代做CSE 232作业、代写C/C++编程作业、代做Steganography作业、代写C/C++课程设计作业

CSE 232 Fall 2018
Programming Project 06
Assignment Overview
This assignment is worth 50 points (5.0% of the course grade) and must be completed and turned
in before 11:59pm on Monday, October 22nd.
Steganography (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steganography) is the process of hiding a "secret
message" in a text file, image or even sound file. It differs from cryptography in that the overall
file/video/audio looks reasonably normal and still conveys information, making it hard to tell that
there is a secret hidden inside.
Color Printer Steganography
You probably didn't know (I didn't until recently) that most color printers add a "fingerprint" to
every page they print. They are not exactly invisible, they are very hard to see, but they are there.
That fingerprint encodes information like: time, date and serial number of the printer being used.
Every page! They typically come as a small matrix of yellow dots (which are hard to see on
white paper) which encode the information. The image below shows the actual yellow dots
(highly magnified on the left) and a false-color enhancement to better show them.
The companies are not exactly forthcoming about the encoding for their printers, but at least one
has been decoded. The Xerox DocuColor series. We will write a program that can decode these.
Xerox Docucolor Matrix
Below is a representations of the DocuColor matrix printed on each sheet, and how they might
be interpreted. The fingerprint is a 8 row x 15 column matrix of yellow dots. Note on the
drawing that they number columns starting at index 1 (yuck).
The first row and first column are special. They represent a property called parity which we will
discuss in a moment. Otherwise:
● columns 2 and 5 represent time (minutes and hours respectively)
● columns 6, 7, 8 represent a date
● columns 11, 12, 13, 14 represent a serial number
Columns 3,4,9,10,15 are ignored (for our purposes).
In the figure, the two rows at the bottom are not part of the matrix but are the interpretation
of the columns for your benefit. Each row represents a power of two, and so each column
represents a decimal number. Look at column 2. There is a dot in the row representing 2, 16 and
32. The sum of those is 50, which represents the minutes in the time. Notice we do not count the
top row, the parity row, in any calculation. For column 5, there is a dot at 4 and 8, representing
12 hours. Thus the time this page was printed was 12:50. The other interpretations are done in
the same manner. Note that, for our purposes, we would interpret all of the serial number
columns, so our expectation would be to print the serial number as 21052857 in that order.
Parity is a really easy concept to understand. We typically use parity on binary representations
such as a binary string. To determine the parity of a binary string, you count the number of 1's
that occur in the string. If the 1's count is even, then the parity for that string is 1, if the 1's count
is odd then the parity is 0. Easy! The question is why is that interesting? When you transmit
information across a channel that can be noisy (like a wireless connection), you can sometimes
lose data. Parity is a really cheap way to check that what got passed is what you intended. That
is, if you pass the binary string through some noisy channel along with a parity bit, you can
check on the receiving end to see if the parity is still correct. That is, does the number of 1's
passed matches the parity that was also passed. If parity does not match the count, something is
wrong. If the parity bit is correct, something could still be wrong but if you have multiple parity
bits in the information passed, you can have some confidence the that information was correctly
In the image above, let's check. For the column parity in column 2, the parity is not set,
representing a parity of 0. If we count the number of 1’s in the column there are three dots (three
1's), so the parity is odd. The parity bit accurately reflects the parity of the column. Columns 3
and 4 have no dots. The parity of 0 is 1, so 3 and 4 are set to 1 (a dot). Column 5 has two dots
(two 1's), the parity is even, so the parity is 1 (a dot).
Same for the rows. Row 1 has its parity bit set (1). The row has 6 dots, even parity. The bit
accurately represents the parity of the row. Row 8 has 5 dots, odd parity, value of 0, no dot. The
only weird one is the top left corner. Does that represent the parity of the first column (all the
row parities) or the first row (the parity of all the columns). Has to be the parity of the column.
Check yourself. 4 dots in the column, even parity. 9 dots in the row, odd parity. The dot is set.
Must be for the column.
