empyrical 模块的学习与分析 note4


from __future__ import division
import pandas as pd
#numpy 模块
import numpy as np
#scipy 模块
from scipy import stats
from six import iteritems
from .utils import nanmean, nanstd, nanmin, up, down, roll, rolling_window
from .periods import DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, YEARLY

def _create_unary_vectorized_roll_function( function):
def unary_vectorized_roll( arr, window, out= None, ** kwargs):
Computes the {human_readable} measure over a rolling window.

arr : array-like
The array to compute the rolling {human_readable} over.
window : int
Size of the rolling window in terms of the periodicity of the data.
out : array-like, optional
Array to use as output buffer.
If not passed, a new array will be created.
Forwarded to :func:`~empyrical.{name}`.

rolling_{name} : array-like
The rolling {human_readable}.
allocated_output = out is None

if len(arr):
out = function(
rolling_window(arr, min( len(arr), window)).T,
out = np.empty( 0, dtype= 'float64')

if allocated_output and isinstance(arr, pd.Series):
out = pd.Series(out, index=arr.index[- len(out):])

return out

unary_vectorized_roll. __doc__ = unary_vectorized_roll. __doc__.format(
name=function. __name__,
human_readable=function. __name__.replace( '_', ' '),

return unary_vectorized_roll

def _create_binary_vectorized_roll_function( function):
def binary_vectorized_roll( lhs, rhs, window, out= None, ** kwargs):
Computes the {human_readable} measure over a rolling window.

lhs : array-like
The first array to pass to the rolling {human_readable}.
rhs : array-like
The second array to pass to the rolling {human_readable}.
window : int
Size of the rolling window in terms of the periodicity of the data.
out : array-like, optional
Array to use as output buffer.
If not passed, a new array will be created.
Forwarded to :func:`~empyrical.{name}`.

rolling_{name} : array-like
The rolling {human_readable}.
allocated_output = out is None

if window >= 1 and len(lhs) and len(rhs):
out = function(
rolling_window(lhs, min( len(lhs), window)).T,
rolling_window(rhs, min( len(rhs), window)).T,
elif allocated_output:
out = np.empty( 0, dtype= 'float64')
out[()] = np.nan

if allocated_output:
if out.ndim == 1 and isinstance(lhs, pd.Series):
out = pd.Series(out, index=lhs.index[- len(out):])
elif out.ndim == 2 and isinstance(lhs, pd.Series):
out = pd.DataFrame(out, index=lhs.index[- len(out):])
return out

binary_vectorized_roll. __doc__ = binary_vectorized_roll. __doc__.format(
name=function. __name__,
human_readable=function. __name__.replace( '_', ' '),

return binary_vectorized_roll

def _adjust_returns( returns, adjustment_factor):
Returns the returns series adjusted by adjustment_factor. Optimizes for the
case of adjustment_factor being 0 by returning returns itself, not a copy!

returns : pd.Series or np.ndarray
adjustment_factor : pd.Series or np.ndarray or float or int

adjusted_returns : array-like
#判断这个是不是多余的,直接返回returns - adjustment_factor不就可以了吗?
if isinstance(adjustment_factor, ( float, int)) and adjustment_factor == 0:
return returns
return returns - adjustment_factor

def annualization_factor( period, annualization):
#可以自定义annualization,如果没有自定义,就从period. py里面选
Return annualization factor from period entered or if a custom
value is passed in.

period : str, optional
Defines the periodicity of the 'returns' data for purposes of
annualizing. Value ignored if `annualization` parameter is specified.
Defaults are::

'weekly': 52
'daily': 252

annualization : int, optional
Used to suppress default values available in `period` to convert
returns into annual returns. Value should be the annual frequency of

annualization_factor : float
if annualization is None:
except KeyError:
raise ValueError(
"Period cannot be '{}'. "
"Can be '{}'.".format(
period, "', '".join(ANNUALIZATION_FACTORS.keys())
factor = annualization
return factor

def cum_returns( returns, starting_value= 0, out= None):
Compute cumulative returns from simple returns.

returns : pd.Series, np.ndarray, or pd.DataFrame
Returns of the strategy as a percentage, noncumulative.
- Time series with decimal returns.
- Example::

2015-07-16 -0.012143
2015-07-17 0.045350
2015-07-20 0.030957
2015-07-21 0.004902

- Also accepts two dimensional data. In this case, each column is

starting_value : float, optional
The starting returns.
out : array-like, optional
Array to use as output buffer.
If not passed, a new array will be created.

