by all means , take the course, but just don’t learn fancy terminonogy (所以我一定要告诉他们,来上课,不要只学些花哨的术语). try to understand what’s behind it (试着了解背后的实质).

try to understand what’s behind it

Host: yup, what’s behind, what’s behind the laws of physics? (是的,隐藏在物理学定律背后的是什么?) , and help them with their daily lives ?

what’s behind the laws of physics?

Prof. Shankar: Yup, I’m not that helpful with daily life, cos I’m a theorietical physicist (不过日常生活我可能帮不上什么忙,因为我是理论物理学家). If you want something to be repaired, you shouldn’t come to me, (如果你要修理什么东西,请不要来找我),I’ll probably break it (我可能会把它弄破). I’m more interested in physics just because it’s very beautiful structure . Art is a beautiful structure, Symphony is a beautiful structure, physics as a subject to me , is equally beautiful

Isreal 70th Independence Day

It is beautiful because it has nothing to do with human beings ; It has nothing to do with day to day politics , and power struggle , it is something permanent which is there (那是些永恒存在的东西) . which is operating all the time an we have managed to somehow find out. (我们已经想法将其找出来了)

it is something permanent which is there ,那是些永恒存在的东西
somehow 以某种方式,用某种方法
I’ll manage somehow 我会想办法应付的
We’ll manage somehow 我们会想办法处理的
we have managed to somehow find out 我们已经想方设法将其找出来了。

what the laws are and find the laws are written in mathematics.(找出那些定律,那些定律用数学来描写) , and mathematics is some sense of human invention (数学是人类发明的某种感官)

Host: so the mathematics and physics, they go-together ?

Prof. Shankar: They go-together, if you think you can do mathematics , you can do physics without mathematics, it won’t work. (如果你会数学,你就可以研究物理,没有数学,物理研究无法进行) 。 It’s like saying I want to sing in an opera but I don’t want to learn any language. (好比说我想唱歌剧,但我不想学任何语言), you can not do it. This is the chosen language and have to learn it . And once you learn it , the rewards are very high. (一旦你学会了,回报就非常高) .

Sometimes mathematics will tell you something will happen (有的时候,数学会告诉你将会发生什么) that you will never think of on your own (你自己从来不会想到的). but it comes from simply solving the equation.

you will never think of on your own . 你自己从来不会想到
it comes from simply solving the equation 这来自于简单地解方程式

The equation will tell you besides everything you put into it (方程式会告诉你除了代入的东西之外), there’s something else implied by the equation. (这个等式还会暗示其他意义). If you look at that corner in the sky, you will see something . you look there , you’ll see something , for example, that’s how one of the planets was discoverd.

besides 和 except 的区别
besides 是加上….
except 是不算…,把…排除在外
besides 算加法, except 算减法
Besides a father she has a younger brother to support. 加上父亲,她还有一个弟弟要供养。
They were all there except me, 他们都在那里,只有我不在。

They found out the planet was not moving according to the Newton laws, (他们发现有个行星的运行并不是按照牛顿定律来的). then they figured there is got to be another planet (他们推断一定是有另外一颗星球), which is disturbing the other planet.

got to be = should to be
got to do work = should to do work
they figured there is got to be 他们推断一定是有

Host: I see, it helps you discover new things (我明白了,它帮助你发现新的事物)

Prof. Shankar: Yeah, then they figured out where should the new planet be(是的,他们就是这样推断出了新行星的位置应该在哪儿才会产生如此效果) to produce the effects and then they figured out where it is and what radius. The point of telescope(望远镜的观测点), there it was (果然就发现他在那儿了), How do you explain it ? I mean why it has to be that, why?

What we need to do if the planet is not there ?(如果那个行星不在那儿怎么办?) Who are you gona(going to ) complain to ? (你要去责怪谁?) But the fact is it works

but the fact is it works 但事实上是它行得通

To me, the amazing thing is such a thing exists and it works and we found out(对我而言,惊人的是存在这样的事情,而且行之有效)

the amazing thing is 令人吃惊的事情是
such a thing exists 居然存在这样的事情

Host: using the language of physics and mathematics

Prof. Shankar: This is what I try to talk about in my course (这就是我在课程中试图谈论的内容) . It is not so much about how to compute things(并没有太多关于如何计算的事情). It is important , if you don’t want to compute, get out of physics (当然这也很重要,如果你不想计算,就别学物理了)

You should be ready to work hard , ready to compute , to start there is to make somebody’s excitement(开启让人兴奋的旅程). it is like learning the notes in music , but you listen to the symphony (这有点像音乐中学的是音符,听到的是交响乐). it is more than the notes , there’s something else that you appreciate, right ? (还有其他一些你欣赏的东西,是吧?) so you should take some time to appreciate how amazing it is (你应该花一些时间来欣赏它是多少的神奇)

you should take some time to 你应该花一些时间在…

Host: very good , it is amazing, you should appreciate it as a real art.

