


#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Functions
# Exits the script with the given exit code after waiting
# for a keypress.
# @param [Integer] $1 exit code.
function key_exit() {
    echo "Press any key to exit."
    exit $1

# Appends a value to an array.
# @param [String] $1 Name of the variable to modify
# @param [String] $2 Value to append
function append() {
    eval $1[\${#$1[*]}]=$2

# Script
# Collect the directories and files to remove
append my_files "/opt/vagrant"
append my_files "/usr/local/bin/vagrant"

# Print the files and directories that are to be removed and verify
# with the user that that is what he/she really wants to do.
echo "The following files and directories will be removed:"
for file in "${my_files[@]}"; do
    echo "    $file"

echo ""
echo "Do you wish to uninstall Vagrant (Yes/No)?"
read my_answer
if [ "$my_answer" != "Yes" ]; then
    echo "Aborting install. (answer: ${my_answer})"
    key_exit 2

# Initiate the actual uninstall, which requires admin privileges.
echo "The uninstallation process requires administrative privileges"
echo "because some of the installed files cannot be removed by a"
echo "normal user. You may now be prompted for a password..."
echo ""

# Use AppleScript so we can use a graphical `sudo` prompt.
# This way, people can enter the username they wish to use
# for sudo, and it is more Apple-like.
osascript -e "do shell script \"/bin/rm -Rf ${my_files[*]}\" with administrator privileges"

# Verify that the uninstall succeeded by checking whether every file
# we meant to remove is actually removed.
for file in "${my_files[@]}"; do
    if [ -e "${file}" ]; then
        echo "An error must have occurred since a file that was supposed to be"
        echo "removed still exists: ${file}"
        echo ""
        echo "Please try again."
        key_exit 1

echo "Successfully uninstalled Vagrant."
echo "Done."
key_exit 0


# $Id: VirtualBox_Uninstall.tool 118839 2017-10-28 15:14:05Z bird $
## @file
# VirtualBox Uninstaller Script.

# Copyright (C) 2007-2017 Oracle Corporation
# This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as
# available from This file is free software;
# you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
# General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the
# VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
# hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.

# Override any funny stuff from the user.
export PATH="/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:$PATH"

# Display a simple welcome message first.
echo ""
echo "Welcome to the VirtualBox uninstaller script."
echo ""

# Check for arguments and display
if test "$#" != "0"; then
    if test "$#" != "1" -o "$1" != "--unattended"; then
        echo "Error: Unknown argument(s): $*"
        echo ""
        echo "Usage: [--unattended]"
        echo ""
        echo "If the '--unattended' option is not given, you will be prompted"
        echo "for a Yes/No before doing the actual uninstallation."
        echo ""
        exit 4;

# Collect directories and files to remove.
# Note: Do NOT attempt adding directories or filenames with spaces!
declare -a my_directories
declare -a my_files

# Users files first
test -f "${HOME}/Library/LaunchAgents/org.virtualbox.vboxwebsrv.plist"  && my_files+=("${HOME}/Library/LaunchAgents/org.virtualbox.vboxwebsrv.plist")

test -d /Library/StartupItems/VirtualBox/          && my_directories+=("/Library/StartupItems/VirtualBox/")
test -d /Library/Receipts/VBoxStartupItems.pkg/    && my_directories+=("/Library/Receipts/VBoxStartupItems.pkg/")

test -d "/Library/Application Support/VirtualBox/LaunchDaemons/"    && my_directories+=("/Library/Application Support/VirtualBox/LaunchDaemons/")
test -d "/Library/Application Support/VirtualBox/VBoxDrv.kext/"     && my_directories+=("/Library/Application Support/VirtualBox/VBoxDrv.kext/")
test -d "/Library/Application Support/VirtualBox/VBoxUSB.kext/"     && my_directories+=("/Library/Application Support/VirtualBox/VBoxUSB.kext/")
test -d "/Library/Application Support/VirtualBox/VBoxNetFlt.kext/"  && my_directories+=("/Library/Application Support/VirtualBox/VBoxNetFlt.kext/")
test -d "/Library/Application Support/VirtualBox/VBoxNetAdp.kext/"  && my_directories+=("/Library/Application Support/VirtualBox/VBoxNetAdp.kext/")
# Pre 4.3.0rc1 locations:
test -d /Library/Extensions/VBoxDrv.kext/          && my_directories+=("/Library/Extensions/VBoxDrv.kext/")
test -d /Library/Extensions/VBoxUSB.kext/          && my_directories+=("/Library/Extensions/VBoxUSB.kext/")
test -d /Library/Extensions/VBoxNetFlt.kext/       && my_directories+=("/Library/Extensions/VBoxNetFlt.kext/")
test -d /Library/Extensions/VBoxNetAdp.kext/       && my_directories+=("/Library/Extensions/VBoxNetAdp.kext/")
# Tiger support is obsolete, but we leave it here for a clean removing of older
# VirtualBox versions
test -d /Library/Extensions/VBoxDrvTiger.kext/     && my_directories+=("/Library/Extensions/VBoxDrvTiger.kext/")
test -d /Library/Extensions/VBoxUSBTiger.kext/     && my_directories+=("/Library/Extensions/VBoxUSBTiger.kext/")
test -d /Library/Receipts/VBoxKEXTs.pkg/           && my_directories+=("/Library/Receipts/VBoxKEXTs.pkg/")