cumulative_returns : array-like
Series of cumulative returns.
if len(returns) < 1:
return returns.copy()

nanmask = np.isnan(returns)
if np.any(nanmask):
returns = returns.copy()
returns[nanmask] = 0

allocated_output = out is None
if allocated_output:
out = np.empty_like(returns)

np.add(returns, 1, out=out)
out.cumprod( axis= 0, out=out)

if starting_value == 0:
np.subtract(out, 1, out=out)
np.multiply(out, starting_value, out=out)

if allocated_output:
if returns.ndim == 1 and isinstance(returns, pd.Series):
out = pd.Series(out, index=returns.index)
elif isinstance(returns, pd.DataFrame):
out = pd.DataFrame(
out, index=returns.index, columns=returns.columns,

return out

def cum_returns_final( returns, starting_value= 0):
Compute total returns from simple returns.

returns : pd.Series or np.ndarray
Returns of the strategy as a percentage, noncumulative.
- Time series with decimal returns.
- Example:
2015-07-16 -0.012143
2015-07-17 0.045350
2015-07-20 0.030957
2015-07-21 0.004902.
starting_value : float, optional
The starting returns.

total_returns : float

if len(returns) == 0:
return np.nan

returns = np.nanprod(returns + 1)
if starting_value == 0:
returns -= 1
returns *= starting_value

return returns

def aggregate_returns( returns, convert_to):
Aggregates returns by week, month, or year.

returns : pd.Series
Daily returns of the strategy, noncumulative.
- See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.cum_returns`.
convert_to : str
Can be 'weekly', 'monthly', or 'yearly'.

aggregated_returns : pd.Series

def cumulate_returns( x):
return cum_returns(x).iloc[- 1]

if convert_to == WEEKLY:
grouping = [ lambda x: x.year, lambda x: x.isocalendar()[ 1]]
elif convert_to == MONTHLY:
grouping = [ lambda x: x.year, lambda x: x.month]
elif convert_to == YEARLY:
grouping = [ lambda x: x.year]
raise ValueError(
'convert_to must be {}, {} or {}'.format(WEEKLY, MONTHLY, YEARLY)

return returns.groupby(grouping).apply(cumulate_returns)

def max_drawdown( returns, out= None):
Determines the maximum drawdown of a strategy.

returns : pd.Series or np.ndarray
Daily returns of the strategy, noncumulative.
- See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.cum_returns`.
out : array-like, optional
Array to use as output buffer.
If not passed, a new array will be created.

max_drawdown : float

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drawdown_(economics) for more details.
allocated_output = out is None
if allocated_output:
out = np.empty(returns.shape[ 1:])

returns_1d = returns.ndim == 1

if len(returns) < 1:
out[()] = np.nan
if returns_1d:
out = out.item()
return out

returns_array = np.asanyarray(returns)

cumulative = np.empty(
(returns.shape[ 0] + 1,) + returns.shape[ 1:],
dtype= 'float64',
cumulative[ 0] = start = 100
cum_returns(returns_array, starting_value=start, out=cumulative[ 1:])

max_return = np.fmax.accumulate(cumulative, axis= 0)

nanmin((cumulative - max_return) / max_return, axis= 0, out=out)
if returns_1d:
out = out.item()
elif allocated_output and isinstance(returns, pd.DataFrame):
out = pd.Series(out)

return out

roll_max_drawdown = _create_unary_vectorized_roll_function(max_drawdown)

def annual_return( returns, period=DAILY, annualization= None):
Determines the mean annual growth rate of returns. This is equivilent
to the compound annual growth rate.

returns : pd.Series or np.ndarray
Periodic returns of the strategy, noncumulative.
- See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.cum_returns`.
period : str, optional
Defines the periodicity of the 'returns' data for purposes of
annualizing. Value ignored if `annualization` parameter is specified.
Defaults are::

'weekly': 52
'daily': 252

annualization : int, optional
Used to suppress default values available in `period` to convert
returns into annual returns. Value should be the annual frequency of

annual_return : float
Annual Return as CAGR (Compounded Annual Growth Rate).


if len(returns) < 1:
return np.nan

ann_factor = annualization_factor(period, annualization)
num_years = len(returns) / ann_factor
# Pass array to ensure index -1 looks up successfully.
ending_value = cum_returns_final(returns, starting_value= 1)

return ending_value ** ( 1 / num_years) - 1

def cagr( returns, period=DAILY, annualization= None):
Compute compound annual growth rate. Alias function for

returns : pd.Series or np.ndarray
Daily returns of the strategy, noncumulative.
- See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.cum_returns`.
period : str, optional
Defines the periodicity of the 'returns' data for purposes of
annualizing. Value ignored if `annualization` parameter is specified.
Defaults are::

'weekly': 52
'daily': 252

annualization : int, optional
Used to suppress default values available in `period` to convert
returns into annual returns. Value should be the annual frequency of
- See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.annual_return`.

cagr : float
The CAGR value.

return annual_return(returns, period, annualization)

roll_cagr = _create_unary_vectorized_roll_function(cagr)

def annual_volatility( returns,
alpha= 2.0,
annualization= None,
out= None):
Determines the annual volatility of a strategy.

