R-CNN & Fast R-CNN & Faster R-CNN

R-CNN & Fast R-CNN & Faster R-CNN

R-CNN: Rich Feature Hierarchies for Accurate Object Detection and Semantic Segmentation

Tech report: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1311.2524v5.pdf 
Slides: http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~rbg/slides/rcnn-cvpr14-slides.pdf

Referrence: a blog

object detection system

Three modules: 
1. Generate region proposals (~2k/image) 
2. Compute CNN features 
3. Classify regions using linear SVM

R-CNN at test time

  • Region proposals 
    Proposal-method agnostic, many choices: 
    • Selective Search (2k/image "fast mode") [van de Sande, Uijlings et al.] (Used in this work)(Enable a controlled comparison with prior detection work)
    • Objectness [Alexe et al.]
    • Category independent object proposals [Endres & Hoiem]
    • CPMC [Carreira & Sminchisescu] - segmentation
    • BING [Ming et al.] – fast
    • MCG [Arbelaez et al.] – high-quality segmentation
  • Feature extraction with CNN 
    • Dilate the proposal (At the warped size there are exactly p=16 pixels warped image context around the original box)
    • Crop and scale to 227*227(anisotropic)
    • Forward propagate in AlexNet (5conv & 2fc). Get fc_7 layer features.
  • Classify regions by SVM 
    • linear SVM per class 
      (With the sofmax classifier from fine-tuning mAP decreases from 54% to 51%)
    • greedy NMS(non-maximum suppression) per class : rejects a region if it has an intersection-overunion (IoU) overlap with a higher scoring selected region larger than a learned threshold.
  • Object proposal refinement 
    • Linear bounding-box regression on CNN features (pool_5 feature: mAP ~4% up)
    • (in Appendix C)

Training R-CNN

  • Bounding-box labeled detection data is scarce
  • Use supervised pre-training on a data-rich auxiliary task and transfer to detection

  • Supervised pre-training 
    Pre-train CNN on ILSVRC2012(1.2 million 1000-way image classification) using image-level annotations only

  • Domain-specific fine-tuing 
    Adapt to new task(detection) and new domain(warped proposal) 
    • random initialize (N+1)-way classification layer (N classes + background)
    • Positives: 0.5 IoU overlap with a ground-truth box. Negative: o.w.
    • SGD: learning rate: 0.001 (1/10 of original) mini-batch: 32 pos & 96 neg
  • Train binary SVM 
    • IoU overlap threshold: grid search over {0, 0.1, ... 0.5} 
      IoU = 0.5 : mAP ~5% down 
      IoU = 0.0 : mAP ~4% down

Fast R-CNN

Paper: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1504.08083v1.pdf 
Project: https://github.com/rbgirshick/fast-rcnn

Referrence: blog


Drawback of R-CNN and the modification: 
1. Training is a multi-stage pipeline. -> End-to-end joint training. 
2. Training is expensive in space and time. -> Convolutional layer sharing. Classification in memory. 
For SVM and regressor training, features are extracted from each warped object proposal in each image and written to disk.(VGG16, 5k VOC07 trainval images : 2.5 GPU days). Hundreds of gigabytes of storage. 
3. Test-time detection is slow. -> Single scale testing, SVD fc layer. 
At test-time, features are extracted from each warped proposal in each img. (VGG16: 47s / image).

1. Higher detection quality (mAP) than R-CNN 
2. Training is single-stage, using a multi-task loss 
3. All network layers can be updated during training 
4. No disk storage is required for feature caching

Fast R-CNN training

  • RoI pooling layer 
    • Find the patch in feature map corresponding to the RoI; Get fixed-length feature using SPPnet to feed in fc layer
    • A simplified version of the spatial pyramid pooling used in SPPnet, in which "pyramid" has only one level
    • Input : 
      N feature maps (last conv layer H*W*C), 
      a list of R RoI(tuple [n, r, c, h, w] n: index of a feature map, (r,c): top-left loc) (R  N)
    • Output: max-pooled feature maps(H'*W'*C) (H'H, W'W)
  • Use pre-trained Networks 
    Tree transformations:(VGG 16) 
    • last pooling layer -> RoI pooling layer (H'*W' compatibale to fc layer)
    • final fc and softmax layer -> two sibling layers: fc + (K+1)-softmax and fc + bounding box regressor (is the number of the classes)
    • Modified to take two data inputs: N feature maps and a list of RoI
  • Fine-tuning for detection 
    • Back propogation through SPP layer.
    • BP through conv: Image-centric sampling. mini-batch sample hierachically: images -> RoI 
      Same image shares computation and memory
    • Joint optimaize a softmax classifier and bounding-box regressors
    • Multi-task Loss 
      • Two sibling output layers: 
        1. fc + (K+1)-softmax: Discrete probability distribution per RoI 
        2. fc + bbox regressor: bbox regression offsets : a scale -invariant translation and log-space height-width shift relative to an object proposal
      • Multi-task loss