Prof Shankar: I feel each time(我每次都觉得) I teach, I never get tired of how wonderful everything works. (我从来不会厌倦,它们是那么完美地运作着) . and every time I teach , I realize the laws and this is how the equations works (我认识到这些定律和这些等式如何工作) , and I say when you look at the real world, it follows this. (它尊崇这些定律) , all my performance the 40th time, I’m still amazed. (即便上到第40次课,我依然为之惊叹) .I feel that and I think that what I related to my students (我感到我和学生之间彼此相连)

I feel each time I teach 我每次教书的时候都觉得
I never get tired of 我从来不会厌倦

Host: I can really sense and feel you have a strong passion in teaching (我真的能感觉到,你对教学有强烈的激情)

Prof Shankar: Yup, and that you have to communicate, a lot of people, (你必须要与人交流,很多的人) who took this course are not physics majored(来上这门课的并不是物理学专业的). some are going to medicine, some are going to chemistries (有些在读医学类,有些是化学专业的) , some are going to humanities. (有些是人文学科的)

who took this course are not physics majored . 来上这门课的人,并不是物理学专业的。
medicine 医学类
chemistries 化学专业
humanities 人文学科

But you don’t have to be an English major to appreciate Shakerspear, you understand it somebody’s some way . (你可以和其他人一样有同样的理解).
you don’t have to be an physicist to appreciate the structure of physics.

some way 方法
somebody’s 某人的,有人
in some way ,以某种方法
somebody’s some way 以别人一样的方法

And I think it is more important to explain physics to people who are not physicists,because one day they will working in a government and they will decide whether we get funding or not , right ? you have to tell other people why what you are doing is worth doing . it is even more important to convey this to no-physicists (向非物理学家传达这一点更为重要)

Host: Excellent, that is good , that’s why your passion and also your interpretation of physics really are benefiting millions of users out there. (您对物理学的解释也真的使数百万的用户受益)

out there
英语口语中,经常在一句话的最后听到“out there” 这个组合.从上下文语境来看似乎跟地点没啥关系.
谁能说说口语中的”out there”表示啥意思呢?

Prof. Shankar : and I’m saying if they are not going to physics, it will be helpful (我还是要说,即使他们不打算成为物理学家,这还是有帮助的) . cos one day you are working on policy matters, right? (因为也许某天你会处理政策问题,对吧?)

I’m saying 我还是要说
They are not going to physics = They are not going to be physics 他们不做物理学家
you are working on 你在处理….
matters ..方面的事情
policy matters 政策事物

People talk about energy, people talk about radiation(人们谈论能源,谈论辐射), you should know what they actually mean(你应该知道它们真正的含义)

what they actually mean 他们真正的含义
you should know what they actually mean 你应该知道他们真正的含义

Host : yup, what ‘s kind of behind them (知道他们背后是什么) , the theories behind them.

what’s kind of 什么样的,哪一种
what’s kind of behind them (他们背后是什么)

Prof. Shankar: Yup, you should know ideas of something (你应该知道一些事情的概念), If you’ve never seen it (如果你从来没见过) , people hear the word “radiation” (人们在听到“辐射”这个词), they’ll say ” we shouldn’t have nuclear reactors” that’s radiation (他们会说”我们不应该有核反应堆“,这就是辐射)

you should know ideas of something 你应该知道一些事情的概念
If you’ve never seen it 如果你从来没见过
people hear the word ” radiation” 人们听到”辐射”这个词
nuclear reactors 核反应堆
they’ll say “we shouldn’t have nuclear reactors” that’s radiation. 他们会说“我们不要核反应堆”,这就是辐射

But you should realize that there’s always radiation (但是你应该知道,辐射总是有的) . What’s the probability that will affect you (它影响你的可能性有多大?) , is it small ? is it zero ? it is never zero. (它是很小?还是为零?它不可能为零)

you should realize that 你应该意识到
what’s the probability 可能性有多大
that will affect you 影响你的
what’s the probability that will affect you 影响你的可能性为多大?

Worry about something that’s luckier with non-zero probability (担心那些接近零概率的事情), you will do nothing , life is a calculated risk (生命就是一个计算的风险) . >worry about something that 担心..的事情
lucky adjuctive 幸运的,走运的
luckier : lucky 的比较级
luckier with 幸运的
non-zero probability 非零概率
luckier with non-zero probability (非零概率算是幸运,意识就是接近零概率)
=near zero probability
worry about something that’s near zero probability 担心那些接近零概率的事情
life is a calculated risk 生命就是一个计算的风险
that is the probability 这就是可能性大小
should we do it or not ? 我们到底该不该做?

This is the probability, should we do it or not ? (这就是可能性大学,我们该不该做)? then you decide , we can take the risk (然后你决定,我们可以承担这个风险)

that is the probability 这就是可能性大小
should we do it or not ? 我们到底该不该做?
we can take the risk 我们可以承担这个风险

Those things you learn by doing physics at least once on your life (这些你通过接触物理学而学会的事情至少会出现一次,在你的生活中)

those things you learn by doing sth. 这类事情:通过实践sth而学到,
at least once on your life 至少出现一次在你的生活中

Host: Wow,wow that really makes me even more interested in physics now (这真的使我对物理学越发感兴趣了)

sbd. even more interested in 某人对某事更加感兴趣

Prof .Shankar: Well, I will see you in my classroom next year (我希望明年能在课堂上见到你)

Host: I’m looking forward to it (我很期待)
Excellent, excellent, And also… you also wrote textbooks, right? (您也写过教材,是吧?), which are of the same name as the courses? (也是跟课程名称一样的教材吗?)

you also wrote …, right 您也写过…. 对吗?
which are of the same name as …. 也是与…一样的名字.

Prof Shankar: Oh,yes, After I finished these lectures (我上完这些公开课以后), I thought I was done (我还以为结束了)

After I finished these lectures 但我完成这些讲座以后
I thought 我还以为
done (事情)完成了
I was done 我的事情完成了
I thought I was done 我还以为结束了