returns : pd.Series or np.ndarray
Periodic returns of the strategy, noncumulative.
- See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.cum_returns`.
period : str, optional
Defines the periodicity of the 'returns' data for purposes of
annualizing. Value ignored if `annualization` parameter is specified.
Defaults are::

'weekly': 52
'daily': 252

alpha : float, optional
Scaling relation (Levy stability exponent).
annualization : int, optional
Used to suppress default values available in `period` to convert
returns into annual returns. Value should be the annual frequency of
out : array-like, optional
Array to use as output buffer.
If not passed, a new array will be created.

annual_volatility : float
allocated_output = out is None
if allocated_output:
out = np.empty(returns.shape[ 1:])

returns_1d = returns.ndim == 1

if len(returns) < 2:
out[()] = np.nan
if returns_1d:
out = out.item()
return out

ann_factor = annualization_factor(period, annualization)
nanstd(returns, ddof= 1, axis= 0, out=out)
out = np.multiply(out, ann_factor ** ( 1.0 / alpha), out=out)
if returns_1d:
out = out.item()
return out

roll_annual_volatility = _create_unary_vectorized_roll_function(

def calmar_ratio( returns, period=DAILY, annualization= None):
Determines the Calmar ratio, or drawdown ratio, of a strategy.

returns : pd.Series or np.ndarray
Daily returns of the strategy, noncumulative.
- See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.cum_returns`.
period : str, optional
Defines the periodicity of the 'returns' data for purposes of
annualizing. Value ignored if `annualization` parameter is specified.
Defaults are::

'weekly': 52
'daily': 252

annualization : int, optional
Used to suppress default values available in `period` to convert
returns into annual returns. Value should be the annual frequency of

calmar_ratio : float
Calmar ratio (drawdown ratio) as float. Returns np.nan if there is no
calmar ratio.

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calmar_ratio for more details.

max_dd = max_drawdown( returns=returns)
if max_dd < 0:
temp = annual_return(
) / abs(max_dd)
return np.nan

if np.isinf(temp):
return np.nan

return temp

def omega_ratio( returns, risk_free= 0.0, required_return= 0.0,
"""Determines the Omega ratio of a strategy.

returns : pd.Series or np.ndarray
Daily returns of the strategy, noncumulative.
- See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.cum_returns`.
risk_free : int, float
Constant risk-free return throughout the period
required_return : float, optional
Minimum acceptance return of the investor. Threshold over which to
consider positive vs negative returns. It will be converted to a
value appropriate for the period of the returns. E.g. An annual minimum
acceptable return of 100 will translate to a minimum acceptable
return of 0.018.
annualization : int, optional
Factor used to convert the required_return into a daily
value. Enter 1 if no time period conversion is necessary.

omega_ratio : float

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omega_ratio for more details.


if len(returns) < 2:
return np.nan

if annualization == 1:
return_threshold = required_return
elif required_return <= - 1:
return np.nan
return_threshold = ( 1 + required_return) ** \
( 1. / annualization) - 1

returns_less_thresh = returns - risk_free - return_threshold

numer = sum(returns_less_thresh[returns_less_thresh > 0.0])
denom = - 1.0 * sum(returns_less_thresh[returns_less_thresh < 0.0])

if denom > 0.0:
return numer / denom
return np.nan

def sharpe_ratio( returns,
risk_free= 0,
annualization= None,
out= None):
Determines the Sharpe ratio of a strategy.

returns : pd.Series or np.ndarray
Daily returns of the strategy, noncumulative.
- See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.cum_returns`.
risk_free : int, float
Constant risk-free return throughout the period.
period : str, optional
Defines the periodicity of the 'returns' data for purposes of
annualizing. Value ignored if `annualization` parameter is specified.
Defaults are::

'weekly': 52
'daily': 252

annualization : int, optional
Used to suppress default values available in `period` to convert
returns into annual returns. Value should be the annual frequency of
out : array-like, optional
Array to use as output buffer.
If not passed, a new array will be created.

sharpe_ratio : float
nan if insufficient length of returns or if if adjusted returns are 0.

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sharpe_ratio for more details.

allocated_output = out is None
if allocated_output:
out = np.empty(returns.shape[ 1:])

return_1d = returns.ndim == 1

if len(returns) < 2:
out[()] = np.nan
if return_1d:
out = out.item()
return out

returns_risk_adj = np.asanyarray(_adjust_returns(returns, risk_free))
ann_factor = annualization_factor(period, annualization)

nanmean(returns_risk_adj, axis= 0),
nanstd(returns_risk_adj, ddof= 1, axis= 0),
if return_1d:
out = out.item()

return out

roll_sharpe_ratio = _create_unary_vectorized_roll_function(sharpe_ratio)

def sortino_ratio( returns,
required_return= 0,
annualization= None,
out= None,
_downside_risk= None):
Determines the Sortino ratio of a strategy.

