balance transfer代码解析及api深度追踪(五)初始化链码

var path = require(‘path’);
var fs = require(‘fs’);
var util = require(‘util’);
var hfc = require(‘fabric-client’);
var Peer = require(‘fabric-client/lib/Peer.js’);
var EventHub = require(‘fabric-client/lib/EventHub.js’);
var helper = require(’./helper.js’);
var logger = helper.getLogger(‘instantiate-chaincode’);
var ORGS = hfc.getConfigSetting(‘network-config’);
var tx_id = null;
var eh = null;

var instantiateChaincode = function(channelName, chaincodeName, chaincodeVersion, functionName, args, username, org) {
logger.debug(’\n============ Instantiate chaincode on organization ’ + org +
’ ============\n’);
var channel = helper.getChannelForOrg(org);
var client = helper.getClientForOrg(org);
// 1 获取组织管理员
return helper.getOrgAdmin(org).then((user) => {
// read the config block from the orderer for the channel
// and initialize the verify MSPs based on the participating
// organizations
// 2 初始化 channel 的msp 会从order里获取配置
return channel.initialize();(1)
}, (err) => {
logger.error('Failed to enroll user ‘’ + username + ‘’. ’ + err);
throw new Error('Failed to enroll user ‘’ + username + ‘’. ’ + err);
}).then((success) => {
tx_id = client.newTransactionID();
// send proposal to endorser
var request = {
chaincodeId: chaincodeName,
chaincodeVersion: chaincodeVersion,
args: args,
txId: tx_id

    if (functionName)
        request.fcn = functionName;
    // 3.2  提交初始化chaincode提案给背书节点  
    return channel.sendInstantiateProposal(request)(4);
}, (err) => {
    logger.error('Failed to initialize the channel');
    throw new Error('Failed to initialize the channel');
}).then((results) => {
    var proposalResponses = results[0];
    var proposal = results[1];
    var all_good = true;
    //4 验证所有的背书响应是否ok
    for (var i in proposalResponses) {
        let one_good = false;
        if (proposalResponses && proposalResponses[i].response &&
            proposalResponses[i].response.status === 200) {
            one_good = true;
  'instantiate proposal was good');
        } else {
            logger.error('instantiate proposal was bad');
        all_good = all_good & one_good;
    if (all_good) {
            'Successfully sent Proposal and received ProposalResponse: Status - %s, message - "%s", metadata - "%s", endorsement signature: %s',
            proposalResponses[0].response.status, proposalResponses[0].response.message,
            proposalResponses[0].response.payload, proposalResponses[0].endorsement
        //4.0 封装交易请求
        var request = {
            proposalResponses: proposalResponses,
            proposal: proposal
        // set the transaction listener and set a timeout of 30sec
        // if the transaction did not get committed within the timeout period,
        // fail the test
        var deployId = tx_id.getTransactionID();
        // 4.1 设置监听事件链接
        eh = client.newEventHub();
        let data = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, ORGS[org].peers['peer1'][
        eh.setPeerAddr(ORGS[org].peers['peer1']['events'], {
            pem: Buffer.from(data).toString(),
            'ssl-target-name-override': ORGS[org].peers['peer1']['server-hostname']
        //4.2  监听事件并设置超时, 生成promise
        let txPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            let handle = setTimeout(() => {
            }, 30000);

            eh.registerTxEvent(deployId, (tx, code) => {
                    'The chaincode instantiate transaction has been committed on peer ' +

