Leveraging Interconnections for Performance: The Serving Infrastructure of a Large CDN


本文为SIGCOMM 2018会议论文。




Today’s large content providers (CP) are busy building out their service infrastructures or “peering edges” to satisfy the insatiable demand for content created by an ever-expanding Internet edge. One component of these serving infrastructures that features prominently in this build-out is their connectivity fabric; i.e., the set of all Internet interconnections that content has to traverse en route from the CP’s various “deployments” or “serving sites” to end users. However, these connectivity fabrics have received little attention in the past and remain largely ill-understood. 

当前,大型内容提供商(CP)正忙于构建其服务基础设施或“对等边缘”,以满足对不断扩展的互联网边缘所创建的内容的永不满足的需求。 这些服务基础设施的一个组成部分是其连接设施(建筑中的突出的特征); 即,内容从CP的各种“部署”或“服务站点”到终端用户必经过的所有因特网互连的集合。 然而,这些连接设施在过去很少受到关注,并且仍然很难被理解。

In this paper, we describe the results of an in-depth study of the connectivity fabric of Akamai. Our study reveals that Akamai’s connectivity fabric consists of some 6,100 different "explicit" peerings (i.e., Akamai is one of the two involved peers) and about 28,500 different "implicit" peerings (i.e., Akamai is neither of the two peers). Our work contributes to a better understanding of real-world serving infrastructures by providing an original account of implicit peerings and demonstrating the performance benefits that Akamai can reap from leveraging its rich connectivity fabric for serving its customers’ content to end users. 

在本文中,我们对Akamai的连接设施进行深入研究,并呈现研究结果。 我们的研究表明,Akamai的连接设施包括大约6,100个不同的"显式"同伴(即,Akamai是两个参与的同伴之一)和大约28,500个不同的"隐式"同伴(即Akamai不是两个同伴中的一个)。 通过提供隐式同伴的原始描述,并展示Akamai利用其丰富的连接设施提供客户内容所能获得的性能优势,我们的工作有助于更好地了解真实的服务基础设施。