Program Specifications
function vector<vector<int>> read_file(const string &fname)
● one argument:
o a string representing the name of the file to be opened
● the return is a 2D vector
We cannot actually read the dots, so instead we read a file of the following form (this file
representing dot patterns used in the image above).
No spaces on a row between each number. My suggestion is to read each line of the file in as a
string, convert each character to an integer, and push it back onto the row of the 2D vector. Do it
for each row.
Error Checking: if you cannot open the filename provided, throw a runtime_error
function vector<int> get_row(const vector<vector<int>> &v, int row)
● two arguments
o 2D vector of int (by reference)
o an int row
● returns a 1D vector containing that row.
No Error Checking.
function vector<int> get_column(const vector<vector<int>> &v,
int col)
● two arguments
o 2D vector of int (by reference)
o an int column
● returns a 1D vector containing that column including the parity bit.
No Error Checking.
function int col_to_int(const vector<vector<int>> & v, size_t col)
● two arguments
o 2D vector of int (by reference)
o an int column
● returns an integer, the value the column represents (without the parity value)
Should use get_column
function string get_time(const vector<vector<int>> & v)
● argument is the 2D vector
● return is a string, the time the matrix represents (for the above example, “12:50”)
Should use col_to_int
function string get_date(const vector<vector<int>> & v)
● argument is the 2D vector
● return is a string, the date the matrix represents (for the above example “06/21/2005”)
● Note: if the month or day has just a single digit, then it must be padded with a 0
Should use col_to_int
function string get_serial(const vector<vector<int>> & v)
● argument is the 2D vector
● return is a string, the serial number the matrix represents (for the above example 21052857)
Should use col_to_int
function string check_column_parity(vector<vector<int>> & v,
int col)
● two arguments
o 2D vector of int (by reference)
o an int col
● returns a string with the following information (follow the string format exactly, separated
by ":", no spaces, no return)
o column_parity:column_1's_count:true or false if parity of the matrix and the count match.
o "1:2:true" means? parity bit set, 1's count is 2, parity bit and count parity match
Should use get_col and parity
function string check_row_parity(vector<vector<int>> & v, int row)
● two arguments
o 2D vector of int (by reference)
o an int row
● returns a string with the following information (follow the string format exactly, separated
by ":", no spaces, no return)
o row_parity:row_1's_count:true or false if parity of the matrix and the count match.
o "1:2:true" means parity bit set, 1's count is 2, parity bit and count parity match
Should use get_row and parity
You will turn in one file: proj06_functions.cpp. We provide you only with
proj06_functions.h , you must write your own main to test your functions. Mimir can
test the individual functions without a main program but it's a good idea for you to test your
own code with a main, perhaps in the manner that we did previously.
Remember to include your section, the date, project number and comments and you do not
provide main.cpp. If you turn in a main with your code Mimir will not be able to grade you.
1. Please be sure to use the specified file names
2. Always a good idea to save a copy of your file in your H: drive on EGR.
3. Submit to Mimir as always. There will be a mix of visible and not-visible cases.
Assignment Notes
1. In the header file are two functions that we do not test on Mimr. That means you are not
required to do them (but it is suggested)
a. int parity(int)
b. string print_vector (const vector<vector<int>> &v)
The parity function is too easy to test, is the parameter even or odd (though useful to
have) and the print_vector is really useful but it is difficult to get a good Mimir test
up for it (long output can be hard to get right). How you would know you read the vector
correctly without printing I don’t know, but I guess that’s up to you. I’ll leave them in put
put a comment up about that in the header.
2. You turn in the functions only. To test against your own main you can write a separate
file with the main and then compile the two files at the same time. See the lab and videos
for examples.
3. I included a print_vector function in the proj06_functions.h The intent is for that
function print out the 2D vector that you just read in. I won’t test that function in Mimir,
but I submit you truly need it if you want to know that you read the data in right. Most of
the other tests are going to depend on read_file working right. If that doesn’t work,
very little else will.