returns : pd.Series or np.ndarray or pd.DataFrame
Daily returns of the strategy, noncumulative.
- See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.cum_returns`.
required_return: float / series
minimum acceptable return
period : str, optional
Defines the periodicity of the 'returns' data for purposes of
annualizing. Value ignored if `annualization` parameter is specified.
Defaults are::

'weekly': 52
'daily': 252

annualization : int, optional
Used to suppress default values available in `period` to convert
returns into annual returns. Value should be the annual frequency of
_downside_risk : float, optional
The downside risk of the given inputs, if known. Will be calculated if
not provided.
out : array-like, optional
Array to use as output buffer.
If not passed, a new array will be created.

sortino_ratio : float or pd.Series

depends on input type
series ==> float
DataFrame ==> pd.Series

See `<https://www.sunrisecapital.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Futures_
Mag_Sortino_0213.pdf>`__ for more details.

allocated_output = out is None
if allocated_output:
out = np.empty(returns.shape[ 1:])

return_1d = returns.ndim == 1

if len(returns) < 2:
out[()] = np.nan
if return_1d:
out = out.item()
return out

adj_returns = np.asanyarray(_adjust_returns(returns, required_return))

ann_factor = annualization_factor(period, annualization)

average_annual_return = nanmean(adj_returns, axis= 0) * ann_factor
annualized_downside_risk = (
if _downside_risk is not None else
downside_risk(returns, required_return, period, annualization)
np.divide(average_annual_return, annualized_downside_risk, out=out)
if return_1d:
out = out.item()
elif isinstance(returns, pd.DataFrame):
out = pd.Series(out)

return out

roll_sortino_ratio = _create_unary_vectorized_roll_function(sortino_ratio)

def downside_risk( returns,
required_return= 0,
annualization= None,
out= None):
Determines the downside deviation below a threshold

returns : pd.Series or np.ndarray or pd.DataFrame
Daily returns of the strategy, noncumulative.
- See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.cum_returns`.
required_return: float / series
minimum acceptable return
period : str, optional
Defines the periodicity of the 'returns' data for purposes of
annualizing. Value ignored if `annualization` parameter is specified.
Defaults are::

'weekly': 52
'daily': 252

annualization : int, optional
Used to suppress default values available in `period` to convert
returns into annual returns. Value should be the annual frequency of
out : array-like, optional
Array to use as output buffer.
If not passed, a new array will be created.

downside_deviation : float or pd.Series
depends on input type
series ==> float
DataFrame ==> pd.Series

See `<https://www.sunrisecapital.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Futures_
Mag_Sortino_0213.pdf>`__ for more details, specifically why using the
standard deviation of the negative returns is not correct.
allocated_output = out is None
if allocated_output:
out = np.empty(returns.shape[ 1:])

returns_1d = returns.ndim == 1

if len(returns) < 1:
out[()] = np.nan
if returns_1d:
out = out.item()
return out

ann_factor = annualization_factor(period, annualization)

downside_diff = np.clip(

np.square(downside_diff, out=downside_diff)
nanmean(downside_diff, axis= 0, out=out)
np.sqrt(out, out=out)
np.multiply(out, np.sqrt(ann_factor), out=out)

if returns_1d:
out = out.item()
elif isinstance(returns, pd.DataFrame):
out = pd.Series(out, index=returns.columns)
return out

roll_downsize_risk = _create_unary_vectorized_roll_function(downside_risk)

def excess_sharpe( returns, factor_returns, out= None):
Determines the Excess Sharpe of a strategy.

returns : pd.Series or np.ndarray
Daily returns of the strategy, noncumulative.
- See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.cum_returns`.
factor_returns: float / series
Benchmark return to compare returns against.
out : array-like, optional
Array to use as output buffer.
If not passed, a new array will be created.

excess_sharpe : float

The excess Sharpe is a simplified Information Ratio that uses
tracking error rather than "active risk" as the denominator.
allocated_output = out is None
if allocated_output:
out = np.empty(returns.shape[ 1:])

returns_1d = returns.ndim == 1

if len(returns) < 2:
out[()] = np.nan
if returns_1d:
out = out.item()
return out

active_return = _adjust_returns(returns, factor_returns)
tracking_error = np.nan_to_num(nanstd(active_return, ddof= 1, axis= 0))

out = np.divide(
nanmean(active_return, axis= 0, out=out),
if returns_1d:
out = out.item()
return out

roll_excess_sharpe = _create_binary_vectorized_roll_function(excess_sharpe)

def _to_pandas( ob):
"""Convert an array-like to a pandas object.

ob : array-like
The object to convert.

pandas_structure : pd.Series or pd.DataFrame
The correct structure based on the dimensionality of the data.
if isinstance(ob, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame)):
return ob

if ob.ndim == 1:
return pd.Series(ob)
elif ob.ndim == 2:
return pd.DataFrame(ob)
raise ValueError(
'cannot convert array of dim > 2 to a pandas structure',

def _aligned_series(* many_series):
Return a new list of series containing the data in the input series, but
with their indices aligned. NaNs will be filled in for missing values.