                if (code !== 'VALID') {
                    logger.error('The chaincode instantiate transaction was invalid, code = ' + code);
                } else {
          'The chaincode instantiate transaction was valid.');
        // 5 背书响应ok  发送交易
        var sendPromise = channel.sendTransaction(request);
        //6  集成promise  并运行
        return Promise.all([sendPromise].concat([txPromise])).then((results) => {
            logger.debug('Event promise all complete and testing complete');
            //7  这个是第五步执行的结果
            return results[0]; // the first returned value is from the 'sendPromise' which is from the 'sendTransaction()' call
        }).catch((err) => {
                util.format('Failed to send instantiate transaction and get notifications within the timeout period. %s', err)
            return 'Failed to send instantiate transaction and get notifications within the timeout period.';
    } else {
            'Failed to send instantiate Proposal or receive valid response. Response null or status is not 200. exiting...'
        return 'Failed to send instantiate Proposal or receive valid response. Response null or status is not 200. exiting...';
}, (err) => {
    logger.error('Failed to send instantiate proposal due to error: ' + err.stack ?
        err.stack : err);
    return 'Failed to send instantiate proposal due to error: ' + err.stack ?
        err.stack : err;
}).then((response) => {
    // 8   处理第六步返回的结果
    if (response.status === 'SUCCESS') {'Successfully sent transaction to the orderer.');
        return 'Chaincode Instantiation is SUCCESS';
    } else {
        logger.error('Failed to order the transaction. Error code: ' + response.status);
        return 'Failed to order the transaction. Error code: ' + response.status;
}, (err) => {
    logger.error('Failed to send instantiate due to error: ' + err.stack ? err
        .stack : err);
    return 'Failed to send instantiate due to error: ' + err.stack ? err.stack :

exports.instantiateChaincode = instantiateChaincode;
二 api深度追踪
* Initializes the channel object with the Membership Service Providers (MSPs). The channel’s
* MSPs are critical in providing applications the ability to validate certificates and verify
* signatures in messages received from the fabric backend. For instance, after calling
* [sendTransactionProposal()]{@link Channel#sendTransactionProposal}, the application can
* verify the signatures in the proposal response’s endorsements to ensure they have not been
* tampered with.

* This method retrieves the configuration from the orderer if no “config” parameter is passed in.
* Optionally a configuration may be passed in to initialize this channel without making the call
* to the orderer.
* @param {byte[]} config - Optional. An encoded (a.k.a un-decoded) byte array of the protobuf “ConfigUpdate”
* @return {Promise} A Promise that will resolve when the action is complete

	initialize(config_update) {
		if (config_update) {
			return Promise.resolve(true);

		var self = this;
		return this.getChannelConfig()(2)
				function (config_envelope) {
					logger.debug('initialize - got config envelope from getChannelConfig :: %j', config_envelope);
					var config_items = self.loadConfigEnvelope(config_envelope);
					return Promise.resolve(config_items);
				function (error) {
					logger.error('initialize - system error ::' + error.stack ? error.stack : error);
					return Promise.reject(new Error(error));

* Asks the peer for the current (latest) configuration block for this channel.
* @param {string | Peer} target - Optional. The peer to be used to make the
* request.
* @returns {Promise} A Promise for a {@link ConfigEnvelope} object containing the configuration items.

	getChannelConfig(target) {
		let method = 'getChannelConfig';
		logger.debug('%s - start for channel %s', method, this._name);
		var targets = this._getTargetForQuery(target);
		var signer = this._clientContext._getSigningIdentity(true);
		var tx_id = new TransactionID(signer, true);
		var request = {
			targets: targets,
			chaincodeId: Constants.CSCC,
			txId: tx_id,
			signer: signer,
			fcn: 'GetConfigBlock',
			args: [this._name]
		return this.sendTransactionProposal(request)(3)
				function (results) {
					var responses = results[0];
					// var proposal = results[1];
					logger.debug('%s - results received', method);
					if (responses && Array.isArray(responses)) {
						let response = responses[0];
						if (response instanceof Error) {
							return Promise.reject(response);
						else if (response.response && response.response.payload) {
							let block = _commonProto.Block.decode(response.response.payload);
							let envelope = _commonProto.Envelope.decode([0]);
							let payload = _commonProto.Payload.decode(envelope.payload);
							let config_envelope = _configtxProto.ConfigEnvelope.decode(;
							return Promise.resolve(config_envelope);
						else {
							logger.error('%s - unknown response ::%s', method, response);
							return Promise.reject(new Error(response));
					return Promise.reject(new Error('Payload results are missing from the get channel config'));
				function (err) {
					logger.error('%s - Failed getting channel config. Error: %s', method, err.stack ? err.stack : err);
					return Promise.reject(err);

