
K-means 用于聚类,原理很简单,就是将样本按照一定的“距离”,聚类成K个类,聚类过程是一个迭代的过程,即每次都重新计算类中样本的均值作为新的聚类中心。原理很简单,有很多博客写得比较详细,我这里就略过,在此只贴代码和结果。

*function: cluster the rgb image using k-means method
*description:the distance is the sum of absolute difference of the Rgb color component
              that is, dis = abs(r0 -r1) + abs(g0 -g1) + abs(b0 -b1), and the initial cluster center
              is random;
*src                                    I               输入彩色图像
*dst                                    O               输出聚类结果
*width                                  I               图像的宽
*height                                 I               图像的高
*clusterNum                             I               聚类个数
*runTime                                I               迭代次数
*centerColor                            I               聚类颜色结构体
void TongKmeans(u08 *src, u08 *dst, s32 width, s32 height, 
                s32 clusterNum, s32 runTime, clusterCenter *centerColor)
    s32 crossIdx = 0;
    clusterCenter center[100] = {0};
    s32 idx     = 0;
    RNG rng;
    // inition of the cluster center
    for (s32 k = 0; k < clusterNum; k++)
        center[k].px = rng.uniform(0,width);
        center[k].py = rng.uniform(0,height);
        s32 idx = 3 * (center[k].py * width +center[k].px); 
        center[k].color[0] = src[idx];
        center[k].color[1] = src[idx + 1];
        center[k].color[2] = src[idx + 2];

    // iteration of clustering
    for ( s32  n = 0; n < runTime; n++)
       // the cluster num should smaller than 300
        s32 clusterSum[300][3] = {0};
        s32 numCount[300]      = {0};

        for (s32 i = 0; i < height; i++)
            crossIdx = 3 * i * width;

            for (s32 j = 0; j < width; j ++)
                s32 minDis   =   10000000;
                s32 clusterK = 0;

                for ( s32 k = 0; k < clusterNum; k++)
                    s32 dis =  abs(src[crossIdx]     - center[k].color[0])
                            +  abs(src[crossIdx + 1] - center[k].color[1])
                            +  abs(src[crossIdx + 2] - center[k].color[2]);
                    if (dis < minDis)
                        clusterK = k;
                        minDis   = dis;
                // color the pix with certain color
                dst[crossIdx]     = centerColor[clusterK].color[0];
                dst[crossIdx + 1] = centerColor[clusterK].color[1];
                dst[crossIdx + 2] = centerColor[clusterK].color[2];

                clusterSum[clusterK][0] += src[crossIdx];
                clusterSum[clusterK][1] += src[crossIdx + 1];
                clusterSum[clusterK][2] += src[crossIdx + 2];
                crossIdx += 3;
        for ( s32 k = 0; k < clusterNum; k++)
            if (numCount[k] == 0)
            // renew the cluster center
            f32 coe = 1.0f / numCount[k];
            center[k].color[0] = (u08)(coe * clusterSum[k][0]);
            center[k].color[1] = (u08)(coe * clusterSum[k][1]);
            center[k].color[2] = (u08)(coe * clusterSum[k][2]);


当迭代次数为3, 聚类个数为2时,结果如下:

当迭代次数为10, 分类个数为2时,如下:

可以看出,K-means 在迭代3次或之前就已经收敛了。



