
版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,未经博主允许不得转载。 https://blog.csdn.net/u011410254/article/details/79150924



create or replace procedure test is
    -- 条件sql
    vc_sql varchar2(4000);  
    vc_tempSql varchar2(4000); 
    --删除sql 主要执行的sql 
    vc_deleteSql varchar(4000) ; 
    vc_selectSql varchar(4000) ;
    vc_count number;  
  cursor a_spfl is
  select * from test_table t where t.validate_flag = 1 and t.user_id is not null and t.nsrsbh is not null;
  --vc_sql :='select * from test_table a where  a.validate_flag = 1'; 
  for a in a_spfl loop
     vc_deleteSql :='delete from  test_table t  where  t.validate_flag = 1 ';
     vc_selectSql :='select count(1) from  test_table t  where  t.validate_flag = 1 ';
     vc_tempSql :=' and t.id = '''||a.id||'''';
   --  vc_sql := ' and t.user_id = '||a.user_id||' and t.nsrsbh ='''||a.nsrsbh||'''' ;
      if a.user_id is null  then
        vc_sql := '';
       vc_sql := ' and t.user_id = '||a.user_id||' and t.nsrsbh ='''||a.nsrsbh||'''' ;
     end if;
      if a.nsrsbh is null  then
         vc_sql := vc_sql;
       vc_sql :=vc_sql ||' and t.nsrsbh ='''||a.nsrsbh||'''' ;
     end if;
     if a.product_name is null  then
       vc_sql := vc_sql ||' and t.product_name is null';
        vc_sql := vc_sql ||' and t.product_name ='''||a.product_name||'''' ;
     end if;
     if a.price is null then
       vc_sql := vc_sql ||' and t.price is null';
        vc_sql := vc_sql ||' and t.price ='''||a.price||'''' ;
     end if;
     --product_category_code 税收分类编码
     if a.product_category_code is null then
       vc_sql := vc_sql ||' and t.product_category_code is null';
        vc_sql := vc_sql ||' and t.product_category_code ='''||a.product_category_code||'''' ;
     end if;
     if a.specification is null then
       vc_sql := vc_sql ||' and t.specification is null';
        vc_sql := vc_sql ||' and t.specification ='''||a.specification||'''' ;
     end if;
     vc_deleteSql := vc_deleteSql || vc_tempSql || vc_sql;
     vc_selectSql := vc_selectSql || vc_sql;
    ---  dbms_output.put_line(vc_selectSql);
      execute immediate vc_selectSql into vc_count;  
      if vc_count >1 then
        execute immediate vc_deleteSql ;
          vc_count := 0;
      end if;                

  end loop;

