




# Redis configuration file example

# Note on units: when memory size is needed, it is possible to specify
# it in the usual form of 1k 5GB 4M and so forth:
# 1k => 1000 bytes
# 1kb => 1024 bytes
# 1m => 1000000 bytes
# 1mb => 1024*1024 bytes
# 1g => 1000000000 bytes
# 1gb => 1024*1024*1024 bytes
# units are case insensitive so 1GB 1Gb 1gB are all the same.


# redis 配置文件示例
# 当你需要为某个配置项指定内存大小的时候,必须要带上单位,
# 通常的格式就是 1k 5gb 4m 等格式:
# 1k  => 1000 bytes
# 1kb => 1024 bytes
# 1m  => 1000000 bytes
# 1mb => 1024*1024 bytes
# 1g  => 1000000000 bytes
# 1gb => 1024*1024*1024 bytes
# 单位是不区分大小写的,你写 1K 5GB 4M 也行



################################## INCLUDES ###################################

# Include one or more other config files here.  This is useful if you
# have a standard template that goes to all Redis servers but also need
# to customize a few per-server settings.  Include files can include
# other files, so use this wisely.
# Notice option "include" won't be rewritten by command "CONFIG REWRITE"
# from admin or Redis Sentinel. Since Redis always uses the last processed
# line as value of a configuration directive, you'd better put includes
# at the beginning of this file to avoid overwriting config change at runtime.
# If instead you are interested in using includes to override configuration
# options, it is better to use include as the last line.
# include .\path\to\local.conf
# include c:\path\to\other.conf


# 假如说你有一个可用于所有的 redis server 的标准配置模板,
# 但针对某些 server 又需要一些个性化的设置,
# 你可以使用 include 来包含一些其他的配置文件,这对你来说是非常有用的。
# 但是要注意哦,include 是不能被 config rewrite 命令改写的
# 由于 redis 总是以最后的加工线作为一个配置指令值,所以你最好是把 include 放在这个文件的最前面,
# 以避免在运行时覆盖配置的改变,相反,你就把它放在后面。
# include .\path\to\local.conf
# include c:\path\to\other.conf


################################ GENERAL  #####################################

# On Windows, daemonize and pidfile are not supported.
# However, you can run redis as a Windows service, and specify a logfile.
# The logfile will contain the pid. 

# Accept connections on the specified port, default is 6379.
# If port 0 is specified Redis will not listen on a TCP socket.
port 6379


################################ 常用 #####################################
# 在windows中,默认情况下 redis 不是作为守护进程运行的,如果你想让它在后台运行,需要指定一个logfile。这个logfile会包含一个 pid

#监听端口号,默认为 6379,如果你设为 0 ,redis 将不在 socket 上监听任何客户端连接。



