(05)C++ builder之AES加解密

版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,未经博主允许不得转载。 https://blog.csdn.net/dlboy2018/article/details/80378369

(同一个世界,同一个梦想,交流学习C++Builder XE10,传承c++builder的魅力!欢迎各地朋友加入我的QQ群484979943,进群密码“BCB”,同时也请将该群号广为宣传,希望能够广集各方高手,共同进步。如需下载开发工具及源代码请加入我的QQ群)













3、添加上述两个文件到项目中去:Project->Add to project(右下角文件类型选择*.*)



#include <vcl.h>
#pragma hdrstop
#include "AES.hpp"
#include "ElAES.hpp"

#include "UnitMain.h"
#pragma package(smart_init)

#pragma resource "*.dfm"



#include <ElAES.hpp>


#include "ElAES.hpp"



#include <vcl.h>
#pragma hdrstop
#include "AES.hpp"
#include "ElAES.hpp"

#include "UnitMain.h"
#pragma package(smart_init)
#pragma resource "*.dfm"
TFormMain *FormMain;
__fastcall TFormMain::TFormMain(TComponent* Owner)
: TForm(Owner)
void __fastcall TFormMain::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)



void __fastcall TFormMain::Button3Click(TObject *Sender)



void __fastcall TFormMain::Button2Click(TObject *Sender)



void __fastcall TFormMain::Button4Click(TObject *Sender)









function EncryptString(Value: AnsiString; Key: AnsiString;
  KeyBit: TKeyBit = kb128): AnsiString;
function DecryptString(Value: AnsiString; Key: AnsiString;
  KeyBit: TKeyBit = kb128): AnsiString;

function EncryptStream(Src: TStream; Key: AnsiString;
  var Dest: TStream; KeyBit: TKeyBit = kb128): Boolean;
function DecryptStream(Src: TStream; Key: AnsiString;
  var Dest: TStream; KeyBit: TKeyBit = kb128): Boolean;

procedure EncryptFile(SourceFile, DestFile: String;
  Key: AnsiString; KeyBit: TKeyBit = kb128);
procedure DecryptFile(SourceFile, DestFile: String;
  Key: AnsiString; KeyBit: TKeyBit = kb128);

四、两个delphi AES加解密源代码



(*     Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)                     *)
(*     Interface Unit v1.3                                    *)
(*                                                            *)
(*     Copyright (c) 2002 Jorlen Young                        *)
(*                                                            *)
(* 说明:                                                     *)
(*    基于 ElASE.pas 单元封装                                 *)
(*                                                            *)
(*    这是一个 AES 加密算法的标准接口。                       *)
(* 调用示例:                                                 *)
(* if not EncryptStream(src, key, TStream(Dest), keybit) then *)
(*   showmessage('encrypt error');                            *)
(*                                                            *)
(* if not DecryptStream(src, key, TStream(Dest), keybit) then *)
(*   showmessage('encrypt error');                            *)
(*                                                            *)
(* *** 一定要对Dest进行TStream(Dest) ***                      *)
(* ========================================================== *)
(*                                                            *)
(*   支持 128 / 192 / 256 位的密匙                            *)
(*   默认情况下按照 128 位密匙操作                            *)
(*                                                            *)

unit AES;                  


  SysUtils, Classes, Math, ElAES;

  SDestStreamNotCreated = 'Dest stream not created.';
  SEncryptStreamError = 'Encrypt stream error.';
  SDecryptStreamError = 'Decrypt stream error.';

  TKeyBit = (kb128, kb192, kb256);

function StrToHex(Const str: AnsiString): AnsiString;
function HexToStr(const Str: AnsiString): AnsiString;

function EncryptString(Value: AnsiString; Key: AnsiString;
  KeyBit: TKeyBit = kb128): AnsiString;
function DecryptString(Value: AnsiString; Key: AnsiString;
  KeyBit: TKeyBit = kb128): AnsiString;

function EncryptStream(Src: TStream; Key: AnsiString;
  var Dest: TStream; KeyBit: TKeyBit = kb128): Boolean;
function DecryptStream(Src: TStream; Key: AnsiString;
  var Dest: TStream; KeyBit: TKeyBit = kb128): Boolean;

procedure EncryptFile(SourceFile, DestFile: String;
  Key: AnsiString; KeyBit: TKeyBit = kb128);
procedure DecryptFile(SourceFile, DestFile: String;
  Key: AnsiString; KeyBit: TKeyBit = kb128);


function StrToHex(Const str: Ansistring): Ansistring;
    push ebx
    push esi
    push edi
    test eax,eax
    jz   @@Exit
    mov  esi,edx       //保存edx值,用来产生新字符串的地址
    mov  edi,eax       //保存原字符串
    mov  edx,[eax-4]  //获得字符串长度
    test edx,edx      //检查长度
    je   @@Exit      {Length(S) = 0}
    mov  ecx,edx       //保存长度
    Push ecx
    shl  edx,1
    mov  eax,esi
    movzx ecx, word ptr [edi-12] {需要设置CodePage}
    call System.@LStrSetLength //设置新串长度
    mov  eax,esi       //新字符串地址
    Call UniqueString  //产生一个唯一的新字符串,串位置在eax中
    Pop   ecx
    xor  edx,edx       //清空edx
    mov  dl, [edi]     //Str字符串字符
    mov  ebx,edx       //保存当前的字符
    shr  edx,4         //右移4字节,得到高8位
    mov  dl,byte ptr[edx+@@HexChar] //转换成字符
    mov  [eax],dl      //将字符串输入到新建串中存放
    and  ebx,$0F       //获得低8位
    mov  dl,byte ptr[ebx+@@HexChar] //转换成字符
    inc  eax             //移动一个字节,存放低位
    mov  [eax],dl
    inc  edi
    inc  eax
    loop @@SetHex
    pop  edi
    pop  esi
    pop  ebx
  @@HexChar: db '0123456789ABCDEF'

function HexToStr(const Str: AnsiString): AnsiString;
  push ebx
  push edi
  push esi
  test eax,eax //为空串
  jz   @@Exit
  mov  edi,eax
  mov  esi,edx
  mov  edx,[eax-4]
  test edx,edx
  je   @@Exit
  mov  ecx,edx
  push ecx
  shr  edx,1
  mov  eax,esi //开始构造字符串
  movzx ecx, word ptr [edi-12] {需要设置CodePage}
  call System.@LStrSetLength //设置新串长度
  mov  eax,esi       //新字符串地址
  Call UniqueString  //产生一个唯一的新字符串,串位置在eax中
  Pop   ecx
  xor  ebx,ebx
  xor  esi,esi
  xor  edx,edx
  mov  dl, [edi]     //Str字符串字符
  cmp  dl, '0'  //查看是否在0到f之间的字符
  JB   @@Exit   //小于0,退出
  cmp  dl,'9'   //小于=9
  ja  @@DoChar//CompOkNum
  sub  dl,'0'
  jmp  @@DoConvert
  and  dl,$DF
  cmp  dl,'F'
  ja   @@Exit  //大于F退出
  add  dl,10
  sub  dl,'A'
@@DoConvert: //转化
  inc  ebx
  cmp  ebx,2
  je   @@Num1
  xor  esi,esi
  shl  edx,4
  mov  esi,edx
  jmp  @@Num2
  add  esi,edx
  mov  edx,esi
  mov  [eax],dl
  xor  ebx,ebx
  inc  eax
  dec  ecx
  inc  edi
  test ecx,ecx
  jnz  @@CharFromHex
  pop  esi
  pop  edi
  pop  ebx

{  --  字符串加密函数 默认按照 128 位密匙加密 --  }
function EncryptString(Value: AnsiString; Key: AnsiString;
  KeyBit: TKeyBit = kb128): AnsiString;
  SS,DS: TMemoryStream;
  SS, DS: TStringStream;
  Size: Int64;
  AESKey128: TAESKey128;
  AESKey192: TAESKey192;
  AESKey256: TAESKey256;
  st: AnsiString;
  Result := '';
    ss := TMemoryStream.Create;
    DS := TMemoryStream.Create;
    SS := TStringStream.Create(Value);
    DS := TStringStream.Create('');
    Size := SS.Size;
    DS.WriteBuffer(Size, SizeOf(Size));
    {  --  128 位密匙最大长度为 16 个字符 --  }
    if KeyBit = kb128 then
      FillChar(AESKey128, SizeOf(AESKey128), 0 );
      Move(PAnsiChar(Key)^, AESKey128, Min(SizeOf(AESKey128), Length(Key)));
      EncryptAESStreamECB(SS, 0, AESKey128, DS);
    {  --  192 位密匙最大长度为 24 个字符 --  }
    if KeyBit = kb192 then
      FillChar(AESKey192, SizeOf(AESKey192), 0 );
      Move(PAnsiChar(Key)^, AESKey192, Min(SizeOf(AESKey192), Length(Key)));
      EncryptAESStreamECB(SS, 0, AESKey192, DS);
    {  --  256 位密匙最大长度为 32 个字符 --  }
    if KeyBit = kb256 then
      FillChar(AESKey256, SizeOf(AESKey256), 0 );
      Move(PAnsiChar(Key)^, AESKey256, Min(SizeOf(AESKey256), Length(Key)));
      EncryptAESStreamECB(SS, 0, AESKey256, DS);
      DS.Position := 0;
      Result := StrToHex(st);
      Result := StrToHex(DS.DataString);

{  --  字符串解密函数 默认按照 128 位密匙解密 --  }
function DecryptString(Value: AnsiString; Key: AnsiString;
  KeyBit: TKeyBit = kb128): AnsiString;
  SS, DS: TStringStream;
  Size: Int64;
  AESKey128: TAESKey128;
  AESKey192: TAESKey192;
  AESKey256: TAESKey256;
  Result := '';
  SS := TStringStream.Create(HexToStr(Value));
  DS := TStringStream.Create('');
    Size := SS.Size;
    SS.ReadBuffer(Size, SizeOf(Size));
    {  --  128 位密匙最大长度为 16 个字符 --  }
    if KeyBit = kb128 then
      FillChar(AESKey128, SizeOf(AESKey128), 0 );
      Move(PAnsiChar(Key)^, AESKey128, Min(SizeOf(AESKey128), Length(Key)));
      DecryptAESStreamECB(SS, SS.Size - SS.Position, AESKey128, DS);
    {  --  192 位密匙最大长度为 24 个字符 --  }
    if KeyBit = kb192 then
      FillChar(AESKey192, SizeOf(AESKey192), 0 );
      Move(PAnsiChar(Key)^, AESKey192, Min(SizeOf(AESKey192), Length(Key)));
      DecryptAESStreamECB(SS, SS.Size - SS.Position, AESKey192, DS);
    {  --  256 位密匙最大长度为 32 个字符 --  }
    if KeyBit = kb256 then
      FillChar(AESKey256, SizeOf(AESKey256), 0 );
      Move(PAnsiChar(Key)^, AESKey256, Min(SizeOf(AESKey256), Length(Key)));
      DecryptAESStreamECB(SS, SS.Size - SS.Position, AESKey256, DS);
    Result := DS.DataString;

