【TestNG】Serially or Parallel Mode

TestNG uses xml file to organize testcases.

Suppose we have two testcases: TestNg.java and TestNgClone.java, so prepare demo.xml (you can find it under test-xml folder) such as:

<suite verbose="10" name="demo" annotations="JDK" time-out="1800000">

    <test name="TestNg" junit="false" annotations="JDK">
            <class name="com.netease.demo.TestNg" />

    <test name="TestNgClone" junit="false" annotations="JDK">
            <class name="com.netease.demo.TestNgClone" />


Just run demo.xml as TestNG Suite in Eclipse, then the two testcases will be executed serially.
Then you can see emailable-report.html under target fold.

Parallel mode is indeed TestNG's feature, so modify demo.xml as follow:
<suite thread-count="10" parallel="tests" verbose="10" name="demo" annotations="JDK" time-out="1800000">

    <test name="TestNg" junit="false" annotations="JDK">
            <class name="com.netease.demo.TestNg" />

    <test name="TestNgClone" junit="false" annotations="JDK">
            <class name="com.netease.demo.TestNgClone" />


  • parallel="tests" means enable parallel mode in the unit of <test>, such as: TestNg and TestNgClone.
  • thread-count="10" means use 10 threads to run testcases.

Good to know:Parallel mode is limited by cpu's power, the more cores, the higher speed.