        where  is the true class label 
        1.  : standard cross entropy/log loss
        2.  :  true bbox regression target  predicted tuple for class 
          smoothed  loss : less sensitive to outliers (R-CNN L2 loss: requires significant tuning of learning rate, prevent exploding gradients)
        3. hyper-parameter:  (=1) normalize  to zero mean and unit variance
      • Mini-batch Sampling 
        128: 2 randomly sampled images with 64 PoI sampled from each image 
        25% positive: IoU > 0.5 
        75% background:IoU  [0.1, 0.5) 
        horizontally flipped with prob = 0.5
      • BP through RoI Pooling Layer 
         (if  was argmax assigned to  during the pool)
      • SGD hyper-parameter 
        new fc for softmax is initialized by N(0, 0.01) 
        new fc for bbox-reg is initilized by N(0. 0.001) 
        base_lr: 0.001 weight_lr: 1 bias_lr: 2 
        VOC07 VOC12: 30k-iter -> lr = 0.0001 10k-iter (larger dataset: momentum term 0.9 weight decay 0.0005)
    • Scale Invariance 
      scale invariance object detection : brute-force learning; using image pyramids [followed SPP]

Fast R-CNN detection

  • R ~ 2k, Forward pass, assign detection confidence , ans NMS
  • Truncated SVD for faster detection 
    mAP ~ 0.3% down; speed ~ 30% up 
    number of RoI for detection is large -> time spent on fc 
     (U : u*t, Sigma_t: t*t, V: v*t) 
    Compression : () fc -> () fc + () fc

Faster R-CNN

Paper: http://arxiv.org/abs/1506.01497 
Caffe Project: https://github.com/ShaoqingRen/caffe

Reference: blog1 blog2

Region Proposal Networks

RPN input: image of any size, output: rectangular object proposals with objectness score

  • Fully convolutional network 
    share computation with Fast R-CNN detection network(share conv layer)
  • Slide on n*n conv feature map output by last shared conv layer(ZF 5conv, VGG 13conv) 
    Sliding window mapped to a lower-dim vector(256-d ZF, 512-d VGG) (n = 3 large recpt field) 
    Fed into two sibling fc layers(1*1 conv): bbox-reg layer + box-cls layer
  • Translation-Invariant Anchors 
    At each sliding window loc, pridict k proposal: 4k outputs for reg layer, 2k outputs for cls layer (binary softmax). 
    Anchor: centered at sliding window with scale and aspect ratio: (; 1:2, 2:1, 1:1) 
    For a conv feature map:  (k=9 anchors) (2+4)*9 output layer
  • Loss function for Learning Region Proposal 
    positive label: the anchor has highest IoU with a gt-box or has an IoU>0.7 with any gt-box 
    negative label: IoU<0.3 for all gt-box 
    Objective function with multi-task loss: Similar to Fast R-CNN.
    where  is 1 if the anchor is labeled positive, and is 0 if the anchor is negative. 
     bias towards better box location
  • Optimization 
    fcn trained by end-to-end by bp and sgd 
    image-centric sampling strategy, sample 256 anchors in an image(Pos:neg = 1:1) 
    new layer initialization ~ N(0, 0.01) 
    tune ZFnet and conv3_1 and up for VGGnet, lr=0.001 for 60k batches, 0.0001 for 20k on PASCAL
  • Share Convolutional Features for Region Proposal and Objection Detection 
    Four-step training algorithm: 
    1. Train RPN, initialized with ImageNet pre-trained model
    2. Train a separate detection network by Fast R-CNN using proposals generated by step-1 RPN, initialized by ImageNet pre-trained model
    3. Fix conv layer, fine-tune unique layers to RPN, initialized by detector network in Step2
    4. Fix conv layer, fine-tune fc-layers of Fast