{ 流加密函数, default keybit: 128bit }
function EncryptStream(Src: TStream; Key: AnsiString;
  var Dest: TStream; KeyBit: TKeyBit = kb128): Boolean;
  Count: Int64;
  AESKey128: TAESKey128;
  AESKey192: TAESKey192;
  AESKey256: TAESKey256;
  if Dest = nil then
    raise Exception.Create(SDestStreamNotCreated);
    Result:= False;

    Src.Position:= 0;
    Count:= Src.Size;
    Dest.Write(Count, SizeOf(Count));
    {  --  128 位密匙最大长度为 16 个字符 --  }
    if KeyBit = kb128 then
      FillChar(AESKey128, SizeOf(AESKey128), 0 );
      Move(PAnsiChar(Key)^, AESKey128, Min(SizeOf(AESKey128), Length(Key)));
      EncryptAESStreamECB(Src, 0, AESKey128, Dest);
    {  --  192 位密匙最大长度为 24 个字符 --  }
    if KeyBit = kb192 then
      FillChar(AESKey192, SizeOf(AESKey192), 0 );
      Move(PAnsiChar(Key)^, AESKey192, Min(SizeOf(AESKey192), Length(Key)));
      EncryptAESStreamECB(Src, 0, AESKey192, Dest);
    {  --  256 位密匙最大长度为 32 个字符 --  }
    if KeyBit = kb256 then
      FillChar(AESKey256, SizeOf(AESKey256), 0 );
      Move(PAnsiChar(Key)^, AESKey256, Min(SizeOf(AESKey256), Length(Key)));
      EncryptAESStreamECB(Src, 0, AESKey256, Dest);

    Result := True;
    raise Exception.Create(SEncryptStreamError);
    Result:= False;

{ 流解密函数, default keybit: 128bit }
function DecryptStream(Src: TStream; Key: AnsiString;
  var Dest: TStream; KeyBit: TKeyBit = kb128): Boolean;
  Count, OutPos: Int64;
  AESKey128: TAESKey128;
  AESKey192: TAESKey192;
  AESKey256: TAESKey256;
  if Dest = nil then
    raise Exception.Create(SDestStreamNotCreated);
    Result:= False;

    Src.Position:= 0;
    OutPos:= Dest.Position;
    Src.ReadBuffer(Count, SizeOf(Count));
    {  --  128 位密匙最大长度为 16 个字符 --  }
    if KeyBit = kb128 then
      FillChar(AESKey128, SizeOf(AESKey128), 0 );
      Move(PAnsiChar(Key)^, AESKey128, Min(SizeOf(AESKey128), Length(Key)));
      DecryptAESStreamECB(Src, Src.Size - Src.Position,
        AESKey128, Dest);
    {  --  192 位密匙最大长度为 24 个字符 --  }
    if KeyBit = kb192 then
      FillChar(AESKey192, SizeOf(AESKey192), 0 );
      Move(PAnsiChar(Key)^, AESKey192, Min(SizeOf(AESKey192), Length(Key)));
      DecryptAESStreamECB(Src, Src.Size - Src.Position,
        AESKey192, Dest);
    {  --  256 位密匙最大长度为 32 个字符 --  }
    if KeyBit = kb256 then
      FillChar(AESKey256, SizeOf(AESKey256), 0 );
      Move(PAnsiChar(Key)^, AESKey256, Min(SizeOf(AESKey256), Length(Key)));
      DecryptAESStreamECB(Src, Src.Size - Src.Position,
        AESKey256, Dest);
    Dest.Size := OutPos + Count;
    Dest.Position := OutPos;

    Result := True;
    raise Exception.Create(SDecryptStreamError);
    Result:= False;

{  --  文件加密函数 默认按照 128 位密匙解密 --  }
procedure EncryptFile(SourceFile, DestFile: String;
  Key: AnsiString; KeyBit: TKeyBit = kb128);
  SFS, DFS: TFileStream;
  Size: Int64;
  AESKey128: TAESKey128;
  AESKey192: TAESKey192;
  AESKey256: TAESKey256;
  SFS := TFileStream.Create(SourceFile, fmOpenRead);
    DFS := TFileStream.Create(DestFile, fmCreate);
      Size := SFS.Size;
      DFS.WriteBuffer(Size, SizeOf(Size));
      {  --  128 位密匙最大长度为 16 个字符 --  }
      if KeyBit = kb128 then
        FillChar(AESKey128, SizeOf(AESKey128), 0 );
        Move(PAnsiChar(Key)^, AESKey128, Min(SizeOf(AESKey128), Length(Key)));
        EncryptAESStreamECB(SFS, 0, AESKey128, DFS);
      {  --  192 位密匙最大长度为 24 个字符 --  }
      if KeyBit = kb192 then
        FillChar(AESKey192, SizeOf(AESKey192), 0 );
        Move(PAnsiChar(Key)^, AESKey192, Min(SizeOf(AESKey192), Length(Key)));
        EncryptAESStreamECB(SFS, 0, AESKey192, DFS);
      {  --  256 位密匙最大长度为 32 个字符 --  }
      if KeyBit = kb256 then
        FillChar(AESKey256, SizeOf(AESKey256), 0 );
        Move(PAnsiChar(Key)^, AESKey256, Min(SizeOf(AESKey256), Length(Key)));
        EncryptAESStreamECB(SFS, 0, AESKey256, DFS);

{  --  文件解密函数 默认按照 128 位密匙解密 --  }
procedure DecryptFile(SourceFile, DestFile: String;
  Key: AnsiString; KeyBit: TKeyBit = kb128);
  SFS, DFS: TFileStream;
  Size: Int64;
  AESKey128: TAESKey128;
  AESKey192: TAESKey192;
  AESKey256: TAESKey256;
  SFS := TFileStream.Create(SourceFile, fmOpenRead);
    SFS.ReadBuffer(Size, SizeOf(Size));
    DFS := TFileStream.Create(DestFile, fmCreate);
      {  --  128 位密匙最大长度为 16 个字符 --  }
      if KeyBit = kb128 then
        FillChar(AESKey128, SizeOf(AESKey128), 0 );
        Move(PAnsiChar(Key)^, AESKey128, Min(SizeOf(AESKey128), Length(Key)));
        DecryptAESStreamECB(SFS, SFS.Size - SFS.Position, AESKey128, DFS);
      {  --  192 位密匙最大长度为 24 个字符 --  }
      if KeyBit = kb192 then
        FillChar(AESKey192, SizeOf(AESKey192), 0 );
        Move(PAnsiChar(Key)^, AESKey192, Min(SizeOf(AESKey192), Length(Key)));
        DecryptAESStreamECB(SFS, SFS.Size - SFS.Position, AESKey192, DFS);
      {  --  256 位密匙最大长度为 32 个字符 --  }
      if KeyBit = kb256 then
        FillChar(AESKey256, SizeOf(AESKey256), 0 );
        Move(PAnsiChar(Key)^, AESKey256, Min(SizeOf(AESKey256), Length(Key)));
        DecryptAESStreamECB(SFS, SFS.Size - SFS.Position, AESKey256, DFS);
      DFS.Size := Size;



(*                                                *)
(*     Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)         *)
(*                                                *)
(*     Copyright (c) 1998-2001                    *)
(*     EldoS, Alexander Ionov                     *)
(*                                                *)

unit ElAES;


  Classes, SysUtils;

  EAESError = class(Exception);

  PInteger  = ^Integer;

  TAESBuffer = array [0..15] of byte;
  TAESKey128 = array [0..15] of byte;
  TAESKey192 = array [0..23] of byte;
  TAESKey256 = array [0..31] of byte;
  TAESExpandedKey128 = array [0..43] of longword;
  TAESExpandedKey192 = array [0..53] of longword;
  TAESExpandedKey256 = array [0..63] of longword;

  PAESBuffer =^TAESBuffer;
  PAESKey128 =^TAESKey128;
  PAESKey192 =^TAESKey192;
  PAESKey256 =^TAESKey256;
  PAESExpandedKey128 =^TAESExpandedKey128;
  PAESExpandedKey192 =^TAESExpandedKey192;
  PAESExpandedKey256 =^TAESExpandedKey256;

// Key expansion routines for encryption  

procedure ExpandAESKeyForEncryption(const Key: TAESKey128;
  var ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey128); overload;
procedure ExpandAESKeyForEncryption(const Key: TAESKey192;
  var ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey192); overload;
procedure ExpandAESKeyForEncryption(const Key: TAESKey256;
  var ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey256); overload;

// Block encryption routines

procedure EncryptAES(const InBuf: TAESBuffer; const Key: TAESExpandedKey128;
  var OutBuf: TAESBuffer); overload;
procedure EncryptAES(const InBuf: TAESBuffer; const Key: TAESExpandedKey192;
  var OutBuf: TAESBuffer); overload;
procedure EncryptAES(const InBuf: TAESBuffer; const Key: TAESExpandedKey256;
  var OutBuf: TAESBuffer); overload;

// Stream encryption routines (ECB mode)

procedure EncryptAESStreamECB(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
  const Key: TAESKey128; Dest: TStream); overload;
procedure EncryptAESStreamECB(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
  const ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey128; Dest: TStream); overload;

procedure EncryptAESStreamECB(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
  const Key: TAESKey192; Dest: TStream); overload;
procedure EncryptAESStreamECB(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
  const ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey192; Dest: TStream); overload;

procedure EncryptAESStreamECB(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
  const Key: TAESKey256; Dest: TStream); overload;
procedure EncryptAESStreamECB(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
  const ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey256; Dest: TStream); overload;

// Stream encryption routines (CBC mode)

procedure EncryptAESStreamCBC(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
  const Key: TAESKey128; const InitVector: TAESBuffer; Dest: TStream); overload;
procedure EncryptAESStreamCBC(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
  const ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey128;  const InitVector: TAESBuffer;
  Dest: TStream); overload;

procedure EncryptAESStreamCBC(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
  const Key: TAESKey192; const InitVector: TAESBuffer; Dest: TStream); overload;
procedure EncryptAESStreamCBC(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
  const ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey192;  const InitVector: TAESBuffer;
  Dest: TStream); overload;

procedure EncryptAESStreamCBC(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
  const Key: TAESKey256; const InitVector: TAESBuffer; Dest: TStream); overload;
procedure EncryptAESStreamCBC(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
  const ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey256;  const InitVector: TAESBuffer;
  Dest: TStream); overload;

// Key transformation routines for decryption

procedure ExpandAESKeyForDecryption(var ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey128); overload;
procedure ExpandAESKeyForDecryption(const Key: TAESKey128;
  var ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey128); overload;

procedure ExpandAESKeyForDecryption(var ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey192); overload;
procedure ExpandAESKeyForDecryption(const Key: TAESKey192;
  var ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey192); overload;

procedure ExpandAESKeyForDecryption(var ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey256); overload;
procedure ExpandAESKeyForDecryption(const Key: TAESKey256;
  var ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey256); overload;

// Block decryption routines

procedure DecryptAES(const InBuf: TAESBuffer; const Key: TAESExpandedKey128;
  var OutBuf: TAESBuffer); overload;
procedure DecryptAES(const InBuf: TAESBuffer; const Key: TAESExpandedKey192;
  var OutBuf: TAESBuffer); overload;
procedure DecryptAES(const InBuf: TAESBuffer; const Key: TAESExpandedKey256;
  var OutBuf: TAESBuffer); overload;