* Sends a transaction proposal to one or more endorsing peers.
* After a chaincode gets [installed]{@link Client#installChaincode} and
* [instantiated]{@link Channel#instantiateChaincode}, it’s ready to take endorsement
* proposals and participating in transaction processing. A chaincode transaction
* starts with a proposal that gets sent to the endorsing peers, which executes
* the target chaincode and decides whether the proposal should be endorsed (if it
* executes successfully) or not (if the chaincode returns an error).
* @param {ChaincodeInvokeRequest} request
* @param {Number} timeout - A number indicating milliseconds to wait on the
* response before rejecting the promise with a
* timeout error. This overrides the default timeout
* of the Peer instance and the global timeout in the config settings.
* @returns {Promise} A Promise for the {@link ProposalResponseObject}

	sendTransactionProposal(request, timeout) {
		logger.debug('sendTransactionProposal - start');

		if (!request) {
			throw new Error('Missing request object for this transaction proposal');
		request.targets = this._getTargets(request.targets, Constants.NetworkConfig.ENDORSING_PEER_ROLE);

		return Channel.sendTransactionProposal(request, this._name, this._clientContext, timeout);

	 * Internal static method to allow transaction proposals to be called without
	 * creating a new channel
	static sendTransactionProposal(request, channelId, clientContext, timeout) {
		// Verify that a Peer has been added
		var errorMsg = clientUtils.checkProposalRequest(request);

		if (errorMsg) {
			// do nothing so we skip the rest of the checks
		} else if (!request.args) {
			// args is not optional because we need for transaction to execute
			errorMsg = 'Missing "args" in Transaction proposal request';
		} else if (!request.targets || request.targets.length < 1) {
			errorMsg = 'Missing peer objects in Transaction proposal';

		if (errorMsg) {
			logger.error('sendTransactionProposal error ' + errorMsg);
			throw new Error(errorMsg);

		var args = [];
		args.push(Buffer.from(request.fcn ? request.fcn : 'invoke', 'utf8'));
		logger.debug('sendTransactionProposal - adding function arg:%s', request.fcn ? request.fcn : 'invoke');

		for (let i = 0; i < request.args.length; i++) {
			logger.debug('sendTransactionProposal - adding arg:%s', request.args[i]);
			args.push(Buffer.from(request.args[i], 'utf8'));
		//special case to support the bytes argument of the query by hash
		if (request.argbytes) {
			logger.debug('sendTransactionProposal - adding the argument :: argbytes');
		else {
			logger.debug('sendTransactionProposal - not adding the argument :: argbytes');
		let invokeSpec = {
			type: _ccProto.ChaincodeSpec.Type.GOLANG,
			chaincode_id: {
				name: request.chaincodeId
			input: {
				args: args

		var proposal, header;
		var signer = null;
		if (request.signer) {
			signer = request.signer;
		} else {
			signer = clientContext._getSigningIdentity(request.txId.isAdmin());
		var channelHeader = clientUtils.buildChannelHeader(
		header = clientUtils.buildHeader(signer, channelHeader, request.txId.getNonce());
		proposal = clientUtils.buildProposal(invokeSpec, header, request.transientMap);
		let signed_proposal = clientUtils.signProposal(signer, proposal);

		return clientUtils.sendPeersProposal(request.targets, signed_proposal, timeout)
				function (responses) {
					return Promise.resolve([responses, proposal]);
				function (err) {
					logger.error('Failed Proposal. Error: %s', err.stack ? err.stack : err);
					return Promise.reject(err);

* Sends a chaincode instantiate proposal to one or more endorsing peers.
* A chaincode must be instantiated on a channel-by-channel basis before it can
* be used. The chaincode must first be installed on the endorsing peers where
* this chaincode is expected to run, by calling [client.installChaincode()]{@link Client#installChaincode}.

