[csuoj 2078 查找第k大] O(n)算法求第k大/中位数

[csuoj 2078 查找第k大] O(n)算法求第k大/中位数

分类:quick sort

1. 题目链接

[csuoj 2078 查找第k大]

2. 题意描述

小W有很强的好胜心,也有很明确的目标,总是希望当第k名,但是小W太菜了,经常达不到目标,于是他每次考试后都想知道第k名的分数是多少,然后以它为目标。 现在给出了每个人的分数,请求编程能力很强的你帮他迅速找到第k名的分数为多少,这样他才有更多的时间去学习。

第一行为一个正整数 t 代表有 t 组数据。每组数据第一行为两个正整数 n k ,第二行为n个正整数。 1 k n 10 7
对于每组数据,输出第 k 大的数。

3. 解题思路

利用快排思路进行划分。将小于基准的数放在该数前面,大于基准的数放在该数后面。设划分后,基准前面的数为 c n t l t ,基准后面的数为 c n t g t
然后,就可以判断出来第 k 大的数在哪个区间。

  • 如果 c n t g t >= k ,那么第 k 大数在后面这个区间,继续对后面这个区间划分,求第k大;
  • 如果 c n t g t + 1 == k ,那么基准数就是第 k 大数;
  • 否则,第 k 大数在前面这个区间,那么对前面的区间求一个第 k ( c n t g t + 1 ) 大数。

T ( n ) = T ( n 2 ) + O ( n ) = O ( n + n 2 + n 4 + ) O ( 2 n )


4. 实现代码

#include <cmath>
#include <ctime>
#include <queue>
#include <cstdio>
#include <string>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;

typedef pair<int, int> pii;
typedef pair<int, int> pll;

const int inf = 0x3f3f3f3f;

template<typename T> inline void umax(T &a, T b) { a = max(a, b); }
template<typename T> inline void umin(T &a, T b) { a = min(a, b); }
void debug() { cout << endl; }
template<typename T, typename ...R> void debug (T f, R ...r) { cout << "[" << f << "]"; debug (r...); }

const int MAXN = 1e7 + 5;
int n, k;
int a[MAXN];

