【脚本】Stack-based Virtual Machine and Interpreter

版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,未经博主允许不得转载。 https://blog.csdn.net/wuzh1230/article/details/52241836

Design of a script language could be separated into Two parts: VM(virtual machine) and Translator.

Try to run a script, firstly, a grammar translator parse natural language into BYTE CODE( or assembly), which could be executed on the VM.

Here are some instructions about constructing a script VM.

to be continued.

  1. ByteCode
  2. StackMachine
  3. RegisterMachine
  4. FormalGrammar
  5. Abstract.Syntax.Tree.Post.Order.Traversal
  6. Lex.Yacc.LLVM
  7. toy.on.github