// Stream decryption routines (ECB mode)

procedure DecryptAESStreamECB(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
  const Key: TAESKey128; Dest: TStream); overload;
procedure DecryptAESStreamECB(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
  const ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey128; Dest: TStream); overload;

procedure DecryptAESStreamECB(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
  const Key: TAESKey192; Dest: TStream); overload;
procedure DecryptAESStreamECB(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
  const ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey192; Dest: TStream); overload;

procedure DecryptAESStreamECB(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
  const Key: TAESKey256; Dest: TStream); overload;
procedure DecryptAESStreamECB(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
  const ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey256; Dest: TStream); overload;

// Stream decryption routines (CBC mode)

procedure DecryptAESStreamCBC(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
  const Key: TAESKey128; const InitVector: TAESBuffer; Dest: TStream); overload;
procedure DecryptAESStreamCBC(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
  const ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey128;  const InitVector: TAESBuffer;
  Dest: TStream); overload;

procedure DecryptAESStreamCBC(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
  const Key: TAESKey192; const InitVector: TAESBuffer; Dest: TStream); overload;
procedure DecryptAESStreamCBC(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
  const ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey192;  const InitVector: TAESBuffer;
  Dest: TStream); overload;

procedure DecryptAESStreamCBC(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
  const Key: TAESKey256; const InitVector: TAESBuffer; Dest: TStream); overload;
procedure DecryptAESStreamCBC(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
  const ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey256;  const InitVector: TAESBuffer;
  Dest: TStream); overload;

  SInvalidInBufSize = 'Invalid buffer size for decryption';
  SReadError = 'Stream read error';
  SWriteError = 'Stream write error';


  PLongWord = ^LongWord;

function Min(A, B: integer): integer;
  if A < B then
    Result := A
    Result := B;

  Rcon: array [1..30] of longword = (
    $00000001, $00000002, $00000004, $00000008, $00000010, $00000020,
    $00000040, $00000080, $0000001B, $00000036, $0000006C, $000000D8,
    $000000AB, $0000004D, $0000009A, $0000002F, $0000005E, $000000BC,
    $00000063, $000000C6, $00000097, $00000035, $0000006A, $000000D4,
    $000000B3, $0000007D, $000000FA, $000000EF, $000000C5, $00000091

  ForwardTable: array [0..255] of longword = (
    $A56363C6, $847C7CF8, $997777EE, $8D7B7BF6, $0DF2F2FF, $BD6B6BD6, $B16F6FDE, $54C5C591,
    $50303060, $03010102, $A96767CE, $7D2B2B56, $19FEFEE7, $62D7D7B5, $E6ABAB4D, $9A7676EC,
    $45CACA8F, $9D82821F, $40C9C989, $877D7DFA, $15FAFAEF, $EB5959B2, $C947478E, $0BF0F0FB,
    $ECADAD41, $67D4D4B3, $FDA2A25F, $EAAFAF45, $BF9C9C23, $F7A4A453, $967272E4, $5BC0C09B,
    $C2B7B775, $1CFDFDE1, $AE93933D, $6A26264C, $5A36366C, $413F3F7E, $02F7F7F5, $4FCCCC83,
    $5C343468, $F4A5A551, $34E5E5D1, $08F1F1F9, $937171E2, $73D8D8AB, $53313162, $3F15152A,
    $0C040408, $52C7C795, $65232346, $5EC3C39D, $28181830, $A1969637, $0F05050A, $B59A9A2F,
    $0907070E, $36121224, $9B80801B, $3DE2E2DF, $26EBEBCD, $6927274E, $CDB2B27F, $9F7575EA,
    $1B090912, $9E83831D, $742C2C58, $2E1A1A34, $2D1B1B36, $B26E6EDC, $EE5A5AB4, $FBA0A05B,
    $F65252A4, $4D3B3B76, $61D6D6B7, $CEB3B37D, $7B292952, $3EE3E3DD, $712F2F5E, $97848413,
    $F55353A6, $68D1D1B9, $00000000, $2CEDEDC1, $60202040, $1FFCFCE3, $C8B1B179, $ED5B5BB6,
    $BE6A6AD4, $46CBCB8D, $D9BEBE67, $4B393972, $DE4A4A94, $D44C4C98, $E85858B0, $4ACFCF85,
    $6BD0D0BB, $2AEFEFC5, $E5AAAA4F, $16FBFBED, $C5434386, $D74D4D9A, $55333366, $94858511,
    $CF45458A, $10F9F9E9, $06020204, $817F7FFE, $F05050A0, $443C3C78, $BA9F9F25, $E3A8A84B,
    $F35151A2, $FEA3A35D, $C0404080, $8A8F8F05, $AD92923F, $BC9D9D21, $48383870, $04F5F5F1,
    $DFBCBC63, $C1B6B677, $75DADAAF, $63212142, $30101020, $1AFFFFE5, $0EF3F3FD, $6DD2D2BF,
    $4CCDCD81, $140C0C18, $35131326, $2FECECC3, $E15F5FBE, $A2979735, $CC444488, $3917172E,
    $57C4C493, $F2A7A755, $827E7EFC, $473D3D7A, $AC6464C8, $E75D5DBA, $2B191932, $957373E6,
    $A06060C0, $98818119, $D14F4F9E, $7FDCDCA3, $66222244, $7E2A2A54, $AB90903B, $8388880B,
    $CA46468C, $29EEEEC7, $D3B8B86B, $3C141428, $79DEDEA7, $E25E5EBC, $1D0B0B16, $76DBDBAD,
    $3BE0E0DB, $56323264, $4E3A3A74, $1E0A0A14, $DB494992, $0A06060C, $6C242448, $E45C5CB8,
    $5DC2C29F, $6ED3D3BD, $EFACAC43, $A66262C4, $A8919139, $A4959531, $37E4E4D3, $8B7979F2,
    $32E7E7D5, $43C8C88B, $5937376E, $B76D6DDA, $8C8D8D01, $64D5D5B1, $D24E4E9C, $E0A9A949,
    $B46C6CD8, $FA5656AC, $07F4F4F3, $25EAEACF, $AF6565CA, $8E7A7AF4, $E9AEAE47, $18080810,
    $D5BABA6F, $887878F0, $6F25254A, $722E2E5C, $241C1C38, $F1A6A657, $C7B4B473, $51C6C697,
    $23E8E8CB, $7CDDDDA1, $9C7474E8, $211F1F3E, $DD4B4B96, $DCBDBD61, $868B8B0D, $858A8A0F,
    $907070E0, $423E3E7C, $C4B5B571, $AA6666CC, $D8484890, $05030306, $01F6F6F7, $120E0E1C,
    $A36161C2, $5F35356A, $F95757AE, $D0B9B969, $91868617, $58C1C199, $271D1D3A, $B99E9E27,
    $38E1E1D9, $13F8F8EB, $B398982B, $33111122, $BB6969D2, $70D9D9A9, $898E8E07, $A7949433,
    $B69B9B2D, $221E1E3C, $92878715, $20E9E9C9, $49CECE87, $FF5555AA, $78282850, $7ADFDFA5,
    $8F8C8C03, $F8A1A159, $80898909, $170D0D1A, $DABFBF65, $31E6E6D7, $C6424284, $B86868D0,
    $C3414182, $B0999929, $772D2D5A, $110F0F1E, $CBB0B07B, $FC5454A8, $D6BBBB6D, $3A16162C

  LastForwardTable: array [0..255] of longword = (
    $00000063, $0000007C, $00000077, $0000007B, $000000F2, $0000006B, $0000006F, $000000C5,
    $00000030, $00000001, $00000067, $0000002B, $000000FE, $000000D7, $000000AB, $00000076,
    $000000CA, $00000082, $000000C9, $0000007D, $000000FA, $00000059, $00000047, $000000F0,
    $000000AD, $000000D4, $000000A2, $000000AF, $0000009C, $000000A4, $00000072, $000000C0,
    $000000B7, $000000FD, $00000093, $00000026, $00000036, $0000003F, $000000F7, $000000CC,
    $00000034, $000000A5, $000000E5, $000000F1, $00000071, $000000D8, $00000031, $00000015,
    $00000004, $000000C7, $00000023, $000000C3, $00000018, $00000096, $00000005, $0000009A,
    $00000007, $00000012, $00000080, $000000E2, $000000EB, $00000027, $000000B2, $00000075,
    $00000009, $00000083, $0000002C, $0000001A, $0000001B, $0000006E, $0000005A, $000000A0,
    $00000052, $0000003B, $000000D6, $000000B3, $00000029, $000000E3, $0000002F, $00000084,
    $00000053, $000000D1, $00000000, $000000ED, $00000020, $000000FC, $000000B1, $0000005B,
    $0000006A, $000000CB, $000000BE, $00000039, $0000004A, $0000004C, $00000058, $000000CF,
    $000000D0, $000000EF, $000000AA, $000000FB, $00000043, $0000004D, $00000033, $00000085,
    $00000045, $000000F9, $00000002, $0000007F, $00000050, $0000003C, $0000009F, $000000A8,
    $00000051, $000000A3, $00000040, $0000008F, $00000092, $0000009D, $00000038, $000000F5,
    $000000BC, $000000B6, $000000DA, $00000021, $00000010, $000000FF, $000000F3, $000000D2,
    $000000CD, $0000000C, $00000013, $000000EC, $0000005F, $00000097, $00000044, $00000017,
    $000000C4, $000000A7, $0000007E, $0000003D, $00000064, $0000005D, $00000019, $00000073,
    $00000060, $00000081, $0000004F, $000000DC, $00000022, $0000002A, $00000090, $00000088,
    $00000046, $000000EE, $000000B8, $00000014, $000000DE, $0000005E, $0000000B, $000000DB,
    $000000E0, $00000032, $0000003A, $0000000A, $00000049, $00000006, $00000024, $0000005C,
    $000000C2, $000000D3, $000000AC, $00000062, $00000091, $00000095, $000000E4, $00000079,
    $000000E7, $000000C8, $00000037, $0000006D, $0000008D, $000000D5, $0000004E, $000000A9,
    $0000006C, $00000056, $000000F4, $000000EA, $00000065, $0000007A, $000000AE, $00000008,
    $000000BA, $00000078, $00000025, $0000002E, $0000001C, $000000A6, $000000B4, $000000C6,
    $000000E8, $000000DD, $00000074, $0000001F, $0000004B, $000000BD, $0000008B, $0000008A,
    $00000070, $0000003E, $000000B5, $00000066, $00000048, $00000003, $000000F6, $0000000E,
    $00000061, $00000035, $00000057, $000000B9, $00000086, $000000C1, $0000001D, $0000009E,
    $000000E1, $000000F8, $00000098, $00000011, $00000069, $000000D9, $0000008E, $00000094,
    $0000009B, $0000001E, $00000087, $000000E9, $000000CE, $00000055, $00000028, $000000DF,
    $0000008C, $000000A1, $00000089, $0000000D, $000000BF, $000000E6, $00000042, $00000068,
    $00000041, $00000099, $0000002D, $0000000F, $000000B0, $00000054, $000000BB, $00000016

