

BOOL SHGetSpecialFolderPath( 

    HWND hwndOwner,
    LPTSTR lpszPath,
    int nFolder,
    BOOL fCreate




    HWND hwndOwner,  窗口所有者的句柄。可用GetDesktopWindow API取一个窗口句柄或直接传null.
    LPTSTR lpszPath, 返回路径的缓冲区,该缓冲区的大小至少为MAX_PATH
    int nFolder, 系统路径的CSIDL标识
    BOOL fCreate,指示文件夹不存在时是否创建。为false则不创建,否则创建      


       CSIDL (constant special item ID list)是系统定义的特殊条目的ID列表,在vista之后被KNOWNFOLDERID所替代(但为保持兼容性,仍支持CSIDL)。在shlobj.h中进行定义,在xp的SDK中定义如下:

#define CSIDL_DESKTOP                   0x0000        // <desktop>
#define CSIDL_INTERNET                  0x0001        // Internet Explorer (icon on desktop)
#define CSIDL_PROGRAMS                  0x0002        // Start Menu\Programs
#define CSIDL_CONTROLS                  0x0003        // My Computer\Control Panel
#define CSIDL_PRINTERS                  0x0004        // My Computer\Printers
#define CSIDL_PERSONAL                  0x0005        // My Documents
#define CSIDL_FAVORITES                 0x0006        // <user name>\Favorites
#define CSIDL_STARTUP                   0x0007        // Start Menu\Programs\Startup
#define CSIDL_RECENT                    0x0008        // <user name>\Recent
#define CSIDL_SENDTO                    0x0009        // <user name>\SendTo
#define CSIDL_BITBUCKET                 0x000a        // <desktop>\Recycle Bin
#define CSIDL_STARTMENU                 0x000b        // <user name>\Start Menu
#define CSIDL_MYDOCUMENTS               CSIDL_PERSONAL //  Personal was just a silly name for My Documents
#define CSIDL_MYMUSIC                   0x000d        // "My Music" folder
#define CSIDL_MYVIDEO                   0x000e        // "My Videos" folder
#define CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY          0x0010        // <user name>\Desktop
#define CSIDL_DRIVES                    0x0011        // My Computer
#define CSIDL_NETWORK                   0x0012        // Network Neighborhood (My Network Places)
#define CSIDL_NETHOOD                   0x0013        // <user name>\nethood
#define CSIDL_FONTS                     0x0014        // windows\fonts
#define CSIDL_TEMPLATES                 0x0015
#define CSIDL_COMMON_STARTMENU          0x0016        // All Users\Start Menu
#define CSIDL_COMMON_PROGRAMS           0X0017        // All Users\Start Menu\Programs
#define CSIDL_COMMON_STARTUP            0x0018        // All Users\Startup
#define CSIDL_COMMON_DESKTOPDIRECTORY   0x0019        // All Users\Desktop
#define CSIDL_APPDATA                   0x001a        // <user name>\Application Data
#define CSIDL_PRINTHOOD                 0x001b        // <user name>\PrintHood

#define CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA             0x001c        // <user name>\Local Settings\Applicaiton Data (non roaming)

#define CSIDL_ALTSTARTUP                0x001d        // non localized startup
#define CSIDL_COMMON_ALTSTARTUP         0x001e        // non localized common startup
#define CSIDL_COMMON_FAVORITES          0x001f

#ifndef _SHFOLDER_H_
#define CSIDL_INTERNET_CACHE            0x0020
#define CSIDL_COOKIES                   0x0021
#define CSIDL_HISTORY                   0x0022
#define CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA            0x0023        // All Users\Application Data
#define CSIDL_WINDOWS                   0x0024        // GetWindowsDirectory()
#define CSIDL_SYSTEM                    0x0025        // GetSystemDirectory()
#define CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES             0x0026        // C:\Program Files
#define CSIDL_MYPICTURES                0x0027        // C:\Program Files\My Pictures
#endif // _SHFOLDER_H_

#define CSIDL_PROFILE                   0x0028        // USERPROFILE
#define CSIDL_SYSTEMX86                 0x0029        // x86 system directory on RISC
#define CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILESX86          0x002a        // x86 C:\Program Files on RISC

#ifndef _SHFOLDER_H_
#define CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES_COMMON      0x002b        // C:\Program Files\Common
#endif // _SHFOLDER_H_

#define CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES_COMMONX86   0x002c        // x86 Program Files\Common on RISC
#define CSIDL_COMMON_TEMPLATES          0x002d        // All Users\Templates

#ifndef _SHFOLDER_H_
#define CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS          0x002e        // All Users\Documents
#define CSIDL_COMMON_ADMINTOOLS         0x002f        // All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools
#define CSIDL_ADMINTOOLS                0x0030        // <user name>\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools
#endif // _SHFOLDER_H_

#define CSIDL_CONNECTIONS               0x0031        // Network and Dial-up Connections
#define CSIDL_COMMON_MUSIC              0x0035        // All Users\My Music
#define CSIDL_COMMON_PICTURES           0x0036        // All Users\My Pictures
#define CSIDL_COMMON_VIDEO              0x0037        // All Users\My Video
#define CSIDL_RESOURCES                 0x0038        // Resource Direcotry

#ifndef _SHFOLDER_H_
#define CSIDL_RESOURCES_LOCALIZED       0x0039        // Localized Resource Direcotry
#endif // _SHFOLDER_H_

#define CSIDL_COMMON_OEM_LINKS          0x003a        // Links to All Users OEM specific apps
#define CSIDL_CDBURN_AREA               0x003b        // USERPROFILE\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\CD Burning
// unused                               0x003c
#define CSIDL_COMPUTERSNEARME           0x003d        // Computers Near Me (computered from Workgroup membership)

#ifndef _SHFOLDER_H_
#define CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE               0x8000        // combine with CSIDL_ value to force folder creation in SHGetFolderPath()
#endif // _SHFOLDER_H_

#define CSIDL_FLAG_DONT_VERIFY          0x4000        // combine with CSIDL_ value to return an unverified folder path
#define CSIDL_FLAG_DONT_UNEXPAND        0x2000        // combine with CSIDL_ value to avoid unexpanding environment variables
#define CSIDL_FLAG_NO_ALIAS             0x1000        // combine with CSIDL_ value to insure non-alias versions of the pidl
#define CSIDL_FLAG_PER_USER_INIT        0x0800        // combine with CSIDL_ value to indicate per-user init (eg. upgrade)
#endif  // NTDDI_WINXP
#define CSIDL_FLAG_MASK                 0xFF00        // mask for all possible flag values




       Header: shlobj.h 
       Import library: shell32.lib 


#include <stdio.h>
#include <shlobj.h>

#pragma   comment(lib,   "shell32.lib")  

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    TCHAR tcProgramFile[MAX_PATH];
    bool isSuc = SHGetSpecialFolderPath(NULL, tcProgramFile, CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS, FALSE);  

    if (isSuc)
        printf("Get COMMON DOCUMENTS suceed.  COMMON DOCUMENTS is: %s\r\n", szPath);
        printf("Get COMMON DOCUMENTS failed.\r\n");

    return 0;