test -f /usr/bin/VirtualBox                        && my_files+=("/usr/bin/VirtualBox")
test -f /usr/bin/VBoxManage                        && my_files+=("/usr/bin/VBoxManage")
test -f /usr/bin/VBoxVRDP                          && my_files+=("/usr/bin/VBoxVRDP")
test -f /usr/bin/VBoxHeadless                      && my_files+=("/usr/bin/VBoxHeadless")
test -f /usr/bin/vboxwebsrv                        && my_files+=("/usr/bin/vboxwebsrv")
test -f /usr/bin/VBoxBugReport                     && my_files+=("/usr/bin/VBoxBugReport")
test -f /usr/bin/VBoxBalloonCtrl                   && my_files+=("/usr/bin/VBoxBalloonCtrl")
test -f /usr/bin/VBoxAutostart                     && my_files+=("/usr/bin/VBoxAutostart")
test -f /usr/bin/VBoxDTrace                        && my_files+=("/usr/bin/VBoxDTrace")
test -f /usr/bin/vbox-img                          && my_files+=("/usr/bin/vbox-img")
test -f /usr/local/bin/VirtualBox                  && my_files+=("/usr/local/bin/VirtualBox")
test -f /usr/local/bin/VBoxManage                  && my_files+=("/usr/local/bin/VBoxManage")
test -f /usr/local/bin/VBoxVRDP                    && my_files+=("/usr/local/bin/VBoxVRDP")
test -f /usr/local/bin/VBoxHeadless                && my_files+=("/usr/local/bin/VBoxHeadless")
test -f /usr/local/bin/vboxwebsrv                  && my_files+=("/usr/local/bin/vboxwebsrv")
test -f /usr/local/bin/VBoxBugReport               && my_files+=("/usr/local/bin/VBoxBugReport")
test -f /usr/local/bin/VBoxBalloonCtrl             && my_files+=("/usr/local/bin/VBoxBalloonCtrl")
test -f /usr/local/bin/VBoxAutostart               && my_files+=("/usr/local/bin/VBoxAutostart")
test -f /usr/local/bin/VBoxDTrace                  && my_files+=("/usr/local/bin/VBoxDTrace")
test -f /usr/local/bin/vbox-img                    && my_files+=("/usr/local/bin/vbox-img")
test -d /Library/Receipts/VirtualBoxCLI.pkg/       && my_directories+=("/Library/Receipts/VirtualBoxCLI.pkg/")
test -f /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.virtualbox.startup.plist && my_files+=("/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.virtualbox.startup.plist")

test -d /Applications/              && my_directories+=("/Applications/")
test -d /Library/Receipts/VirtualBox.pkg/          && my_directories+=("/Library/Receipts/VirtualBox.pkg/")

# legacy
test -d /Library/Receipts/VBoxDrv.pkg/             && my_directories+=("/Library/Receipts/VBoxDrv.pkg/")
test -d /Library/Receipts/VBoxUSB.pkg/             && my_directories+=("/Library/Receipts/VBoxUSB.pkg/")

# python stuff
python_versions="2.3 2.5 2.6 2.7"
for p in $python_versions; do
    test -f /Library/Python/$p/site-packages/vboxapi/  && my_files+=("/Library/Python/$p/site-packages/vboxapi/")
    test -f /Library/Python/$p/site-packages/vboxapi/VirtualBox_constants.pyc && my_files+=("/Library/Python/$p/site-packages/vboxapi/VirtualBox_constants.pyc")
    test -f /Library/Python/$p/site-packages/vboxapi/              && my_files+=("/Library/Python/$p/site-packages/vboxapi/")
    test -f /Library/Python/$p/site-packages/vboxapi/__init__.pyc             && my_files+=("/Library/Python/$p/site-packages/vboxapi/__init__.pyc")
    test -f /Library/Python/$p/site-packages/vboxapi-1.0-py$p.egg-info        && my_files+=("/Library/Python/$p/site-packages/vboxapi-1.0-py$p.egg-info")
    test -d /Library/Python/$p/site-packages/vboxapi/                         && my_directories+=("/Library/Python/$p/site-packages/vboxapi/")

# Collect KEXTs to remove.
# Note that the unload order is significant.
declare -a my_kexts
for kext in org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxUSB org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxNetFlt org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxNetAdp org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxDrv; do
    if /usr/sbin/kextstat -b $kext -l | grep -q $kext; then

# Collect packages to forget
my_pkgs=`/usr/sbin/pkgutil --pkgs="${my_pb}vboxkexts|${my_pb}vboxstartupitems|${my_pb}virtualbox|${my_pb}virtualboxcli"`

