
版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,未经博主允许可以转载。 https://blog.csdn.net/guokaigdg/article/details/82586090
import commands
import string
import random
import os

Created on May 31, 2018

@author: lihui

def getSimType(self, sim):
    Get call number according to sim type.
    @param sim: sim1 or sim2
    @return: sim type
    operator_type = commands.getoutput('adb shell getprop gsm.operator.alpha').split('\r')[0]
    print operator_type
    if sim == 'sim1':
        sim = operator_type.split(',')[0]
    elif sim == 'sim2':
        sim = operator_type.split(',')[1]
    if sim == 'CHN-UNICOM' or sim == 'China Unicom':
        return '10010'
    elif sim == 'CMCC':
        return '10086'
    elif sim == '\xe4\xb8\xad\xe5\x9b\xbd\xe7\x94\xb5\xe4\xbf\xa1':
        return '10000'
        raise Exception,'Unkonwn operator type, please check your sim card!'
def getFileCount(folder, ext):
    Get file count.
    @param folder: file path
           ext: file type
    @return: file count
    cmd = 'adb shell ls %s'%(folder)
    pipe = os.popen(cmd, 'r')
    result = pipe.read()
    num = result.count(ext)
    print '-----------', num, '-----------'
    return num
def getPID(name):
    Get process pid.
    @param name: process name
    @return: pid
    pid = commands.getoutput("adb shell ps | grep %s | awk '{print $2}'"%name)
    return pid

def getRandomString(strLenght = 6):
    Get a random string.

    @param strLenght: length of string
    @return: a random string
    a = list(string.ascii_letters)
    return ''.join(a[:strLenght])

def clearData(app):
    Clear app database.
    @param app: related app name
    available: Notes, Notification, Calendar, Alarm, Mms, Contact, CallLog, Bookmark, Downloads
    os.system("adb shell am startservice -a smartisan.datahelper.InitData --es type %s --es method 'clear'" % app)