The series to align.

aligned_series : iterable[array-like]
A new list of series containing the data in the input series, but
with their indices aligned. NaNs will be filled in for missing values.

head = many_series[ 0]
tail = many_series[ 1:]
n = len(head)
if ( isinstance(head, np.ndarray) and
all( len(s) == n and isinstance(s, np.ndarray) for s in tail)):
# optimization: ndarrays of the same length are already aligned
return many_series

# dataframe has no ``itervalues``
return (
for _, v in iteritems(pd.concat( map(_to_pandas, many_series), axis= 1))

def alpha_beta( returns,
risk_free= 0.0,
annualization= None,
out= None):
"""Calculates annualized alpha and beta.

returns : pd.Series
Daily returns of the strategy, noncumulative.
- See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.cum_returns`.
factor_returns : pd.Series
Daily noncumulative returns of the factor to which beta is
computed. Usually a benchmark such as the market.
- This is in the same style as returns.
risk_free : int, float, optional
Constant risk-free return throughout the period. For example, the
interest rate on a three month us treasury bill.
period : str, optional
Defines the periodicity of the 'returns' data for purposes of
annualizing. Value ignored if `annualization` parameter is specified.
Defaults are::

'weekly': 52
'daily': 252

annualization : int, optional
Used to suppress default values available in `period` to convert
returns into annual returns. Value should be the annual frequency of
out : array-like, optional
Array to use as output buffer.
If not passed, a new array will be created.

alpha : float
beta : float
returns, factor_returns = _aligned_series(returns, factor_returns)

return alpha_beta_aligned(

def roll_alpha_beta( returns, factor_returns, window= 10, ** kwargs):
Computes alpha and beta over a rolling window.

lhs : array-like
The first array to pass to the rolling alpha-beta.
rhs : array-like
The second array to pass to the rolling alpha-beta.
window : int
Size of the rolling window in terms of the periodicity of the data.
out : array-like, optional
Array to use as output buffer.
If not passed, a new array will be created.
Forwarded to :func:`~empyrical.alpha_beta`.
returns, factor_returns = _aligned_series(returns, factor_returns)

return roll_alpha_beta_aligned(

def alpha_beta_aligned( returns,
risk_free= 0.0,
annualization= None,
out= None):
"""Calculates annualized alpha and beta.

If they are pd.Series, expects returns and factor_returns have already
been aligned on their labels. If np.ndarray, these arguments should have
the same shape.

returns : pd.Series or np.ndarray
Daily returns of the strategy, noncumulative.
- See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.cum_returns`.
factor_returns : pd.Series or np.ndarray
Daily noncumulative returns of the factor to which beta is
computed. Usually a benchmark such as the market.
- This is in the same style as returns.
risk_free : int, float, optional
Constant risk-free return throughout the period. For example, the
interest rate on a three month us treasury bill.
period : str, optional
Defines the periodicity of the 'returns' data for purposes of
annualizing. Value ignored if `annualization` parameter is specified.
Defaults are::

'weekly': 52
'daily': 252

annualization : int, optional
Used to suppress default values available in `period` to convert
returns into annual returns. Value should be the annual frequency of
out : array-like, optional
Array to use as output buffer.
If not passed, a new array will be created.

alpha : float
beta : float
if out is None:
out = np.empty(returns.shape[ 1:] + ( 2,), dtype= 'float64')

b = beta_aligned(returns, factor_returns, risk_free, out=out[..., 1])
out=out[..., 0],

return out

roll_alpha_beta_aligned = _create_binary_vectorized_roll_function(

def alpha( returns,
risk_free= 0.0,
annualization= None,
out= None,
_beta= None):
"""Calculates annualized alpha.

returns : pd.Series
Daily returns of the strategy, noncumulative.
- See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.cum_returns`.
factor_returns : pd.Series
Daily noncumulative returns of the factor to which beta is
computed. Usually a benchmark such as the market.
- This is in the same style as returns.
risk_free : int, float, optional
Constant risk-free return throughout the period. For example, the
interest rate on a three month us treasury bill.
period : str, optional
Defines the periodicity of the 'returns' data for purposes of
annualizing. Value ignored if `annualization` parameter is specified.
Defaults are::

'weekly': 52
'daily': 252

annualization : int, optional
Used to suppress default values available in `period` to convert
returns into annual returns. Value should be the annual frequency of
- See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.annual_return`.
_beta : float, optional
The beta for the given inputs, if already known. Will be calculated
internally if not provided.
out : array-like, optional
Array to use as output buffer.
If not passed, a new array will be created.

if not ( isinstance(returns, np.ndarray) and
isinstance(factor_returns, np.ndarray)):
returns, factor_returns = _aligned_series(returns, factor_returns)

return alpha_aligned(

roll_alpha = _create_binary_vectorized_roll_function(alpha)

def alpha_aligned( returns,
risk_free= 0.0,
annualization= None,
out= None,
_beta= None):
"""Calculates annualized alpha.

