Meow-AutoClick1.0 Software Instructions

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Download the Software

Do not unzip the archive, click the executable file and start the program.

How to use:

1. Click Hotkey to register hotkeys for the operations.

2. Press the click hot key you set to start click, and if you want to stop click, press the click hot key again.

Smart click:

3. Press the record hot key to record. Put the pointer on ‘record’ button on the floating window.

4. Press left mouse button, drag the pointer to the position where you want to click and release the button. Select the distance to move horizontally in the next cycle of iteration(N : rightward, Y: leftward). Select the distance to move vertically in the next cycle of iteration(N: downward, Y: upward). And the select the button to click and select whether to double click.

5. Press select-color hot key to select the color where the pointer is. Once you select the color for a click in an iteration, the program will keep waiting until the color where the pointer is turns to your preset color, After the click, the pointer will move to the next position you set previously.(In this step, you click the ‘magnify’ button to magnifying the area where the pointer is to select color more accurately. Click the magnifying glass window to enlarge the zoom multiple)

6. Repeat Step 4 and Step 5 to record more positions and customize the operation on that position.

7. Press the record hot key again to stop record.

8. Select Smart click.

9. Press click hot key to start click and press it again to stop.

10. Press ‘Clear’ button to clear the records.

Author: Chintsai Hwo (completed the main the part of the program)

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Andrew Thompson (wrote the magnifying glass part in the program)


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