  InverseTable: array [0..255] of longword = (
    $50A7F451, $5365417E, $C3A4171A, $965E273A, $CB6BAB3B, $F1459D1F, $AB58FAAC, $9303E34B,
    $55FA3020, $F66D76AD, $9176CC88, $254C02F5, $FCD7E54F, $D7CB2AC5, $80443526, $8FA362B5,
    $495AB1DE, $671BBA25, $980EEA45, $E1C0FE5D, $02752FC3, $12F04C81, $A397468D, $C6F9D36B,
    $E75F8F03, $959C9215, $EB7A6DBF, $DA595295, $2D83BED4, $D3217458, $2969E049, $44C8C98E,
    $6A89C275, $78798EF4, $6B3E5899, $DD71B927, $B64FE1BE, $17AD88F0, $66AC20C9, $B43ACE7D,
    $184ADF63, $82311AE5, $60335197, $457F5362, $E07764B1, $84AE6BBB, $1CA081FE, $942B08F9,
    $58684870, $19FD458F, $876CDE94, $B7F87B52, $23D373AB, $E2024B72, $578F1FE3, $2AAB5566,
    $0728EBB2, $03C2B52F, $9A7BC586, $A50837D3, $F2872830, $B2A5BF23, $BA6A0302, $5C8216ED,
    $2B1CCF8A, $92B479A7, $F0F207F3, $A1E2694E, $CDF4DA65, $D5BE0506, $1F6234D1, $8AFEA6C4,
    $9D532E34, $A055F3A2, $32E18A05, $75EBF6A4, $39EC830B, $AAEF6040, $069F715E, $51106EBD,
    $F98A213E, $3D06DD96, $AE053EDD, $46BDE64D, $B58D5491, $055DC471, $6FD40604, $FF155060,
    $24FB9819, $97E9BDD6, $CC434089, $779ED967, $BD42E8B0, $888B8907, $385B19E7, $DBEEC879,
    $470A7CA1, $E90F427C, $C91E84F8, $00000000, $83868009, $48ED2B32, $AC70111E, $4E725A6C,
    $FBFF0EFD, $5638850F, $1ED5AE3D, $27392D36, $64D90F0A, $21A65C68, $D1545B9B, $3A2E3624,
    $B1670A0C, $0FE75793, $D296EEB4, $9E919B1B, $4FC5C080, $A220DC61, $694B775A, $161A121C,
    $0ABA93E2, $E52AA0C0, $43E0223C, $1D171B12, $0B0D090E, $ADC78BF2, $B9A8B62D, $C8A91E14,
    $8519F157, $4C0775AF, $BBDD99EE, $FD607FA3, $9F2601F7, $BCF5725C, $C53B6644, $347EFB5B,
    $7629438B, $DCC623CB, $68FCEDB6, $63F1E4B8, $CADC31D7, $10856342, $40229713, $2011C684,
    $7D244A85, $F83DBBD2, $1132F9AE, $6DA129C7, $4B2F9E1D, $F330B2DC, $EC52860D, $D0E3C177,
    $6C16B32B, $99B970A9, $FA489411, $2264E947, $C48CFCA8, $1A3FF0A0, $D82C7D56, $EF903322,
    $C74E4987, $C1D138D9, $FEA2CA8C, $360BD498, $CF81F5A6, $28DE7AA5, $268EB7DA, $A4BFAD3F,
    $E49D3A2C, $0D927850, $9BCC5F6A, $62467E54, $C2138DF6, $E8B8D890, $5EF7392E, $F5AFC382,
    $BE805D9F, $7C93D069, $A92DD56F, $B31225CF, $3B99ACC8, $A77D1810, $6E639CE8, $7BBB3BDB,
    $097826CD, $F418596E, $01B79AEC, $A89A4F83, $656E95E6, $7EE6FFAA, $08CFBC21, $E6E815EF,
    $D99BE7BA, $CE366F4A, $D4099FEA, $D67CB029, $AFB2A431, $31233F2A, $3094A5C6, $C066A235,
    $37BC4E74, $A6CA82FC, $B0D090E0, $15D8A733, $4A9804F1, $F7DAEC41, $0E50CD7F, $2FF69117,
    $8DD64D76, $4DB0EF43, $544DAACC, $DF0496E4, $E3B5D19E, $1B886A4C, $B81F2CC1, $7F516546,
    $04EA5E9D, $5D358C01, $737487FA, $2E410BFB, $5A1D67B3, $52D2DB92, $335610E9, $1347D66D,
    $8C61D79A, $7A0CA137, $8E14F859, $893C13EB, $EE27A9CE, $35C961B7, $EDE51CE1, $3CB1477A,
    $59DFD29C, $3F73F255, $79CE1418, $BF37C773, $EACDF753, $5BAAFD5F, $146F3DDF, $86DB4478,
    $81F3AFCA, $3EC468B9, $2C342438, $5F40A3C2, $72C31D16, $0C25E2BC, $8B493C28, $41950DFF,
    $7101A839, $DEB30C08, $9CE4B4D8, $90C15664, $6184CB7B, $70B632D5, $745C6C48, $4257B8D0

  LastInverseTable: array [0..255] of longword = (
    $00000052, $00000009, $0000006A, $000000D5, $00000030, $00000036, $000000A5, $00000038,
    $000000BF, $00000040, $000000A3, $0000009E, $00000081, $000000F3, $000000D7, $000000FB,
    $0000007C, $000000E3, $00000039, $00000082, $0000009B, $0000002F, $000000FF, $00000087,
    $00000034, $0000008E, $00000043, $00000044, $000000C4, $000000DE, $000000E9, $000000CB,
    $00000054, $0000007B, $00000094, $00000032, $000000A6, $000000C2, $00000023, $0000003D,
    $000000EE, $0000004C, $00000095, $0000000B, $00000042, $000000FA, $000000C3, $0000004E,
    $00000008, $0000002E, $000000A1, $00000066, $00000028, $000000D9, $00000024, $000000B2,
    $00000076, $0000005B, $000000A2, $00000049, $0000006D, $0000008B, $000000D1, $00000025,
    $00000072, $000000F8, $000000F6, $00000064, $00000086, $00000068, $00000098, $00000016,
    $000000D4, $000000A4, $0000005C, $000000CC, $0000005D, $00000065, $000000B6, $00000092,
    $0000006C, $00000070, $00000048, $00000050, $000000FD, $000000ED, $000000B9, $000000DA,
    $0000005E, $00000015, $00000046, $00000057, $000000A7, $0000008D, $0000009D, $00000084,
    $00000090, $000000D8, $000000AB, $00000000, $0000008C, $000000BC, $000000D3, $0000000A,
    $000000F7, $000000E4, $00000058, $00000005, $000000B8, $000000B3, $00000045, $00000006,
    $000000D0, $0000002C, $0000001E, $0000008F, $000000CA, $0000003F, $0000000F, $00000002,
    $000000C1, $000000AF, $000000BD, $00000003, $00000001, $00000013, $0000008A, $0000006B,
    $0000003A, $00000091, $00000011, $00000041, $0000004F, $00000067, $000000DC, $000000EA,
    $00000097, $000000F2, $000000CF, $000000CE, $000000F0, $000000B4, $000000E6, $00000073,
    $00000096, $000000AC, $00000074, $00000022, $000000E7, $000000AD, $00000035, $00000085,
    $000000E2, $000000F9, $00000037, $000000E8, $0000001C, $00000075, $000000DF, $0000006E,
    $00000047, $000000F1, $0000001A, $00000071, $0000001D, $00000029, $000000C5, $00000089,
    $0000006F, $000000B7, $00000062, $0000000E, $000000AA, $00000018, $000000BE, $0000001B,
    $000000FC, $00000056, $0000003E, $0000004B, $000000C6, $000000D2, $00000079, $00000020,
    $0000009A, $000000DB, $000000C0, $000000FE, $00000078, $000000CD, $0000005A, $000000F4,
    $0000001F, $000000DD, $000000A8, $00000033, $00000088, $00000007, $000000C7, $00000031,
    $000000B1, $00000012, $00000010, $00000059, $00000027, $00000080, $000000EC, $0000005F,
    $00000060, $00000051, $0000007F, $000000A9, $00000019, $000000B5, $0000004A, $0000000D,
    $0000002D, $000000E5, $0000007A, $0000009F, $00000093, $000000C9, $0000009C, $000000EF,
    $000000A0, $000000E0, $0000003B, $0000004D, $000000AE, $0000002A, $000000F5, $000000B0,
    $000000C8, $000000EB, $000000BB, $0000003C, $00000083, $00000053, $00000099, $00000061,
    $00000017, $0000002B, $00000004, $0000007E, $000000BA, $00000077, $000000D6, $00000026,
    $000000E1, $00000069, $00000014, $00000063, $00000055, $00000021, $0000000C, $0000007D

procedure ExpandAESKeyForEncryption(const Key: TAESKey128; var ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey128);
  I, J: integer;
  T: longword;
  W0, W1, W2, W3: longword;
  ExpandedKey[0] := PLongWord(@Key[0])^;
  ExpandedKey[1] := PLongWord(@Key[4])^;
  ExpandedKey[2] := PLongWord(@Key[8])^;
  ExpandedKey[3] := PLongWord(@Key[12])^;
  I := 0; J := 1;
    T := (ExpandedKey[I + 3] shl 24) or (ExpandedKey[I + 3] shr 8);
    W0 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T)]; W1 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T shr 8)];
    W2 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T shr 16)]; W3 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T shr 24)];
    ExpandedKey[I + 4] := ExpandedKey[I] xor
      (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor
      ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16)) xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Rcon[J];
    ExpandedKey[I + 5] := ExpandedKey[I + 1] xor ExpandedKey[I + 4];
    ExpandedKey[I + 6] := ExpandedKey[I + 2] xor ExpandedKey[I + 5];
    ExpandedKey[I + 7] := ExpandedKey[I + 3] xor ExpandedKey[I + 6];
    Inc(I, 4);
  until I >= 40;

procedure ExpandAESKeyForEncryption(const Key: TAESKey192; var ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey192); overload;
  I, J: integer;
  T: longword;
  W0, W1, W2, W3: longword;
  ExpandedKey[0] := PLongWord(@Key[0])^;
  ExpandedKey[1] := PLongWord(@Key[4])^;
  ExpandedKey[2] := PLongWord(@Key[8])^;
  ExpandedKey[3] := PLongWord(@Key[12])^;
  ExpandedKey[4] := PLongWord(@Key[16])^;
  ExpandedKey[5] := PLongWord(@Key[20])^;
  I := 0; J := 1;
    T := (ExpandedKey[I + 5] shl 24) or (ExpandedKey[I + 5] shr 8);
    W0 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T)]; W1 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T shr 8)];
    W2 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T shr 16)]; W3 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T shr 24)];
    ExpandedKey[I + 6] := ExpandedKey[I] xor
      (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor
      ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16)) xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Rcon[J];
    ExpandedKey[I + 7] := ExpandedKey[I + 1] xor ExpandedKey[I + 6];
    ExpandedKey[I + 8] := ExpandedKey[I + 2] xor ExpandedKey[I + 7];
    ExpandedKey[I + 9] := ExpandedKey[I + 3] xor ExpandedKey[I + 8];
    ExpandedKey[I + 10] := ExpandedKey[I + 4] xor ExpandedKey[I + 9];
    ExpandedKey[I + 11] := ExpandedKey[I + 5] xor ExpandedKey[I + 10];
    Inc(I, 6);
  until I >= 46;