If they are pd.Series, expects returns and factor_returns have already
been aligned on their labels. If np.ndarray, these arguments should have
the same shape.

returns : pd.Series or np.ndarray
Daily returns of the strategy, noncumulative.
- See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.cum_returns`.
factor_returns : pd.Series or np.ndarray
Daily noncumulative returns of the factor to which beta is
computed. Usually a benchmark such as the market.
- This is in the same style as returns.
risk_free : int, float, optional
Constant risk-free return throughout the period. For example, the
interest rate on a three month us treasury bill.
period : str, optional
Defines the periodicity of the 'returns' data for purposes of
annualizing. Value ignored if `annualization` parameter is specified.
Defaults are::

'weekly': 52
'daily': 252

annualization : int, optional
Used to suppress default values available in `period` to convert
returns into annual returns. Value should be the annual frequency of
- See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.annual_return`.
_beta : float, optional
The beta for the given inputs, if already known. Will be calculated
internally if not provided.
out : array-like, optional
Array to use as output buffer.
If not passed, a new array will be created.

alpha : float
allocated_output = out is None
if allocated_output:
out = np.empty(returns.shape[ 1:], dtype= 'float64')

if len(returns) < 2:
out[()] = np.nan
if returns.ndim == 1:
out = out.item()
return out

ann_factor = annualization_factor(period, annualization)

if _beta is None:
_beta = beta_aligned(returns, factor_returns, risk_free)

adj_returns = _adjust_returns(returns, risk_free)
adj_factor_returns = _adjust_returns(factor_returns, risk_free)
alpha_series = adj_returns - (_beta * adj_factor_returns)

out = np.multiply(
nanmean(alpha_series, axis= 0, out=out),

if allocated_output and isinstance(returns, pd.DataFrame):
out = pd.Series(out)

if returns.ndim == 1:
out = out.item()

return out

roll_alpha_aligned = _create_binary_vectorized_roll_function(alpha_aligned)

def beta( returns, factor_returns, risk_free= 0.0, out= None):
"""Calculates beta.

returns : pd.Series
Daily returns of the strategy, noncumulative.
- See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.cum_returns`.
factor_returns : pd.Series
Daily noncumulative returns of the factor to which beta is
computed. Usually a benchmark such as the market.
- This is in the same style as returns.
risk_free : int, float, optional
Constant risk-free return throughout the period. For example, the
interest rate on a three month us treasury bill.
out : array-like, optional
Array to use as output buffer.
If not passed, a new array will be created.

beta : float
if not ( isinstance(returns, np.ndarray) and
isinstance(factor_returns, np.ndarray)):
returns, factor_returns = _aligned_series(returns, factor_returns)

return beta_aligned(

roll_beta = _create_binary_vectorized_roll_function(beta)

def beta_aligned( returns, factor_returns, risk_free= 0.0, out= None):
"""Calculates beta.

If they are pd.Series, expects returns and factor_returns have already
been aligned on their labels. If np.ndarray, these arguments should have
the same shape.

returns : pd.Series or np.ndarray
Daily returns of the strategy, noncumulative.
- See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.cum_returns`.
factor_returns : pd.Series or np.ndarray
Daily noncumulative returns of the factor to which beta is
computed. Usually a benchmark such as the market.
- This is in the same style as returns.
risk_free : int, float, optional
Constant risk-free return throughout the period. For example, the
interest rate on a three month us treasury bill.
out : array-like, optional
Array to use as output buffer.
If not passed, a new array will be created.

beta : float
# Cache these as locals since we're going to call them multiple times.
nan = np.nan
isnan = np.isnan

returns_1d = returns.ndim == 1
if returns_1d:
returns = returns[:, np.newaxis]

if factor_returns.ndim == 1:
factor_returns = factor_returns[:, np.newaxis]

N, M = returns.shape

if out is None:
out = np.full(M, nan)
elif out.ndim == 0:
out = out[np.newaxis]

if len(returns) < 1 or len(factor_returns) < 2:
out[()] = nan
if returns_1d:
out = out.item()
return out

# Copy N times as a column vector and fill with nans to have the same
# missing value pattern as the dependent variable.
# PERF_TODO: We could probably avoid the space blowup by doing this in
# Cython.

