Why messages like '[rdisc/nm-lndp-rdisc.c:251] send_rs(): (team0.112): cannot send router solicitati


  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
  • NetworkManager


  • What do the following messages in Red Hat Enterprise Linux logging mean?


    Aug 25 08:59:53 abc NetworkManager[969]: <error> [1440485993.699311] [rdisc/nm-lndp-rdisc.c:251] send_rs(): (team0.112): cannot send router solicitation: -101.
    Aug 25 08:59:53 abc NetworkManager[969]: <error> [1440485993.699360] [rdisc/nm-lndp-rdisc.c:251] send_rs(): (team0.2111): cannot send router solicitation: -101.
    Aug 25 08:59:57 abc NetworkManager[969]: <error> [1440485997.699521] [rdisc/nm-lndp-rdisc.c:251] send_rs(): (team0.112): cannot send router solicitation: -101.


  • For each active network connection, set the ipv6.method property value to ignore. After making the property change, bring the connection up. For example, the following sets the property on a connection named MyConnection:


    # nmcli connection modify MyConnection ipv6.method ignore
    # nmcli connection up MyConnection
  • Alternatively, enabling the IPv6 protocol at the kernel level will avoid the issue:

Root Cause

  • This error is seen when the IPv6 protocol is disabled at the kernel level yet the IP network configuration is set to expect IPv6 to be available.

Diagnostic Steps

  • Verify that the NetworkManager service is in use:


    # systemctl status NetworkManager.service
  • Verify the IPv6 protocol is disabled for some or all interfaces. If the net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 sysctl is set to 1 or any specific interface sysctl is set to 1 then IPv6 is disabled for all or some interfaces:


    $ sysctl -a | grep disable_ipv6
  • Verify the current ipv6.method property setting for each network connection. The following example commands list known connections and then checks the ipv6.method property of one:

  • 其实这个ipv6.method可以在nmcli设置时设置成ipv6.method ignore,当然这个参数也是在网卡配置文件里的IPV6INIT=no

    # nmcli connection show
    NAME        UUID                                  TYPE            DEVICE     
    port1       674dd62a-1d02-4108-9a94-e1f15ece0d25  802-3-ethernet  eno1       
    team0       16e653cb-aeb1-4bfc-8897-d6e91ed21efd  team            team0      
    usb0        ccfdbab0-fc88-0959-3a1a-14ca9e37cc0a  802-3-ethernet  --         
    port2       cd52a24e-bf12-435b-81e4-d4dd8732a762  802-3-ethernet  enp8s10    
    bridge0     c2065805-788a-4ca0-ba75-dd15db62cc6e  bridge          bridge0  
    # nmcli connection show bridge0 | grep ipv6.method
    ipv6.method:                            auto

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