
环境是XP VS2010 OpencV3.1.0




#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/core/utility.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include "opencv2/imgproc.hpp"

using namespace cv;

//hide the local functions in an anon namespace
/*namespace {
	double LumAvg = 0 ;


double GetGrayImagAvg(cv::Mat imageSrc)
	unsigned char* row_ptr;
	unsigned char* data_ptr;
    double sum = 0;  
    double avg = 0;  
	double lumavg = 0;

    if (imageSrc.type() != CV_8UC1 )
        cout<<"please input a gray image."<<endl;
        return 0;
    for ( size_t y=0; y<imageSrc.rows; y++ )
        for ( size_t x=0; x<imageSrc.cols; x++ )
            row_ptr = imageSrc.ptr<unsigned char> ( y ); 
            data_ptr = &row_ptr[ x*imageSrc.channels() ]; 
            for ( int c = 0; c != imageSrc.channels(); c++ )
				sum += data_ptr[c];
				lumavg += log(0.0001 + data_ptr[c]);
    // lumavg: please refer to
    lumavg = lumavg / (imageSrc.rows * imageSrc.cols);
    lumavg = exp(avg);
    avg = sum/(imageSrc.rows * imageSrc.cols);   
    return avg;
double GetGrayImagStandardDeviation(cv::Mat imageSrc, double GrayImagAvg)
	unsigned char* row_ptr;
	unsigned char* data_ptr;
    double stdDvtn = 0;
    if (imageSrc.type() != CV_8UC1 )
        cout<<"please input a gray image."<<endl;
        return 0;
    for ( size_t y=0; y<imageSrc.rows; y++ )
        for ( size_t x=0; x<imageSrc.cols; x++ )
             row_ptr = imageSrc.ptr<unsigned char> ( y ); 
             data_ptr = &row_ptr[ x*imageSrc.channels() ];
            for ( int c = 0; c != imageSrc.channels(); c++ )
				stdDvtn += ( data_ptr[c] - GrayImagAvg )*( data_ptr[c] - GrayImagAvg );
    stdDvtn = stdDvtn/(imageSrc.rows * imageSrc.cols);  
    stdDvtn = sqrt(stdDvtn);
    return  stdDvtn;
int main ( int argc, char** argv )
	double LumAvg;
	double LumSd;
    cv::Mat imageLEDon, imageLEDoff, imageLEDon_rsz, imageLEDoff_rsz;
    imageLEDon = cv::imread ( "E:\\FENG\\workspace_vc10\\LED_status_detect\\Image\\l1_on.jpg" , IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
    imageLEDoff = cv::imread ( "E:\\FENG\\workspace_vc10\\LED_status_detect\\Image\\l1_off.jpg", IMREAD_GRAYSCALE ); 

		cerr<<" image input error ."<<endl;
        return 0;
	cerr<<" image input error ."<<endl;
        return 0;
    cout << "CV_VERSION: " << CV_VERSION << endl << endl;

    cv::resize(imageLEDon, imageLEDon_rsz, cv::Size(), 1, 1);
    cv::resize(imageLEDoff, imageLEDoff_rsz, cv::Size(), 1, 1);
    cout<<"imageLEDon_rsz col: "<<imageLEDon_rsz.cols<<",row: "<<imageLEDon_rsz.rows<<",channel: "<<imageLEDon_rsz.channels()<<endl;
    cout<<"imageLEDoff_rsz col:"<<imageLEDoff_rsz.cols<<",row: "<<imageLEDoff_rsz.rows<<", channel: "<<imageLEDoff_rsz.channels()<<endl;

    cv::imshow ( "imageLEDon_rsz", imageLEDon_rsz );
    cv::imshow ( "imageLEDoff_rsz", imageLEDoff_rsz );

    LumAvg = GetGrayImagAvg(imageLEDon_rsz);
    LumSd  = GetGrayImagStandardDeviation(imageLEDon_rsz, LumAvg);
    cout<<"imageLEDon_rsz LumAvg:  "<< LumAvg << endl;
    cout<<"imageLEDon_rsz LumStdDeviation:  "<< LumSd << endl<< endl;

    LumAvg = GetGrayImagAvg(imageLEDoff_rsz);
    LumSd  = GetGrayImagStandardDeviation(imageLEDoff_rsz, LumAvg);
    cout<<"imageLEDoff_rsz LumAvg:  "<< LumAvg << endl;
    cout<<"imageLEDoff_rsz LumStdDeviation:  "<< LumSd << endl<< endl;

    cv::waitKey ( 0 ); 
    return 0;