# Did we find anything to uninstall?
if test -z "${my_directories[*]}"  -a  -z "${my_files[*]}"   -a  -z "${my_kexts[*]}"  -a  -z "$my_pkgs"; then
    echo "No VirtualBox files, directories, KEXTs or packages to uninstall."
    echo "Done."
    exit 0;

# Look for running VirtualBox processes and warn the user
# if something is running. Since deleting the files of
# running processes isn't fatal as such, we will leave it
# to the user to choose whether to continue or not.
# Note! comm isn't supported on Tiger, so we make -c to do the stripping.
my_processes="`ps -axco 'pid uid command' | grep -wEe '(VirtualBox|VirtualBoxVM|VBoxManage|VBoxHeadless|vboxwebsrv|VBoxXPCOMIPCD|VBoxSVC|VBoxNetDHCP|VBoxNetNAT)' | grep -vw grep | grep -vw VirtualBox_Uninstall.tool | tr '\n' '\a'`";
if test -n "$my_processes"; then
    echo 'Warning! Found the following active VirtualBox processes:'
    echo "$my_processes" | tr '\a' '\n'
    echo ""
    echo "We recommend that you quit all VirtualBox processes before"
    echo "uninstalling the product."
    echo ""
    if test "$my_default_prompt" != "Yes"; then
        echo "Do you wish to continue none the less (Yes/No)?"
        read my_answer
        if test "$my_answer" != "Yes"  -a  "$my_answer" != "YES"  -a  "$my_answer" != "yes"; then
            echo "Aborting uninstall. (answer: '$my_answer')".
            exit 2;
        echo ""

# Display the files and directories that will be removed
# and get the user's consent before continuing.
if test -n "${my_files[*]}"  -o  -n "${my_directories[*]}"; then
    echo "The following files and directories (bundles) will be removed:"
    for file in "${my_files[@]}";       do echo "    $file"; done
    for dir  in "${my_directories[@]}"; do echo "    $dir"; done
    echo ""
if test -n "${my_kexts[*]}"; then
    echo "And the following KEXTs will be unloaded:"
    for kext in "${my_kexts[@]}";       do echo "    $kext"; done
    echo ""
if test -n "$my_pkgs"; then
    echo "And the traces of following packages will be removed:"
    for kext in $my_pkgs;       do echo "    $kext"; done
    echo ""

if test "$my_default_prompt" != "Yes"; then
    echo "Do you wish to uninstall VirtualBox (Yes/No)?"
    read my_answer
    if test "$my_answer" != "Yes"  -a  "$my_answer" != "YES"  -a  "$my_answer" != "yes"; then
        echo "Aborting uninstall. (answer: '$my_answer')".
        exit 2;
    echo ""

# Unregister has to be done before the files are removed.
if [ -e ${LSREGISTER} ]; then
    ${LSREGISTER} -u /Applications/ > /dev/null
    ${LSREGISTER} -u /Applications/ > /dev/null

# Display the sudo usage instructions and execute the command.
echo "The uninstallation processes requires administrative privileges"
echo "because some of the installed files cannot be removed by a normal"
echo "user. You may be prompted for your password now..."
echo ""

if test -n "${my_files[*]}"  -o  -n "${my_directories[*]}"; then
    /usr/bin/sudo -p "Please enter %u's password:" /bin/rm -Rf "${my_files[@]}" "${my_directories[@]}"
    if test "$my_rc" -ne 0; then
        echo "An error occurred durning 'sudo rm', there should be a message above. (rc=$my_rc)"
        test -x /usr/bin/sudo || echo "warning: Cannot find /usr/bin/sudo or it's not an executable."
        test -x /bin/rm       || echo "warning: Cannot find /bin/rm or it's not an executable"
        echo ""
        echo "The uninstall failed. Please retry."
        exit 1;

for kext in "${my_kexts[@]}"; do
    echo unloading $kext
    /usr/bin/sudo -p "Please enter %u's password (unloading $kext):" /sbin/kextunload -m $kext
    if test "$my_rc2" -ne 0; then
        echo "An error occurred durning 'sudo /sbin/kextunload -m $kext', there should be a message above. (rc=$my_rc2)"
        test -x /usr/bin/sudo    || echo "warning: Cannot find /usr/bin/sudo or it's not an executable."
        test -x /sbin/kextunload || echo "warning: Cannot find /sbin/kextunload or it's not an executable"
if test "$my_rc" -eq 0; then
    echo "Successfully unloaded VirtualBox kernel extensions."
    echo "Failed to unload one or more KEXTs, please reboot the machine to complete the uninstall."
    exit 1;

# Cleaning up pkgutil database
for my_pkg in $my_pkgs; do
    /usr/bin/sudo -p "Please enter %u's password (removing $my_pkg):" /usr/sbin/pkgutil --forget "$my_pkg"

echo "Done."
exit 0;