# shape: (N, M)
independent = np.where(

# Calculate beta as Cov(X, Y) / Cov(X, X).
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simple_linear_regression#Fitting_the_regression_line # noqa
# NOTE: The usual formula for covariance is::
# mean((X - mean(X)) * (Y - mean(Y)))
# However, we don't actually need to take the mean of both sides of the
# product, because of the folllowing equivalence::
# Let X_res = (X - mean(X)).
# We have:
# mean(X_res * (Y - mean(Y))) = mean(X_res * (Y - mean(Y)))
# (1) = mean((X_res * Y) - (X_res * mean(Y)))
# (2) = mean(X_res * Y) - mean(X_res * mean(Y))
# (3) = mean(X_res * Y) - mean(X_res) * mean(Y)
# (4) = mean(X_res * Y) - 0 * mean(Y)
# (5) = mean(X_res * Y)
# The tricky step in the above derivation is step (4). We know that
# mean(X_res) is zero because, for any X:
# mean(X - mean(X)) = mean(X) - mean(X) = 0.
# The upshot of this is that we only have to center one of `independent`
# and `dependent` when calculating covariances. Since we need the centered
# `independent` to calculate its variance in the next step, we choose to
# center `independent`.

ind_residual = independent - nanmean(independent, axis= 0)

covariances = nanmean(ind_residual * returns, axis= 0)

# We end up with different variances in each column here because each
# column may have a different subset of the data dropped due to missing
# data in the corresponding dependent column.
# shape: (M,)
np.square(ind_residual, out=ind_residual)
independent_variances = nanmean(ind_residual, axis= 0)
independent_variances[independent_variances < 1.0e-30] = np.nan

np.divide(covariances, independent_variances, out=out)

if returns_1d:
out = out.item()

return out

roll_beta_aligned = _create_binary_vectorized_roll_function(beta_aligned)

def stability_of_timeseries( returns):
"""Determines R-squared of a linear fit to the cumulative
log returns. Computes an ordinary least squares linear fit,
and returns R-squared.

returns : pd.Series or np.ndarray
Daily returns of the strategy, noncumulative.
- See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.cum_returns`.


if len(returns) < 2:
return np.nan

returns = np.asanyarray(returns)
returns = returns[~np.isnan(returns)]

cum_log_returns = np.log1p(returns).cumsum()
rhat = stats.linregress(np.arange( len(cum_log_returns)),
cum_log_returns)[ 2]

return rhat ** 2

def tail_ratio( returns):
"""Determines the ratio between the right (95%) and left tail (5%).

For example, a ratio of 0.25 means that losses are four times
as bad as profits.

returns : pd.Series or np.ndarray
Daily returns of the strategy, noncumulative.
- See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.cum_returns`.

tail_ratio : float

if len(returns) < 1:
return np.nan

returns = np.asanyarray(returns)
# Be tolerant of nan's
returns = returns[~np.isnan(returns)]
if len(returns) < 1:
return np.nan

return np.abs(np.percentile(returns, 95)) / \
np.abs(np.percentile(returns, 5))

def capture( returns, factor_returns, period=DAILY):
Compute capture ratio.

returns : pd.Series or np.ndarray
Returns of the strategy, noncumulative.
- See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.cum_returns`.
factor_returns : pd.Series or np.ndarray
Noncumulative returns of the factor to which beta is
computed. Usually a benchmark such as the market.
- This is in the same style as returns.
period : str, optional
Defines the periodicity of the 'returns' data for purposes of
annualizing. Value ignored if `annualization` parameter is specified.
Defaults are::

'weekly': 52
'daily': 252

capture_ratio : float

See http://www.investopedia.com/terms/u/up-market-capture-ratio.asp for
return (annual_return(returns, period=period) /
annual_return(factor_returns, period=period))

def up_capture( returns, factor_returns, ** kwargs):
Compute the capture ratio for periods when the benchmark return is positive

returns : pd.Series or np.ndarray
Returns of the strategy, noncumulative.
- See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.cum_returns`.
factor_returns : pd.Series or np.ndarray
Noncumulative returns of the factor to which beta is
computed. Usually a benchmark such as the market.
- This is in the same style as returns.
period : str, optional
Defines the periodicity of the 'returns' data for purposes of
annualizing. Value ignored if `annualization` parameter is specified.
Defaults are::

'weekly': 52
'daily': 252

up_capture : float

See http://www.investopedia.com/terms/u/up-market-capture-ratio.asp for
more information.
return up(returns, factor_returns, function=capture, **kwargs)

def down_capture( returns, factor_returns, ** kwargs):
Compute the capture ratio for periods when the benchmark return is negative

returns : pd.Series or np.ndarray
Returns of the strategy, noncumulative.
- See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.cum_returns`.
factor_returns : pd.Series or np.ndarray
Noncumulative returns of the factor to which beta is
computed. Usually a benchmark such as the market.
- This is in the same style as returns.
period : str, optional
Defines the periodicity of the 'returns' data for purposes of
annualizing. Value ignored if `annualization` parameter is specified.
Defaults are::

