
1. Create you SSH-key.

If you've already generated it, you don't need to regenerate it !
$ssh-keygen  -t  rsa  -C  your-email
Now the public key will be located in ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

2. Add your key to Gerrit server.

$cat  ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
• Open web of gerrit , sign in
• Click “Settings” and then “SSH Public keys”. Paste the entire contents of your ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub into the textbox and click the “add” button.

3. Create or edit the file ~/.ssh/config and add configuration.

$sudo apt-get install vim    (you need know a little VIM, if not, please use gedit)
$vi  ~/.ssh/config   or   gedit ~/.ssh/config
Paste and edit the following content:

Host gerrit1
    HostName XXXXX
    Port 29418
    User your-gerrit-login-username
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa

$chmod og-rwx  ~/.ssh/config

4. Config Git

$sudo apt-get install git
$git config --global user.email “your-gerrit-email”
$git config --global user.name “your-gerrit-login-username”
$vi ~/.gitconfig

Paste and edit the following content:

[review "http://XXXXX:8080"]
        username = your-gerrit-login-username

5. Now to verify your ssh setup is okay and key is working correctly, try to connect to Gerrit’s SSH port:

$ssh gerrit1
If the following information appears, the configuration is successful:
 ****    Welcome to Gerrit Code Review    ****

6.  Install repo

$mkdir ~/bin

get the repo from your team, and copy repo to ~/bin/

$vi ~/bin/repo

edit the REPO_URL  and  REPO_REV for your repo
for example

REPO_URL = 'ssh://XXXX/repo'
REPO_REV = 'stable'

$chmod +x ~/bin/repo
$ sudo vi ~/.bashrc

Add a new line at the end:

export PATH=$PATH:~/bin

$source ~/.bashrc


If you want to get the repo for yourself:

$git clone https://code.csdn.net/kangear/git-repo.git -b stable

$cp git-repo/repo ~/bin

7.  Verify repo

$repo help
If the following information appears, the configuration is successful:
 cmd :  help
 usage: repo COMMAND [ARGS]
 repo is not yet installed.  Use "repo init" to install it here.
 The most commonly used repo commands are:
  init      Install repo in the current working directory
  help      Display detailed help on a command
 For access to the full online help, install repo ("repo init").

8.   Then, you can request the access permission and try to sync the code.

You can use 'git clone XXX' or 'repo init -u XX -m XX -b XX' to sync code.

