How to use requirejs in client side

How to use requirejs in client side 

1.  in html

<script data-main="js/main" src="js/require.js"></script>

main.js is the entry point of our app logic

2.  in main.js

//config requirejs parameter
    baseUrl: 'js'   //this is the base folder, so we can use jquery not js/jquery

requirejs(['jquery', 'DataBinder','jquery.blockUI', 'bootstrap.min'],  // these are dependency will load async
    function ($, Model) {
    	//define inner function and var here

    	return {};  // return the object we want to export

3.  define your own module, ex. DataBinder.js

define(["jquery"], function (jQuery) {
	//define inner function and var here

    return {};  // return the object we want to export

