

In communication, every detail counts. Although your focus should be on conveying your message through an appropriate structure at all levels, you should also save some time to attend to the more mechanical aspects of writing in English, such as using abbreviations, writing numbers, capitalizing words, using hyphens when needed, and punctuating your text correctly.

Using abbreviations

Beware of overusing abbreviations, especially acronyms — such as  GNP for  gold nanoparticles. Abbreviations help keep a text concise, but they can also render it cryptic. Many acronyms also have several possible extensions ( GNP also stands for  gross national product).
Write acronyms (and only acronyms) in all uppercase ( GNP, not  gnp).
Introduce acronyms systematically the first time they are used in a document. First write the full expression, then provide the acronym in parentheses. In the full expression, and unless the journal to which you submit your paper uses a different convention, capitalize the letters that form the acronym: "we prepared Gold NanoParticles (GNP) by . . . " These capitals help readers quickly recognize what the acronym designates.
  • Do not use capitals in the full expression when you are not introducing an acronym: "we prepared gold nanoparticles by… "
  • As a more general rule, use first what readers know or can understand best, then put in parentheses what may be new to them. If the acronym is better known than the full expression, as may be the case for techniques such as SEM or projects such as FALCON, consider placing the acronym first: "The FALCON (Fission-Activated Laser Concept) program at…"
  • In the rare case that an acronym is commonly known, you might not need to introduce it. One example is DNA in the life sciences. When in doubt, however, introduce the acronym.
In papers, consider the abstract as a stand-alone document. Therefore, if you use an acronym in both the abstract and the corresponding full paper, introduce that acronym twice: the first time you use it in the abstract and the first time you use it in the full paper. However, if you find that you use an acronym only once or twice after introducing it in your abstract, the benefit of it is limited — consider avoiding the acronym and using the full expression each time (unless you think some readers know the acronym better than the full expression).

Writing numbers

In general, write single-digit numbers (zero to nine) in words, as in  three hours, and multidigit numbers (10 and above) in numerals, as in  24 hours. This rule has many exceptions, but most of them are reasonably intuitive, as shown hereafter.
Use numerals for numbers from zero to nine
  • when using them with abbreviated units (3 mV);
  • in dates and times (3 October3 pm);
  • to identify figures and other items (Figure 3);
  • for consistency when these numbers are mixed with larger numbers (series of 3, 7, and 24 experiments).
Use words for numbers above 10 if these numbers come at the beginning of a sentence or heading ("Two thousand eight was a challenging year for . . . "). As an alternative, rephrase the sentence to avoid this issue altogether ("The year 2008 was challenging for . . . " ).

Capitalizing words

Capitals are often overused. In English, use initial capitals
  • at beginnings: the start of a sentence, of a heading, etc.;
  • for proper nouns, including nouns describing groups (compare physics and the Physics Department);
  • for items identified by their number (compare in the next figure and in Figure 2), unless the journal to which you submit your paper uses a different convention;
  • for specific words: names of days (Monday) and months (April), adjectives of nationality (Algerian), etc.
In contrast, do not use initial capitals for common nouns: Resist the temptation to glorify a concept, technique, or compound with capitals. For example, write  finite-element method (not  Finite-Element Method),  mass spectrometry (not  Mass Spectrometry),  carbon dioxide (not  Carbon Dioxide), and so on, unless you are introducing an acronym (see  Mechanics: Using abbreviations).

Using hyphens

Use hyphens in English to clarify relationships in chains of words. Thus,  low temperature impact(without a hyphen) suggests a low impact of the temperature, whereas  low-temperature impact(with a hyphen) suggests the impact of or at low temperature. Such hyphens, useful for (nouns used as) adjectives, are unnecessary for adverbs. For example,  a highly interesting paper does not need a hyphen; in this phrase,  highly can only qualify  interesting (not  paper).
In general, do not use a hyphen with a prefix, namely an element that is not a word in itself and that is added at the beginning of a word to modify its meaning. Thus, write  multichannelnonlinearpreamplifierpostdoctoralrealign, etc. As an exception to this rule, use a hyphen to separate vowels that would otherwise be read together, as in  pre-embryo, or when the original word is written with a capital, as in  pre-Columbian.

Punctuating text

Punctuation has many rules in English; here are three that are often a challenge for non-native speakers.
As a rule, insert a comma between the subject of the main clause and whatever comes in front of it, no matter how short, as in "Surprisingly, the temperature did not increase." This comma is not always required, but it often helps and never hurts the meaning of a sentence, so it is good practice.
In series of three or more items, separate items with commas ( red, white, and blueyesterday, today, or tomorrow). Do not use a comma for a series of two items ( black and white).
In displayed lists, use the same punctuation as you would in normal text (but consider dropping the  and).
The system is fast, flexible, and reliable.
The system is
  • fast,
  • flexible,
  • reliable.