* Instantiating a chaincode is a full transaction operation, meaning it must be
* first endorsed as a proposal, then the endorsements are sent to the orderer
* to be processed for ordering and validation. When the transaction finally gets
* committed to the channel’s ledger on the peers, the chaincode is then considered
* activated and the peers are ready to take requests to process transactions.
* @param {ChaincodeInstantiateUpgradeRequest} request
* @param {Number} timeout - A number indicating milliseconds to wait on the
* response before rejecting the promise with a
* timeout error. This overrides the default timeout
* of the Peer instance and the global timeout in the config settings.
* @returns {Promise} A Promise for the {@link ProposalResponseObject}

	sendInstantiateProposal(request, timeout) {
		return this._sendChaincodeProposal(request, 'deploy', timeout);

	 * Sends a chaincode upgrade proposal to one or more endorsing peers.
	 * Upgrading a chaincode involves steps similar to instantiating a chaincode.
	 * The new chaincode must first be installed on the endorsing peers where
	 * this chaincode is expected to run.
	 * <br><br>
	 * Similar to instantiating a chaincode, upgrading chaincodes is also a full transaction
	 * operation.
	 * @param {ChaincodeInstantiateUpgradeRequest} request
	 * @param {Number} timeout - A number indicating milliseconds to wait on the
	 *                              response before rejecting the promise with a
	 *                              timeout error. This overrides the default timeout
	 *                              of the Peer instance and the global timeout in the config settings.
	 * @returns {Promise} A Promise for the {@link ProposalResponseObject}
	sendUpgradeProposal(request, timeout) {
		return this._sendChaincodeProposal(request, 'upgrade', timeout);

	 * Internal method to handle both chaincode calls
	_sendChaincodeProposal(request, command, timeout) {
		let errorMsg = null;

		//validate the incoming request
		if (!errorMsg) errorMsg = clientUtils.checkProposalRequest(request);
		if (!errorMsg) errorMsg = clientUtils.checkInstallRequest(request);
		if (errorMsg) {
			logger.error('sendChainCodeProposal error ' + errorMsg);
			return Promise.reject(new Error(errorMsg));
		const peers = this._getTargets(request.targets, Constants.NetworkConfig.ENDORSING_PEER_ROLE);

		// args is optional because some chaincode may not need any input parameters during initialization
		if (!request.args) {
			request.args = [];

		// step 1: construct a ChaincodeSpec
		const args = [];
		args.push(Buffer.from(request.fcn ? request.fcn : 'init', 'utf8'));

		for (let arg of request.args)
			args.push(Buffer.from(arg, 'utf8'));

		const ccSpec = {
			type: clientUtils.translateCCType(request.chaincodeType),
			chaincode_id: {
				name: request.chaincodeId,
				version: request.chaincodeVersion
			input: {
				args: args

		// step 2: construct the ChaincodeDeploymentSpec
		const chaincodeDeploymentSpec = new _ccProto.ChaincodeDeploymentSpec();

		const signer = this._clientContext._getSigningIdentity(request.txId.isAdmin());
		const lcccSpec_args = [
		if (request['endorsement-policy']) {
			lcccSpec_args[3] = this._buildEndorsementPolicy(request['endorsement-policy']);

		const lcccSpec = {
			// type: _ccProto.ChaincodeSpec.Type.GOLANG,
			type: clientUtils.translateCCType(request.chaincodeType),
			chaincode_id: { name: Constants.LSCC },
			input: { args: lcccSpec_args }

		const channelHeader = clientUtils.buildChannelHeader(
		const header = clientUtils.buildHeader(signer, channelHeader, request.txId.getNonce());
		const proposal = clientUtils.buildProposal(lcccSpec, header, request.transientMap);
		const signed_proposal = clientUtils.signProposal(signer, proposal);

		return clientUtils.sendPeersProposal(peers, signed_proposal, timeout)
				function (responses) {
					return [responses, proposal];