procedure ExpandAESKeyForEncryption(const Key: TAESKey256; var ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey256); overload;
  I, J: integer;
  T: longword;
  W0, W1, W2, W3: longword;
  ExpandedKey[0] := PLongWord(@Key[0])^;
  ExpandedKey[1] := PLongWord(@Key[4])^;
  ExpandedKey[2] := PLongWord(@Key[8])^;
  ExpandedKey[3] := PLongWord(@Key[12])^;
  ExpandedKey[4] := PLongWord(@Key[16])^;
  ExpandedKey[5] := PLongWord(@Key[20])^;
  ExpandedKey[6] := PLongWord(@Key[24])^;
  ExpandedKey[7] := PLongWord(@Key[28])^;
  I := 0; J := 1;
    T := (ExpandedKey[I + 7] shl 24) or (ExpandedKey[I + 7] shr 8);
    W0 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T)]; W1 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T shr 8)];
    W2 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T shr 16)]; W3 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T shr 24)];
    ExpandedKey[I + 8] := ExpandedKey[I] xor
      (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor
      ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16)) xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Rcon[J];
    ExpandedKey[I + 9] := ExpandedKey[I + 1] xor ExpandedKey[I + 8];
    ExpandedKey[I + 10] := ExpandedKey[I + 2] xor ExpandedKey[I + 9];
    ExpandedKey[I + 11] := ExpandedKey[I + 3] xor ExpandedKey[I + 10];
    W0 := LastForwardTable[Byte(ExpandedKey[I + 11])];
    W1 := LastForwardTable[Byte(ExpandedKey[I + 11] shr 8)];
    W2 := LastForwardTable[Byte(ExpandedKey[I + 11] shr 16)];
    W3 := LastForwardTable[Byte(ExpandedKey[I + 11] shr 24)];
    ExpandedKey[I + 12] := ExpandedKey[I + 4] xor
      (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor
      ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16)) xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8)));
    ExpandedKey[I + 13] := ExpandedKey[I + 5] xor ExpandedKey[I + 12];
    ExpandedKey[I + 14] := ExpandedKey[I + 6] xor ExpandedKey[I + 13];
    ExpandedKey[I + 15] := ExpandedKey[I + 7] xor ExpandedKey[I + 14];
    Inc(I, 8);
  until I >= 52;

procedure EncryptAES(const InBuf: TAESBuffer; const Key: TAESExpandedKey128;
  var OutBuf: TAESBuffer); 
  T0, T1: array [0..3] of longword;
  W0, W1, W2, W3: longword;
  // initializing
  T0[0] := PLongWord(@InBuf[0])^ xor Key[0];
  T0[1] := PLongWord(@InBuf[4])^ xor Key[1];
  T0[2] := PLongWord(@InBuf[8])^ xor Key[2];
  T0[3] := PLongWord(@InBuf[12])^ xor Key[3];
  // performing transformation 9 times
  // round 1
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
  T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[4];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
  T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[5];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
  T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[6];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
  T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[7];
  // round 2
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
  T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[8];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
  T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[9];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
  T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[10];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
  T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[11];
  // round 3
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
  T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[12];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
  T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[13];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
  T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[14];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
  T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[15];
  // round 4
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
  T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[16];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
  T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[17];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
  T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[18];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
  T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[19];
  // round 5
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
  T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[20];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
  T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[21];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
  T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[22];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
  T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[23];
  // round 6
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
  T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[24];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
  T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[25];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
  T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[26];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
  T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[27];
  // round 7
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
  T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[28];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
  T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[29];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
  T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[30];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
  T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[31];
  // round 8
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
  T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[32];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
  T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[33];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
  T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[34];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
  T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[35];
  // round 9
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
  T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[36];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
  T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[37];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
  T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[38];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
  T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[39];
  // last round of transformations
  W0 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
  T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[40];
  W0 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
  T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[41];
  W0 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
  T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[42];
  W0 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
  T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[43];
  // finalizing
  PLongWord(@OutBuf[0])^ := T0[0]; PLongWord(@OutBuf[4])^ := T0[1];
  PLongWord(@OutBuf[8])^ := T0[2]; PLongWord(@OutBuf[12])^ := T0[3];

procedure EncryptAES(const InBuf: TAESBuffer; const Key: TAESExpandedKey192;
  var OutBuf: TAESBuffer);
  T0, T1: array [0..3] of longword;
  W0, W1, W2, W3: longword;
  // initializing
  T0[0] := PLongWord(@InBuf[0])^ xor Key[0];
  T0[1] := PLongWord(@InBuf[4])^ xor Key[1];
  T0[2] := PLongWord(@InBuf[8])^ xor Key[2];
  T0[3] := PLongWord(@InBuf[12])^ xor Key[3];
  // performing transformation 11 times
  // round 1
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
  T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[4];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
  T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[5];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
  T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[6];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
  T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[7];
  // round 2
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
  T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[8];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
  T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[9];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
  T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[10];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
  T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[11];
  // round 3
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
  T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[12];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
  T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[13];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
  T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[14];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
  T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[15];
  // round 4
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
  T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[16];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
  T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[17];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
  T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[18];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
  T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[19];
  // round 5
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
  T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[20];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
  T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[21];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
  T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[22];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
  T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[23];
  // round 6
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
  T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[24];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
  T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[25];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
  T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[26];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
  T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[27];
  // round 7
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
  T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[28];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
  T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[29];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
  T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[30];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
  T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[31];
  // round 8
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
  T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[32];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
  T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[33];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
  T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[34];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
  T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[35];
  // round 9
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
  T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[36];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
  T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[37];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
  T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[38];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
  T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[39];
  // round 10
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
  T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[40];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
  T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[41];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
  T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[42];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
  T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[43];
  // round 11
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
  T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[44];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
  T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[45];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
  T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[46];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
  T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[47];
  // last round of transformations
  W0 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
  T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[48];
  W0 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
  T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[49];
  W0 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
  T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[50];
  W0 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
  T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[51];
  // finalizing
  PLongWord(@OutBuf[0])^ := T0[0]; PLongWord(@OutBuf[4])^ := T0[1];
  PLongWord(@OutBuf[8])^ := T0[2]; PLongWord(@OutBuf[12])^ := T0[3];

procedure EncryptAES(const InBuf: TAESBuffer; const Key: TAESExpandedKey256;
  var OutBuf: TAESBuffer);
  T0, T1: array [0..3] of longword;
  W0, W1, W2, W3: longword;
  // initializing
  T0[0] := PLongWord(@InBuf[0])^ xor Key[0];
  T0[1] := PLongWord(@InBuf[4])^ xor Key[1];
  T0[2] := PLongWord(@InBuf[8])^ xor Key[2];
  T0[3] := PLongWord(@InBuf[12])^ xor Key[3];
  // performing transformation 13 times
  // round 1
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
  T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[4];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
  T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[5];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
  T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[6];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
  T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[7];
  // round 2
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
  T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[8];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
  T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[9];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
  T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[10];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
  T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[11];
  // round 3
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
  T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[12];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
  T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[13];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
  T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[14];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
  T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[15];
  // round 4
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
  T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[16];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
  T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[17];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
  T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[18];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
  T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[19];
  // round 5
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
  T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[20];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
  T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[21];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
  T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[22];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
  T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[23];
  // round 6
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
  T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[24];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
  T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[25];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
  T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[26];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
  T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[27];
  // round 7
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
  T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[28];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
  T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[29];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
  T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[30];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
  T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[31];
  // round 8
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
  T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[32];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
  T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[33];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
  T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[34];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
  T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[35];
  // round 9
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
  T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[36];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
  T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[37];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
  T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[38];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
  T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[39];
  // round 10
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
  T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[40];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
  T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[41];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
  T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[42];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
  T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[43];
  // round 11
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
  T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[44];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
  T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[45];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
  T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[46];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
  T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[47];
  // round 12
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
  T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[48];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
  T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[49];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
  T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[50];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
  T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[51];
  // round 13
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
  T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[52];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
  T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[53];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
  T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[54];
  W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
  T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[55];
  // last round of transformations
  W0 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
  T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[56];
  W0 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
  T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[57];
  W0 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
  T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[58];
  W0 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
  T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[59];
  // finalizing
  PLongWord(@OutBuf[0])^ := T0[0]; PLongWord(@OutBuf[4])^ := T0[1];
  PLongWord(@OutBuf[8])^ := T0[2]; PLongWord(@OutBuf[12])^ := T0[3];

procedure ExpandAESKeyForDecryption(var ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey128);
  I: integer;
  U, F2, F4, F8, F9: longword;
  for I := 1 to 9 do
    F9 := ExpandedKey[I * 4];
    U := F9 and $80808080;
    F2 := ((F9 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B);
    U := F2 and $80808080;
    F4 := ((F2 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B);
    U := F4 and $80808080;
    F8 := ((F4 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B);
    F9 := F9 xor F8;
    ExpandedKey[I * 4] := F2 xor F4 xor F8 xor
      (((F2 xor F9) shl 24) or ((F2 xor F9) shr 8)) xor
      (((F4 xor F9) shl 16) or ((F4 xor F9) shr 16)) xor ((F9 shl 8) or (F9 shr 24));
    F9 := ExpandedKey[I * 4 + 1];
    U := F9 and $80808080;
    F2 := ((F9 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B);
    U := F2 and $80808080;
    F4 := ((F2 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B);
    U := F4 and $80808080;
    F8 := ((F4 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B);
    F9 := F9 xor F8;
    ExpandedKey[I * 4 + 1] := F2 xor F4 xor F8 xor
      (((F2 xor F9) shl 24) or ((F2 xor F9) shr 8)) xor
      (((F4 xor F9) shl 16) or ((F4 xor F9) shr 16)) xor ((F9 shl 8) or (F9 shr 24));
    F9 := ExpandedKey[I * 4 + 2];
    U := F9 and $80808080;
    F2 := ((F9 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B);
    U := F2 and $80808080;
    F4 := ((F2 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B);
    U := F4 and $80808080;
    F8 := ((F4 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B);
    F9 := F9 xor F8;
    ExpandedKey[I * 4 + 2] := F2 xor F4 xor F8 xor
      (((F2 xor F9) shl 24) or ((F2 xor F9) shr 8)) xor
      (((F4 xor F9) shl 16) or ((F4 xor F9) shr 16)) xor ((F9 shl 8) or (F9 shr 24));
    F9 := ExpandedKey[I * 4 + 3];
    U := F9 and $80808080;
    F2 := ((F9 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B);
    U := F2 and $80808080;
    F4 := ((F2 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B);
    U := F4 and $80808080;
    F8 := ((F4 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B);
    F9 := F9 xor F8;
    ExpandedKey[I * 4 + 3] := F2 xor F4 xor F8 xor
      (((F2 xor F9) shl 24) or ((F2 xor F9) shr 8)) xor
      (((F4 xor F9) shl 16) or ((F4 xor F9) shr 16)) xor ((F9 shl 8) or (F9 shr 24));