namespace fastIO{
    #define BUF_SIZE 100000
    #define OUT_SIZE 100000
    #define ll long long
    bool IOerror=0;
    inline char nc(){
        static char buf[BUF_SIZE],*p1=buf+BUF_SIZE,*pend=buf+BUF_SIZE;
        if (p1==pend){
            p1=buf; pend=buf+fread(buf,1,BUF_SIZE,stdin);
            if (pend==p1){IOerror=1;return -1;}
            //{printf("IO error!\n");system("pause");for (;;);exit(0);}
        return *p1++;
    inline bool blank(char ch){return ch==' '||ch=='\n'||ch=='\r'||ch=='\t';}
    inline void read(int &x){
        bool sign=0; char ch=nc(); x=0;
        for (;blank(ch);ch=nc());
        if (IOerror)return;
        if (ch=='-')sign=1,ch=nc();
        for (;ch>='0'&&ch<='9';ch=nc())x=x*10+ch-'0';
        if (sign)x=-x;
    inline void read(ll &x){
        bool sign=0; char ch=nc(); x=0;
        for (;blank(ch);ch=nc());
        if (IOerror)return;
        if (ch=='-')sign=1,ch=nc();
        for (;ch>='0'&&ch<='9';ch=nc())x=x*10+ch-'0';
        if (sign)x=-x;
    inline void read(double &x){
        bool sign=0; char ch=nc(); x=0;
        for (;blank(ch);ch=nc());
        if (IOerror)return;
        if (ch=='-')sign=1,ch=nc();
        for (;ch>='0'&&ch<='9';ch=nc())x=x*10+ch-'0';
        if (ch=='.'){
            double tmp=1; ch=nc();
            for (;ch>='0'&&ch<='9';ch=nc())tmp/=10.0,x+=tmp*(ch-'0');
        if (sign)x=-x;
    inline void read(char *s){
        char ch=nc();
        for (;blank(ch);ch=nc());
        if (IOerror)return;
        for (;!blank(ch)&&!IOerror;ch=nc())*s++=ch;
    inline void read(char &c){
        for (c=nc();blank(c);c=nc());
        if (IOerror){c=-1;return;}
    inline void read1(int &x){
        char ch;int bo=0;x=0;
        for (ch=getchar();ch<'0'||ch>'9';ch=getchar())if (ch=='-')bo=1;
        for (;ch>='0'&&ch<='9';x=x*10+ch-'0',ch=getchar());
        if (bo)x=-x;
    inline void read1(ll &x){
        char ch;int bo=0;x=0;
        for (ch=getchar();ch<'0'||ch>'9';ch=getchar())if (ch=='-')bo=1;
        for (;ch>='0'&&ch<='9';x=x*10+ch-'0',ch=getchar());
        if (bo)x=-x;
    inline void read1(double &x){
        char ch;int bo=0;x=0;
        for (ch=getchar();ch<'0'||ch>'9';ch=getchar())if (ch=='-')bo=1;
        for (;ch>='0'&&ch<='9';x=x*10+ch-'0',ch=getchar());
        if (ch=='.'){
            double tmp=1;
            for (ch=getchar();ch>='0'&&ch<='9';tmp/=10.0,x+=tmp*(ch-'0'),ch=getchar());
        if (bo)x=-x;
    inline void read1(char *s){
        char ch=getchar();
        for (;blank(ch);ch=getchar());
        for (;!blank(ch);ch=getchar())*s++=ch;
    inline void read1(char &c){for (c=getchar();blank(c);c=getchar());}
    inline void read2(int &x){scanf("%d",&x);}
    inline void read2(ll &x){
        #ifdef _WIN32
        #ifdef __linux
            puts("error:can't recognize the system!");
    inline void read2(double &x){scanf("%lf",&x);}
    inline void read2(char *s){scanf("%s",s);}
    inline void read2(char &c){scanf(" %c",&c);}
    inline void readln2(char *s){gets(s);}
    struct Ostream_fwrite{
        char *buf,*p1,*pend;
        Ostream_fwrite(){buf=new char[BUF_SIZE];p1=buf;pend=buf+BUF_SIZE;}
        void out(char ch){
            if (p1==pend){
        void print(int x){
            static char s[15],*s1;s1=s;
            if (!x)*s1++='0';if (x<0)out('-'),x=-x;
        void println(int x){
            static char s[15],*s1;s1=s;
            if (!x)*s1++='0';if (x<0)out('-'),x=-x;
            while(s1--!=s)out(*s1); out('\n');
        void print(ll x){
            static char s[25],*s1;s1=s;
            if (!x)*s1++='0';if (x<0)out('-'),x=-x;
        void println(ll x){
            static char s[25],*s1;s1=s;
            if (!x)*s1++='0';if (x<0)out('-'),x=-x;
            while(s1--!=s)out(*s1); out('\n');
        void print(double x,int y){
            static ll mul[]={1,10,100,1000,10000,100000,1000000,10000000,100000000,
            if (x<-1e-12)out('-'),x=-x;x*=mul[y];
            ll x1=(ll)floor(x); if (x-floor(x)>=0.5)++x1;
            ll x2=x1/mul[y],x3=x1-x2*mul[y]; print(x2);
            if (y>0){out('.'); for (size_t i=1;i<y&&x3*mul[i]<mul[y];out('0'),++i); print(x3);}
        void println(double x,int y){print(x,y);out('\n');}
        void print(char *s){while (*s)out(*s++);}
        void println(char *s){while (*s)out(*s++);out('\n');}
        void flush(){if (p1!=buf){fwrite(buf,1,p1-buf,stdout);p1=buf;}}
    inline void print(int x){Ostream.print(x);}
    inline void println(int x){Ostream.println(x);}
    inline void print(char x){Ostream.out(x);}
    inline void println(char x){Ostream.out(x);Ostream.out('\n');}
    inline void print(ll x){Ostream.print(x);}
    inline void println(ll x){Ostream.println(x);}
    inline void print(double x,int y){Ostream.print(x,y);}
    inline void println(double x,int y){Ostream.println(x,y);}
    inline void print(char *s){Ostream.print(s);}
    inline void println(char *s){Ostream.println(s);}
    inline void println(){Ostream.out('\n');}
    inline void flush(){Ostream.flush();}
    char Out[OUT_SIZE],*o=Out;
    inline void print1(int x){
        static char buf[15];
        char *p1=buf;if (!x)*p1++='0';if (x<0)*o++='-',x=-x;
    inline void println1(int x){print1(x);*o++='\n';}
    inline void print1(ll x){
        static char buf[25];
        char *p1=buf;if (!x)*p1++='0';if (x<0)*o++='-',x=-x;
    inline void println1(ll x){print1(x);*o++='\n';}
    inline void print1(char c){*o++=c;}
    inline void println1(char c){*o++=c;*o++='\n';}
    inline void print1(char *s){while (*s)*o++=*s++;}
    inline void println1(char *s){print1(s);*o++='\n';}
    inline void println1(){*o++='\n';}
    inline void flush1(){if (o!=Out){if (*(o-1)=='\n')*--o=0;puts(Out);}}
    struct puts_write{
    inline void print2(int x){printf("%d",x);}
    inline void println2(int x){printf("%d\n",x);}
    inline void print2(char x){printf("%c",x);}
    inline void println2(char x){printf("%c\n",x);}
    inline void print2(ll x){
        #ifdef _WIN32
        #ifdef __linux
            puts("error:can't recognize the system!");
    inline void println2(ll x){print2(x);printf("\n");}
    inline void println2(){printf("\n");}
    #undef ll
    #undef OUT_SIZE
    #undef BUF_SIZE
using namespace fastIO;

int partation(int le, int ri) {
    int x = a[le];
    while (le < ri) {
        while (le < ri && a[ri] >= x) ri--;
        a[le] = a[ri];
        while (le < ri && a[le] <= x) le++;
        a[ri] = a[le];
    a[le] = x;
    return le;

int kth(int le, int ri, int k) {
    if (le == ri) return a[le];
    int p = partation(le, ri);
    if (k == ri - p + 1) return a[p];
    else if (k < ri - p + 1) return kth(p + 1, ri, k);
    else return kth(le, p - 1, k - (ri - p + 1));

int main() {
#ifdef __LOCAL_WONZY__
    freopen("input.txt", "r", stdin);
#endif // __LOCAL_WONZY__
    int t;
    //scanf("%d", &t);
    while (t --) {
        //scanf("%d %d", &n, &k);
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) read(a[i]);
        int ans = kth(0, n - 1, k);
        printf("%d\n", ans);
        //nth_element(a, a + n - k, a + n); 
        //printf("%d\n", a[n - k]);
#ifdef ___LOCAL_WONZY___
    cout << "Time elapsed: " << 1.0 * clock() / CLOCKS_PER_SEC * 1000 << "ms." << endl;
#endif // ___LOCAL_WONZY___
    return 0;

