The visit to umobile server center

Today I went to out customer's server cneter with sunny in Kuala Lumpar of Malaysia . My driver is a man of born in Malaysia.But during this time,I indeed feel my english words is too poor to express my words.just like when I want to say 哑巴 but for a long time ,I can't remember how to say "哑巴".Even the common english words like how much ,how often,how long ,how frequency and when ... I can not remember a lot of common words just in the middle school I have this time I feel the english words are so important.before this time I don't want to remember the strange english words.But now I feel I'm wrong.

  A time ago, I think doing is import than speaking.But now  it has changed my  mind.Speak is also important and it's another way of doing.less words less talk and then poor english .more words does not mean more talktive.but more talk means more words.Ago I hate english words,but now when I have to use english speaking to eat and to commucation.I feel I don't have the privileges to hate.

 I'm sure I'm not a talktive person,somebody has a gift  of talking.But I'm not belonged to this king of person.I find when I want to express a meaning,I have to first to remember the whole syntax. If you only remember some key words,It's no use.

 So I think my only way to impove english is to write more ,talk more and use more.So keep a way of writing english diary day by day is the only way to change myself to my work enviroment.That;s it.

I am excepting the day When I want to express my idea ,I can use no more than 3 seconds to speak out with english.Excepting...