procedure ExpandAESKeyForDecryption(const Key: TAESKey128; var ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey128);
  ExpandAESKeyForEncryption(Key, ExpandedKey);

procedure ExpandAESKeyForDecryption(var ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey192);
  I: integer;
  U, F2, F4, F8, F9: longword;
  for I := 1 to 11 do
    F9 := ExpandedKey[I * 4];
    U := F9 and $80808080;
    F2 := ((F9 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B);
    U := F2 and $80808080;
    F4 := ((F2 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B);
    U := F4 and $80808080;
    F8 := ((F4 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B);
    F9 := F9 xor F8;
    ExpandedKey[I * 4] := F2 xor F4 xor F8 xor
      (((F2 xor F9) shl 24) or ((F2 xor F9) shr 8)) xor
      (((F4 xor F9) shl 16) or ((F4 xor F9) shr 16)) xor ((F9 shl 8) or (F9 shr 24));
    F9 := ExpandedKey[I * 4 + 1];
    U := F9 and $80808080;
    F2 := ((F9 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B);
    U := F2 and $80808080;
    F4 := ((F2 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B);
    U := F4 and $80808080;
    F8 := ((F4 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B);
    F9 := F9 xor F8;
    ExpandedKey[I * 4 + 1] := F2 xor F4 xor F8 xor
      (((F2 xor F9) shl 24) or ((F2 xor F9) shr 8)) xor
      (((F4 xor F9) shl 16) or ((F4 xor F9) shr 16)) xor ((F9 shl 8) or (F9 shr 24));
    F9 := ExpandedKey[I * 4 + 2];
    U := F9 and $80808080;
    F2 := ((F9 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B);
    U := F2 and $80808080;
    F4 := ((F2 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B);
    U := F4 and $80808080;
    F8 := ((F4 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B);
    F9 := F9 xor F8;
    ExpandedKey[I * 4 + 2] := F2 xor F4 xor F8 xor
      (((F2 xor F9) shl 24) or ((F2 xor F9) shr 8)) xor
      (((F4 xor F9) shl 16) or ((F4 xor F9) shr 16)) xor ((F9 shl 8) or (F9 shr 24));
    F9 := ExpandedKey[I * 4 + 3];
    U := F9 and $80808080;
    F2 := ((F9 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B);
    U := F2 and $80808080;
    F4 := ((F2 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B);
    U := F4 and $80808080;
    F8 := ((F4 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B);
    F9 := F9 xor F8;
    ExpandedKey[I * 4 + 3] := F2 xor F4 xor F8 xor
      (((F2 xor F9) shl 24) or ((F2 xor F9) shr 8)) xor
      (((F4 xor F9) shl 16) or ((F4 xor F9) shr 16)) xor ((F9 shl 8) or (F9 shr 24));

procedure ExpandAESKeyForDecryption(const Key: TAESKey192; var ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey192);
  ExpandAESKeyForEncryption(Key, ExpandedKey);

procedure ExpandAESKeyForDecryption(var ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey256);
  I: integer;
  U, F2, F4, F8, F9: longword;
  for I := 1 to 13 do
    F9 := ExpandedKey[I * 4];
    U := F9 and $80808080;
    F2 := ((F9 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B);
    U := F2 and $80808080;
    F4 := ((F2 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B);
    U := F4 and $80808080;
    F8 := ((F4 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B);
    F9 := F9 xor F8;
    ExpandedKey[I * 4] := F2 xor F4 xor F8 xor
      (((F2 xor F9) shl 24) or ((F2 xor F9) shr 8)) xor
      (((F4 xor F9) shl 16) or ((F4 xor F9) shr 16)) xor ((F9 shl 8) or (F9 shr 24));
    F9 := ExpandedKey[I * 4 + 1];
    U := F9 and $80808080;
    F2 := ((F9 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B);
    U := F2 and $80808080;
    F4 := ((F2 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B);
    U := F4 and $80808080;
    F8 := ((F4 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B);
    F9 := F9 xor F8;
    ExpandedKey[I * 4 + 1] := F2 xor F4 xor F8 xor
      (((F2 xor F9) shl 24) or ((F2 xor F9) shr 8)) xor
      (((F4 xor F9) shl 16) or ((F4 xor F9) shr 16)) xor ((F9 shl 8) or (F9 shr 24));
    F9 := ExpandedKey[I * 4 + 2];
    U := F9 and $80808080;
    F2 := ((F9 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B);
    U := F2 and $80808080;
    F4 := ((F2 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B);
    U := F4 and $80808080;
    F8 := ((F4 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B);
    F9 := F9 xor F8;
    ExpandedKey[I * 4 + 2] := F2 xor F4 xor F8 xor
      (((F2 xor F9) shl 24) or ((F2 xor F9) shr 8)) xor
      (((F4 xor F9) shl 16) or ((F4 xor F9) shr 16)) xor ((F9 shl 8) or (F9 shr 24));
    F9 := ExpandedKey[I * 4 + 3];
    U := F9 and $80808080;
    F2 := ((F9 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B);
    U := F2 and $80808080;
    F4 := ((F2 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B);
    U := F4 and $80808080;
    F8 := ((F4 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B);
    F9 := F9 xor F8;
    ExpandedKey[I * 4 + 3] := F2 xor F4 xor F8 xor
      (((F2 xor F9) shl 24) or ((F2 xor F9) shr 8)) xor
      (((F4 xor F9) shl 16) or ((F4 xor F9) shr 16)) xor ((F9 shl 8) or (F9 shr 24));

procedure ExpandAESKeyForDecryption(const Key: TAESKey256; var ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey256);
  ExpandAESKeyForEncryption(Key, ExpandedKey);

procedure DecryptAES(const InBuf: TAESBuffer; const Key: TAESExpandedKey128;
  var OutBuf: TAESBuffer);
  T0, T1: array [0..3] of longword;
  W0, W1, W2, W3: longword;
  // initializing
  T0[0] := PLongWord(@InBuf[0])^ xor Key[40];
  T0[1] := PLongWord(@InBuf[4])^ xor Key[41];
  T0[2] := PLongWord(@InBuf[8])^ xor Key[42];
  T0[3] := PLongWord(@InBuf[12])^ xor Key[43];
  // performing transformations 9 times
  // round 1
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
  T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[36];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
  T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[37];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
  T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[38];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
  T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[39];
  // round 2
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
  T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[32];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
  T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[33];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
  T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[34];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
  T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[35];
  // round 3
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
  T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[28];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
  T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[29];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
  T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[30];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
  T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[31];
  // round 4
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
  T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[24];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
  T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[25];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
  T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[26];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
  T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[27];
  // round 5
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
  T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[20];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
  T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[21];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
  T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[22];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
  T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[23];
  // round 6
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
  T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[16];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
  T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[17];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
  T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[18];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
  T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[19];
  // round 7
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
  T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[12];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
  T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[13];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
  T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[14];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
  T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[15];
  // round 8
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
  T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[8];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
  T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[9];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
  T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[10];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
  T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[11];
  // round 9
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
  T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[4];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
  T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[5];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
  T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[6];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
  T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[7];
  // last round of transformations
  W0 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
  T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[0];
  W0 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
  T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[1];
  W0 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
  T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[2];
  W0 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
  T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[3];
  // finalizing
  PLongWord(@OutBuf[0])^ := T0[0]; PLongWord(@OutBuf[4])^ := T0[1];
  PLongWord(@OutBuf[8])^ := T0[2]; PLongWord(@OutBuf[12])^ := T0[3];

procedure DecryptAES(const InBuf: TAESBuffer; const Key: TAESExpandedKey192;
  var OutBuf: TAESBuffer);
  T0, T1: array [0..3] of longword;
  W0, W1, W2, W3: longword;
  // initializing
  T0[0] := PLongWord(@InBuf[0])^ xor Key[48];
  T0[1] := PLongWord(@InBuf[4])^ xor Key[49];
  T0[2] := PLongWord(@InBuf[8])^ xor Key[50];
  T0[3] := PLongWord(@InBuf[12])^ xor Key[51];
  // performing transformations 11 times
  // round 1
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
  T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[44];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
  T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[45];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
  T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[46];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
  T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[47];
  // round 2
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
  T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[40];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
  T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[41];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
  T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[42];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
  T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[43];
  // round 3
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
  T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[36];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
  T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[37];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
  T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[38];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
  T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[39];
  // round 4
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
  T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[32];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
  T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[33];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
  T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[34];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
  T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[35];
  // round 5
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
  T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[28];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
  T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[29];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
  T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[30];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
  T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[31];
  // round 6
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
  T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[24];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
  T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[25];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
  T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[26];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
  T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[27];
  // round 7
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
  T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[20];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
  T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[21];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
  T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[22];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
  T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[23];
  // round 8
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
  T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[16];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
  T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[17];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
  T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[18];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
  T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[19];
  // round 9
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
  T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[12];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
  T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[13];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
  T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[14];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
  T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[15];
  // round 10
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
  T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[8];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
  T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[9];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
  T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[10];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
  T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[11];
  // round 11
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
  T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[4];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
  T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[5];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
  T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[6];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
  T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[7];
  // last round of transformations
  W0 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
  T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[0];
  W0 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
  T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[1];
  W0 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
  T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[2];
  W0 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
  T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[3];
  // finalizing
  PLongWord(@OutBuf[0])^ := T0[0]; PLongWord(@OutBuf[4])^ := T0[1];
  PLongWord(@OutBuf[8])^ := T0[2]; PLongWord(@OutBuf[12])^ := T0[3];

procedure DecryptAES(const InBuf: TAESBuffer; const Key: TAESExpandedKey256;
  var OutBuf: TAESBuffer);
  T0, T1: array [0..3] of longword;
  W0, W1, W2, W3: longword;
  // initializing
  T0[0] := PLongWord(@InBuf[0])^ xor Key[56];
  T0[1] := PLongWord(@InBuf[4])^ xor Key[57];
  T0[2] := PLongWord(@InBuf[8])^ xor Key[58];
  T0[3] := PLongWord(@InBuf[12])^ xor Key[59];
  // performing transformations 13 times
  // round 1
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
  T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[52];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
  T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[53];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
  T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[54];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
  T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[55];
  // round 2
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
  T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[48];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
  T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[49];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
  T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[50];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
  T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[51];
  // round 3
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
  T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[44];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
  T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[45];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
  T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[46];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
  T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[47];
  // round 4
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
  T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[40];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
  T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[41];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
  T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[42];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
  T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[43];
  // round 5
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
  T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[36];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
  T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[37];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
  T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[38];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
  T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[39];
  // round 6
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
  T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[32];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
  T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[33];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
  T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[34];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
  T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[35];
  // round 7
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
  T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[28];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
  T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[29];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
  T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[30];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
  T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[31];
  // round 8
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
  T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[24];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
  T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[25];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
  T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[26];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
  T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[27];
  // round 9
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
  T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[20];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
  T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[21];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
  T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[22];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
  T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[23];
  // round 10
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
  T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[16];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
  T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[17];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
  T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[18];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
  T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[19];
  // round 11
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
  T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[12];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
  T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[13];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
  T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[14];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
  T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[15];
  // round 12
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
  T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[8];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
  T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[9];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
  T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[10];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
  T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[11];
  // round 13
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
  T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[4];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
  T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[5];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
  T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[6];
  W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
  T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[7];
  // last round of transformations
  W0 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
  W2 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
  T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[0];
  W0 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
  W2 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
  T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[1];
  W0 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
  W2 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
  T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[2];
  W0 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
  W2 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
  T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
    xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[3];
  // finalizing
  PLongWord(@OutBuf[0])^ := T0[0]; PLongWord(@OutBuf[4])^ := T0[1];
  PLongWord(@OutBuf[8])^ := T0[2]; PLongWord(@OutBuf[12])^ := T0[3];

