

  1. 建库,选择库
create database class1824; 
use python1804;
  1. 删库
drop database class1824;


create table user(userid int(11),username varchar(32),password char(32)); 
drop table user;
  1. 改表名
alter table user  rename users;
  1. 表字段改名
alter table user change userid id int(11);
  1. 修改字段类型与位置
alter table user modify username char(32) first;
  1. 添加删除表字段
alter table user add column password char(64) after username;
alter table user drop column sex;
  1. create创建索引,create 不能创建主键索引,注意与alter的区别
create index in_id on t1(id);
  1. alter创建索引,create 不能创建主键索引,注意与alter的区别
alter table users add unique(字段名 ); 
#fulltext(字段名 );primary key(字段名 );index(字段名)
  1. 删除索引
alter table users drop index username on t1;
  1. 删除主键索引,先取消递增
alter table users modify id int(11) unsigned not null;
alter table users drop primary key; 
  1. 插入数据方法一,所有字段,顺序一致
insert into users values(1,"haha","adfdsfadsf12"),(2,"xixi","afdsf123321");
  1. 插入数据方法二,设置了递增的字段可不操作
insert into users(id,username,password) values(3,"hehe","12333adf123");
  1. 替换列数据
update scores set nu=replace(nu,1,2);
  1. 去重
select distinct balance from money;
  1. 排序,desc降序,asc升序。
select * from money where age>30 order by balance desc,age asc limit 2 ,5;

17.分组,group by

select count(province),province from money group by province;

18.条件筛选group by

select count(province) as result,province from money group by province with rollup;

19.条件筛选group by

select count(province) as result,province from money group by province having result>1;


select user.username as '用户名',order_goods.oid, as "商品名" from user,order_goods where user.uid=order_goods.uid;


select user.username as '用户', as "商品" from user inner join order_goods on user.uid=order_goods.uid;

22.left join 语法

select * from user left join order_goods on user.uid=order_goods.uid; 


select * from user where uid in(select uid from order_goods);
select uid from user union all select uid from order_goods;


update user set username="哈哈",password="123456" where uid=8;


update money m,users u set m.balance=m.balance*,u.password=m.balance where;

26.delete from,累加id从原来的基础上累加,如1,2,3,将id=2删除了,id=3不变!注意与27中truncate的区别

delete from money where id>9; 
delete from  表名; 
  1. truncate清空表以后 id 从1 开始
truncate table users; 


grant 权限 on 库名.表名 to '用户名'@'ip地址' identified by 密码;

grant all on *.* to 'root'@'localhost' identified by '123456' with grant option; 
grant select,insert on class1824.* to 'jinxingping'@'localhost' identified by '123321';
flush privileges;
service mysql restart;


revoke insert on class1824.* from 'jinxingping'@'localhost';  


create table user1 like users;
insert into user1 select * from users;

31.表视图 view

create view v_t1 as select * from t1 where id>2 and id<8; show create/drop view v_t1;
  1. mysql常用内置函数
mysql 显示内容 用 select  
mysql> select concat("hello","world") as nihao; #拼接字符串
select lcase("MYSQL");#转小写
select ucase("mysql"); #转大写
mysql> select length("haha"); 字符串的长度
mysql> select ltrim("    haha"); 去除左侧空格
| ltrim("    haha") |
| haha              |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select rtrim("    haha      ");去除右侧空格
mysql> select repeat("重要的事情说三遍",6);
select replace("java 是世界上最好的语言","java","python");
mysql> select substr("python is so good",2,7); 从第二个字符开始  截取7个  mysql 从1开始 
mysql> select concat(space(20),'haha'); #生成20个空格   
mysql> select ceiling(123.1);
mysql> select floor(123.1);
mysql> select rand(); 求随机数  0-1之间的小数 
mysql> select bin(10);

mysql> select curdate(); 返回日期  2018-7-25
mysql> select curtime(); 11:21:33
mysql> select now(); 日期+时间  2018-07-25 11:22:14  
mysql> select week(now()); 返回29 表示当前第几周   
mysql> select year(now()); 返回2018 
mysql> select unix_timestamp(now()); 当前时间的时间戳 
mysql> select from_unixtime(1532489069);
| from_unixtime(1532489069) |
| 2018-07-25 11:24:29       |
+---------------------------+ 将当前的时间戳格式化为日期  