'weekly': 52
'daily': 252

down_capture : float

See http://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/down-market-capture-ratio.asp for
more information.
return down(returns, factor_returns, function=capture, **kwargs)

def up_down_capture( returns, factor_returns, ** kwargs):
Computes the ratio of up_capture to down_capture.

returns : pd.Series or np.ndarray
Returns of the strategy, noncumulative.
- See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.cum_returns`.
factor_returns : pd.Series or np.ndarray
Noncumulative returns of the factor to which beta is
computed. Usually a benchmark such as the market.
- This is in the same style as returns.
period : str, optional
Defines the periodicity of the 'returns' data for purposes of
annualizing. Value ignored if `annualization` parameter is specified.
Defaults are::

'weekly': 52
'daily': 252

up_down_capture : float
the updown capture ratio
return (up_capture(returns, factor_returns, **kwargs) /
down_capture(returns, factor_returns, **kwargs))

def up_alpha_beta( returns, factor_returns, ** kwargs):
Computes alpha and beta for periods when the benchmark return is positive.

see documentation for `alpha_beta`.

return up(returns, factor_returns, function=alpha_beta_aligned, **kwargs)

def down_alpha_beta( returns, factor_returns, ** kwargs):
Computes alpha and beta for periods when the benchmark return is negative.

see documentation for `alpha_beta`.

alpha : float
beta : float
return down(returns, factor_returns, function=alpha_beta_aligned, **kwargs)

def roll_up_capture( returns, factor_returns, window= 10, ** kwargs):
Computes the up capture measure over a rolling window.
see documentation for :func:`~empyrical.stats.up_capture`.
(pass all args, kwargs required)

returns : pd.Series or np.ndarray
Daily returns of the strategy, noncumulative.
- See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.cum_returns`.

factor_returns : pd.Series or np.ndarray
Noncumulative returns of the factor to which beta is
computed. Usually a benchmark such as the market.
- This is in the same style as returns.

window : int, required
Size of the rolling window in terms of the periodicity of the data.
- eg window = 60, periodicity=DAILY, represents a rolling 60 day window
return roll(returns, factor_returns, window=window, function=up_capture,

def roll_down_capture( returns, factor_returns, window= 10, ** kwargs):
Computes the down capture measure over a rolling window.
see documentation for :func:`~empyrical.stats.down_capture`.
(pass all args, kwargs required)

returns : pd.Series or np.ndarray
Daily returns of the strategy, noncumulative.
- See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.cum_returns`.

factor_returns : pd.Series or np.ndarray
Noncumulative returns of the factor to which beta is
computed. Usually a benchmark such as the market.
- This is in the same style as returns.

window : int, required
Size of the rolling window in terms of the periodicity of the data.
- eg window = 60, periodicity=DAILY, represents a rolling 60 day window
return roll(returns, factor_returns, window=window, function=down_capture,

def roll_up_down_capture( returns, factor_returns, window= 10, ** kwargs):
Computes the up/down capture measure over a rolling window.
see documentation for :func:`~empyrical.stats.up_down_capture`.
(pass all args, kwargs required)

returns : pd.Series or np.ndarray
Daily returns of the strategy, noncumulative.
- See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.cum_returns`.

factor_returns : pd.Series or np.ndarray
Noncumulative returns of the factor to which beta is
computed. Usually a benchmark such as the market.
- This is in the same style as returns.

window : int, required
Size of the rolling window in terms of the periodicity of the data.
- eg window = 60, periodicity=DAILY, represents a rolling 60 day window
return roll(returns, factor_returns, window=window,
function=up_down_capture, **kwargs)

def value_at_risk( returns, cutoff= 0.05):
Value at risk (VaR) of a returns stream.

returns : pandas.Series or 1-D numpy.array
Non-cumulative daily returns.
cutoff : float, optional
Decimal representing the percentage cutoff for the bottom percentile of
returns. Defaults to 0.05.

VaR : float
The VaR value.
return np.percentile(returns, 100 * cutoff)

def conditional_value_at_risk( returns, cutoff= 0.05):
Conditional value at risk (CVaR) of a returns stream.

CVaR measures the expected single-day returns of an asset on that asset's
worst performing days, where "worst-performing" is defined as falling below
``cutoff`` as a percentile of all daily returns.

returns : pandas.Series or 1-D numpy.array
Non-cumulative daily returns.
cutoff : float, optional
Decimal representing the percentage cutoff for the bottom percentile of
returns. Defaults to 0.05.

CVaR : float
The CVaR value.
# PERF: Instead of using the 'value_at_risk' function to find the cutoff
# value, which requires a call to numpy.percentile, determine the cutoff
# index manually and partition out the lowest returns values. The value at
# the cutoff index should be included in the partition.
cutoff_index = int(( len(returns) - 1) * cutoff)
return np.mean(np.partition(returns, cutoff_index)[:cutoff_index + 1])