// Stream encryption routines (ECB mode)

procedure EncryptAESStreamECB(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
  const Key: TAESKey128; Dest: TStream);
  ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey128;
  ExpandAESKeyForEncryption(Key, ExpandedKey);
  EncryptAESStreamECB(Source, Count, ExpandedKey, Dest);

procedure EncryptAESStreamECB(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
  const Key: TAESKey192; Dest: TStream);
  ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey192;
  ExpandAESKeyForEncryption(Key, ExpandedKey);
  EncryptAESStreamECB(Source, Count, ExpandedKey, Dest);

procedure EncryptAESStreamECB(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
  const Key: TAESKey256; Dest: TStream);
  ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey256;
  ExpandAESKeyForEncryption(Key, ExpandedKey);
  EncryptAESStreamECB(Source, Count, ExpandedKey, Dest);

procedure EncryptAESStreamECB(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
  const ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey128; Dest: TStream);
  TempIn, TempOut: TAESBuffer;
  Done: cardinal;
  if Count = 0 then
    Source.Position := 0;
    Count := Source.Size;
  else Count := Min(Count, Source.Size - Source.Position);
  if Count = 0 then exit;
  while Count >= SizeOf(TAESBuffer) do
    Done := Source.Read(TempIn, SizeOf(TempIn));
    if Done < SizeOf(TempIn) then
      raise EStreamError.Create(SReadError);
    EncryptAES(TempIn, ExpandedKey, TempOut);
    Done := Dest.Write(TempOut, SizeOf(TempOut));
    if Done < SizeOf(TempOut) then
      raise EStreamError.Create(SWriteError);
    Dec(Count, SizeOf(TAESBuffer));
  if Count > 0 then
    Done := Source.Read(TempIn, Count);
    if Done < Count then
      raise EStreamError.Create(SReadError);
    FillChar(TempIn[Count], SizeOf(TempIn) - Count, 0);
    EncryptAES(TempIn, ExpandedKey, TempOut);
    Done := Dest.Write(TempOut, SizeOf(TempOut));
    if Done < SizeOf(TempOut) then
      raise EStreamError.Create(SWriteError);

procedure EncryptAESStreamECB(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
  const ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey192; Dest: TStream);
  TempIn, TempOut: TAESBuffer;
  Done: cardinal;
  if Count = 0 then
    Source.Position := 0;
    Count := Source.Size;
  else Count := Min(Count, Source.Size - Source.Position);
  if Count = 0 then exit;
  while Count >= SizeOf(TAESBuffer) do
    Done := Source.Read(TempIn, SizeOf(TempIn));
    if Done < SizeOf(TempIn) then
      raise EStreamError.Create(SReadError);
    EncryptAES(TempIn, ExpandedKey, TempOut);
    Done := Dest.Write(TempOut, SizeOf(TempOut));
    if Done < SizeOf(TempOut) then
      raise EStreamError.Create(SWriteError);
    Dec(Count, SizeOf(TAESBuffer));
  if Count > 0 then
    Done := Source.Read(TempIn, Count);
    if Done < Count then
      raise EStreamError.Create(SReadError);
    FillChar(TempIn[Count], SizeOf(TempIn) - Count, 0);
    EncryptAES(TempIn, ExpandedKey, TempOut);
    Done := Dest.Write(TempOut, SizeOf(TempOut));
    if Done < SizeOf(TempOut) then
      raise EStreamError.Create(SWriteError);

procedure EncryptAESStreamECB(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
  const ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey256; Dest: TStream);
  TempIn, TempOut: TAESBuffer;
  Done: cardinal;
  if Count = 0 then
    Source.Position := 0;
    Count := Source.Size;
  else Count := Min(Count, Source.Size - Source.Position);
  if Count = 0 then exit;
  while Count >= SizeOf(TAESBuffer) do
    Done := Source.Read(TempIn, SizeOf(TempIn));
    if Done < SizeOf(TempIn) then
      raise EStreamError.Create(SReadError);
    EncryptAES(TempIn, ExpandedKey, TempOut);
    Done := Dest.Write(TempOut, SizeOf(TempOut));
    if Done < SizeOf(TempOut) then
      raise EStreamError.Create(SWriteError);
    Dec(Count, SizeOf(TAESBuffer));
  if Count > 0 then
    Done := Source.Read(TempIn, Count);
    if Done < Count then
      raise EStreamError.Create(SReadError);
    FillChar(TempIn[Count], SizeOf(TempIn) - Count, 0);
    EncryptAES(TempIn, ExpandedKey, TempOut);
    Done := Dest.Write(TempOut, SizeOf(TempOut));
    if Done < SizeOf(TempOut) then
      raise EStreamError.Create(SWriteError);

// Stream decryption routines (ECB mode)

procedure DecryptAESStreamECB(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
  const Key: TAESKey128; Dest: TStream);
  ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey128;
  ExpandAESKeyForDecryption(Key, ExpandedKey);
  DecryptAESStreamECB(Source, Count, ExpandedKey, Dest);

procedure DecryptAESStreamECB(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
  const ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey128; Dest: TStream);
  TempIn, TempOut: TAESBuffer;
  Done: cardinal;
  if Count = 0 then
    Source.Position := 0;
    Count := Source.Size;
  else Count := Min(Count, Source.Size - Source.Position);
  if Count = 0 then exit;
  if (Count mod SizeOf(TAESBuffer)) > 0 then
    raise EAESError.Create(SInvalidInBufSize);
  while Count >= SizeOf(TAESBuffer) do
    Done := Source.Read(TempIn, SizeOf(TempIn));
    if Done < SizeOf(TempIn) then
      raise EStreamError.Create(SReadError);
    DecryptAES(TempIn, ExpandedKey, TempOut);
    Done := Dest.Write(TempOut, SizeOf(TempOut));
    if Done < SizeOf(TempOut) then
      raise EStreamError.Create(SWriteError);
    Dec(Count, SizeOf(TAESBuffer));

procedure DecryptAESStreamECB(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
  const Key: TAESKey192; Dest: TStream);
  ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey192;
  ExpandAESKeyForDecryption(Key, ExpandedKey);
  DecryptAESStreamECB(Source, Count, ExpandedKey, Dest);

procedure DecryptAESStreamECB(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
  const ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey192; Dest: TStream);
  TempIn, TempOut: TAESBuffer;
  Done: cardinal;
  if Count = 0 then
    Source.Position := 0;
    Count := Source.Size;
  else Count := Min(Count, Source.Size - Source.Position);
  if Count = 0 then exit;
  if (Count mod SizeOf(TAESBuffer)) > 0 then
    raise EAESError.Create(SInvalidInBufSize);
  while Count >= SizeOf(TAESBuffer) do
    Done := Source.Read(TempIn, SizeOf(TempIn));
    if Done < SizeOf(TempIn) then
      raise EStreamError.Create(SReadError);
    DecryptAES(TempIn, ExpandedKey, TempOut);
    Done := Dest.Write(TempOut, SizeOf(TempOut));
    if Done < SizeOf(TempOut) then
      raise EStreamError.Create(SWriteError);
    Dec(Count, SizeOf(TAESBuffer));

procedure DecryptAESStreamECB(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
  const Key: TAESKey256; Dest: TStream);
  ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey256;
  ExpandAESKeyForDecryption(Key, ExpandedKey);
  DecryptAESStreamECB(Source, Count, ExpandedKey, Dest);

procedure DecryptAESStreamECB(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
  const ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey256; Dest: TStream);
  TempIn, TempOut: TAESBuffer;
  Done: cardinal;
  if Count = 0 then
    Source.Position := 0;
    Count := Source.Size;
  else Count := Min(Count, Source.Size - Source.Position);
  if Count = 0 then exit;
  if (Count mod SizeOf(TAESBuffer)) > 0 then
    raise EAESError.Create(SInvalidInBufSize);
  while Count >= SizeOf(TAESBuffer) do
    Done := Source.Read(TempIn, SizeOf(TempIn));
    if Done < SizeOf(TempIn) then
      raise EStreamError.Create(SReadError);
    DecryptAES(TempIn, ExpandedKey, TempOut);
    Done := Dest.Write(TempOut, SizeOf(TempOut));
    if Done < SizeOf(TempOut) then
      raise EStreamError.Create(SWriteError);
    Dec(Count, SizeOf(TAESBuffer));

// Stream encryption routines (CBC mode)

procedure EncryptAESStreamCBC(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
  const Key: TAESKey128; const InitVector: TAESBuffer; Dest: TStream);
  ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey128;
  ExpandAESKeyForEncryption(Key, ExpandedKey);
  EncryptAESStreamCBC(Source, Count, ExpandedKey, InitVector, Dest);

procedure EncryptAESStreamCBC(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
  const ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey128;  const InitVector: TAESBuffer;
  Dest: TStream);
  TempIn, TempOut, Vector: TAESBuffer;
  Done: cardinal;
  if Count = 0 then
    Source.Position := 0;
    Count := Source.Size;
  else Count := Min(Count, Source.Size - Source.Position);
  if Count = 0 then exit;
  Vector := InitVector;
  while Count >= SizeOf(TAESBuffer) do
    Done := Source.Read(TempIn, SizeOf(TempIn));
    if Done < SizeOf(TempIn) then
      raise EStreamError.Create(SReadError);
    PLongWord(@TempIn[0])^ := PLongWord(@TempIn[0])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector[0])^;
    PLongWord(@TempIn[4])^ := PLongWord(@TempIn[4])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector[4])^;
    PLongWord(@TempIn[8])^ := PLongWord(@TempIn[8])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector[8])^;
    PLongWord(@TempIn[12])^ := PLongWord(@TempIn[12])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector[12])^;
    EncryptAES(TempIn, ExpandedKey, TempOut);
    Done := Dest.Write(TempOut, SizeOf(TempOut));
    if Done < SizeOf(TempOut) then
      raise EStreamError.Create(SWriteError);
    Vector := TempOut;
    Dec(Count, SizeOf(TAESBuffer));
  if Count > 0 then
    Done := Source.Read(TempIn, Count);
    if Done < Count then
      raise EStreamError.Create(SReadError);
    FillChar(TempIn[Count], SizeOf(TempIn) - Count, 0);
    PLongWord(@TempIn[0])^ := PLongWord(@TempIn[0])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector[0])^;
    PLongWord(@TempIn[4])^ := PLongWord(@TempIn[4])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector[4])^;
    PLongWord(@TempIn[8])^ := PLongWord(@TempIn[8])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector[8])^;
    PLongWord(@TempIn[12])^ := PLongWord(@TempIn[12])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector[12])^;
    EncryptAES(TempIn, ExpandedKey, TempOut);
    Done := Dest.Write(TempOut, SizeOf(TempOut));
    if Done < SizeOf(TempOut) then
      raise EStreamError.Create(SWriteError);

procedure EncryptAESStreamCBC(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
  const Key: TAESKey192; const InitVector: TAESBuffer; Dest: TStream);
  ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey192;
  ExpandAESKeyForEncryption(Key, ExpandedKey);
  EncryptAESStreamCBC(Source, Count, ExpandedKey, InitVector, Dest);

procedure EncryptAESStreamCBC(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
  const ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey192;  const InitVector: TAESBuffer;
  Dest: TStream);
  TempIn, TempOut, Vector: TAESBuffer;
  Done: cardinal;
  if Count = 0 then
    Source.Position := 0;
    Count := Source.Size;
  else Count := Min(Count, Source.Size - Source.Position);
  if Count = 0 then exit;
  Vector := InitVector;
  while Count >= SizeOf(TAESBuffer) do
    Done := Source.Read(TempIn, SizeOf(TempIn));
    if Done < SizeOf(TempIn) then
      raise EStreamError.Create(SReadError);
    PLongWord(@TempIn[0])^ := PLongWord(@TempIn[0])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector[0])^;
    PLongWord(@TempIn[4])^ := PLongWord(@TempIn[4])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector[4])^;
    PLongWord(@TempIn[8])^ := PLongWord(@TempIn[8])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector[8])^;
    PLongWord(@TempIn[12])^ := PLongWord(@TempIn[12])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector[12])^;
    EncryptAES(TempIn, ExpandedKey, TempOut);
    Done := Dest.Write(TempOut, SizeOf(TempOut));
    if Done < SizeOf(TempOut) then
      raise EStreamError.Create(SWriteError);
    Vector := TempOut;
    Dec(Count, SizeOf(TAESBuffer));
  if Count > 0 then
    Done := Source.Read(TempIn, Count);
    if Done < Count then
      raise EStreamError.Create(SReadError);
    FillChar(TempIn[Count], SizeOf(TempIn) - Count, 0);
    PLongWord(@TempIn[0])^ := PLongWord(@TempIn[0])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector[0])^;
    PLongWord(@TempIn[4])^ := PLongWord(@TempIn[4])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector[4])^;
    PLongWord(@TempIn[8])^ := PLongWord(@TempIn[8])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector[8])^;
    PLongWord(@TempIn[12])^ := PLongWord(@TempIn[12])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector[12])^;
    EncryptAES(TempIn, ExpandedKey, TempOut);
    Done := Dest.Write(TempOut, SizeOf(TempOut));
    if Done < SizeOf(TempOut) then
      raise EStreamError.Create(SWriteError);

procedure EncryptAESStreamCBC(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
  const Key: TAESKey256; const InitVector: TAESBuffer; Dest: TStream);
  ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey256;
  ExpandAESKeyForEncryption(Key, ExpandedKey);
  EncryptAESStreamCBC(Source, Count, ExpandedKey, InitVector, Dest);

procedure EncryptAESStreamCBC(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
  const ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey256;  const InitVector: TAESBuffer;
  Dest: TStream);
  TempIn, TempOut, Vector: TAESBuffer;
  Done: cardinal;
  if Count = 0 then
    Source.Position := 0;
    Count := Source.Size;
  else Count := Min(Count, Source.Size - Source.Position);
  if Count = 0 then exit;
  Vector := InitVector;
  while Count >= SizeOf(TAESBuffer) do
    Done := Source.Read(TempIn, SizeOf(TempIn));
    if Done < SizeOf(TempIn) then
      raise EStreamError.Create(SReadError);
    PLongWord(@TempIn[0])^ := PLongWord(@TempIn[0])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector[0])^;
    PLongWord(@TempIn[4])^ := PLongWord(@TempIn[4])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector[4])^;
    PLongWord(@TempIn[8])^ := PLongWord(@TempIn[8])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector[8])^;
    PLongWord(@TempIn[12])^ := PLongWord(@TempIn[12])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector[12])^;
    EncryptAES(TempIn, ExpandedKey, TempOut);
    Done := Dest.Write(TempOut, SizeOf(TempOut));
    if Done < SizeOf(TempOut) then
      raise EStreamError.Create(SWriteError);
    Vector := TempOut;
    Dec(Count, SizeOf(TAESBuffer));
  if Count > 0 then
    Done := Source.Read(TempIn, Count);
    if Done < Count then
      raise EStreamError.Create(SReadError);
    FillChar(TempIn[Count], SizeOf(TempIn) - Count, 0);
    PLongWord(@TempIn[0])^ := PLongWord(@TempIn[0])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector[0])^;
    PLongWord(@TempIn[4])^ := PLongWord(@TempIn[4])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector[4])^;
    PLongWord(@TempIn[8])^ := PLongWord(@TempIn[8])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector[8])^;
    PLongWord(@TempIn[12])^ := PLongWord(@TempIn[12])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector[12])^;
    EncryptAES(TempIn, ExpandedKey, TempOut);
    Done := Dest.Write(TempOut, SizeOf(TempOut));
    if Done < SizeOf(TempOut) then
      raise EStreamError.Create(SWriteError);

// Stream decryption routines (CBC mode)

procedure DecryptAESStreamCBC(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
  const Key: TAESKey128; const InitVector: TAESBuffer; Dest: TStream);
  ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey128;
  ExpandAESKeyForDecryption(Key, ExpandedKey);
  DecryptAESStreamCBC(Source, Count, ExpandedKey, InitVector, Dest);

procedure DecryptAESStreamCBC(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
  const ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey128;  const InitVector: TAESBuffer;
  Dest: TStream);
  TempIn, TempOut: TAESBuffer;
  Vector1, Vector2: TAESBuffer;
  Done: cardinal;
  if Count = 0 then
    Source.Position := 0;
    Count := Source.Size;
  else Count := Min(Count, Source.Size - Source.Position);
  if Count = 0 then exit;
  if (Count mod SizeOf(TAESBuffer)) > 0 then
    raise EAESError.Create(SInvalidInBufSize);
  Vector1 := InitVector;
  while Count >= SizeOf(TAESBuffer) do
    Done := Source.Read(TempIn, SizeOf(TempIn));
    if Done < SizeOf(TempIn) then
      raise EStreamError(SReadError);
    Vector2 := TempIn;
    DecryptAES(TempIn, ExpandedKey, TempOut);
    PLongWord(@TempOut[0])^ := PLongWord(@TempOut[0])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector1[0])^;
    PLongWord(@TempOut[4])^ := PLongWord(@TempOut[4])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector1[4])^;
    PLongWord(@TempOut[8])^ := PLongWord(@TempOut[8])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector1[8])^;
    PLongWord(@TempOut[12])^ := PLongWord(@TempOut[12])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector1[12])^;
    Done := Dest.Write(TempOut, SizeOf(TempOut));
    if Done < SizeOf(TempOut) then
      raise EStreamError(SWriteError);
    Vector1 := Vector2;
    Dec(Count, SizeOf(TAESBuffer));

procedure DecryptAESStreamCBC(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
  const Key: TAESKey192; const InitVector: TAESBuffer; Dest: TStream);
  ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey192;
  ExpandAESKeyForDecryption(Key, ExpandedKey);
  DecryptAESStreamCBC(Source, Count, ExpandedKey, InitVector, Dest);

procedure DecryptAESStreamCBC(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
  const ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey192;  const InitVector: TAESBuffer;
  Dest: TStream);
  TempIn, TempOut: TAESBuffer;
  Vector1, Vector2: TAESBuffer;
  Done: cardinal;
  if Count = 0 then
    Source.Position := 0;
    Count := Source.Size;
  else Count := Min(Count, Source.Size - Source.Position);
  if Count = 0 then exit;
  if (Count mod SizeOf(TAESBuffer)) > 0 then
    raise EAESError.Create(SInvalidInBufSize);
  Vector1 := InitVector;
  while Count >= SizeOf(TAESBuffer) do
    Done := Source.Read(TempIn, SizeOf(TempIn));
    if Done < SizeOf(TempIn) then
      raise EStreamError(SReadError);
    Vector2 := TempIn;
    DecryptAES(TempIn, ExpandedKey, TempOut);
    PLongWord(@TempOut[0])^ := PLongWord(@TempOut[0])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector1[0])^;
    PLongWord(@TempOut[4])^ := PLongWord(@TempOut[4])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector1[4])^;
    PLongWord(@TempOut[8])^ := PLongWord(@TempOut[8])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector1[8])^;
    PLongWord(@TempOut[12])^ := PLongWord(@TempOut[12])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector1[12])^;
    Done := Dest.Write(TempOut, SizeOf(TempOut));
    if Done < SizeOf(TempOut) then
      raise EStreamError(SWriteError);
    Vector1 := Vector2;
    Dec(Count, SizeOf(TAESBuffer));

procedure DecryptAESStreamCBC(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
  const Key: TAESKey256; const InitVector: TAESBuffer; Dest: TStream);
  ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey256;
  ExpandAESKeyForDecryption(Key, ExpandedKey);
  DecryptAESStreamCBC(Source, Count, ExpandedKey, InitVector, Dest);

procedure DecryptAESStreamCBC(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
  const ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey256;  const InitVector: TAESBuffer;
  Dest: TStream);
  TempIn, TempOut: TAESBuffer;
  Vector1, Vector2: TAESBuffer;
  Done: cardinal;
  if Count = 0 then
    Source.Position := 0;
    Count := Source.Size;
  else Count := Min(Count, Source.Size - Source.Position);
  if Count = 0 then exit;
  if (Count mod SizeOf(TAESBuffer)) > 0 then
    raise EAESError.Create(SInvalidInBufSize);
  Vector1 := InitVector;
  while Count >= SizeOf(TAESBuffer) do
    Done := Source.Read(TempIn, SizeOf(TempIn));
    if Done < SizeOf(TempIn) then
      raise EStreamError(SReadError);
    Vector2 := TempIn;
    DecryptAES(TempIn, ExpandedKey, TempOut);
    PLongWord(@TempOut[0])^ := PLongWord(@TempOut[0])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector1[0])^;
    PLongWord(@TempOut[4])^ := PLongWord(@TempOut[4])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector1[4])^;
    PLongWord(@TempOut[8])^ := PLongWord(@TempOut[8])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector1[8])^;
    PLongWord(@TempOut[12])^ := PLongWord(@TempOut[12])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector1[12])^;
    Done := Dest.Write(TempOut, SizeOf(TempOut));
    if Done < SizeOf(TempOut) then
      raise EStreamError(SWriteError);
    Vector1 := Vector2;
    Dec(Count, SizeOf(TAESBuffer));