代做CSE 232作业、代写C/C++编程作业、代做Steganography作业、代写C/C++课程设计作业
CSE 232 Fall 2018
Programming Project 06
Assignment Overview
This assignment is worth 50 points (5.0% of the course grade) and must be completed and turned
in before 11:59pm on Monday, October 22nd.
Steganography (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steganography) is the process of hiding a "secret
message" in a text file, image or even sound file. It differs from cryptography in that the overall
file/video/audio looks reasonably normal and still conveys information, making it hard to tell that
there is a secret hidden inside.
Color Printer Steganography
You probably didn't know (I didn't until recently) that most color printers add a "fingerprint" to
every page they print. They are not exactly invisible, they are very hard to see, but they are there.
That fingerprint encodes information like: time, date and serial number of the printer being used.
Every page! They typically come as a small matrix of yellow dots (which are hard to see on
white paper) which encode the information. The image below shows the actual yellow dots
(highly magnified on the left) and a false-color enhancement to better show them.
The companies are not exactly forthcoming about the encoding for their printers, but at least one
has been decoded. The Xerox DocuColor series. We will write a program that can decode these.
Xerox Docucolor Matrix
Below is a representations of the DocuColor matrix printed on each sheet, and how they might
be interpreted. The fingerprint is a 8 row x 15 column matrix of yellow dots. Note on the
drawing that they number columns starting at index 1 (yuck).
The first row and first column are special. They represent a property called parity which we will
discuss in a moment. Otherwise:
● columns 2 and 5 represent time (minutes and hours respectively)
● columns 6, 7, 8 represent a date
● columns 11, 12, 13, 14 represent a serial number
Columns 3,4,9,10,15 are ignored (for our purposes).
In the figure, the two rows at the bottom are not part of the matrix but are the interpretation
of the columns for your benefit. Each row represents a power of two, and so each column
represents a decimal number. Look at column 2. There is a dot in the row representing 2, 16 and
32. The sum of those is 50, which represents the minutes in the time. Notice we do not count the
top row, the parity row, in any calculation. For column 5, there is a dot at 4 and 8, representing
12 hours. Thus the time this page was printed was 12:50. The other interpretations are done in
the same manner. Note that, for our purposes, we would interpret all of the serial number
columns, so our expectation would be to print the serial number as 21052857 in that order.
Parity is a really easy concept to understand. We typically use parity on binary representations
such as a binary string. To determine the parity of a binary string, you count the number of 1's
that occur in the string. If the 1's count is even, then the parity for that string is 1, if the 1's count
is odd then the parity is 0. Easy! The question is why is that interesting? When you transmit
information across a channel that can be noisy (like a wireless connection), you can sometimes
lose data. Parity is a really cheap way to check that what got passed is what you intended. That
is, if you pass the binary string through some noisy channel along with a parity bit, you can
check on the receiving end to see if the parity is still correct. That is, does the number of 1's
passed matches the parity that was also passed. If parity does not match the count, something is
wrong. If the parity bit is correct, something could still be wrong but if you have multiple parity
bits in the information passed, you can have some confidence the that information was correctly
In the image above, let's check. For the column parity in column 2, the parity is not set,
representing a parity of 0. If we count the number of 1’s in the column there are three dots (three
1's), so the parity is odd. The parity bit accurately reflects the parity of the column. Columns 3
and 4 have no dots. The parity of 0 is 1, so 3 and 4 are set to 1 (a dot). Column 5 has two dots
(two 1's), the parity is even, so the parity is 1 (a dot).
Same for the rows. Row 1 has its parity bit set (1). The row has 6 dots, even parity. The bit
accurately represents the parity of the row. Row 8 has 5 dots, odd parity, value of 0, no dot. The
only weird one is the top left corner. Does that represent the parity of the first column (all the
row parities) or the first row (the parity of all the columns). Has to be the parity of the column.
Check yourself. 4 dots in the column, even parity. 9 dots in the row, odd parity. The dot is set.
Must be for the column.
Program Specifications
function vector<vector<int>> read_file(const string &fname)
● one argument:
o a string representing the name of the file to be opened
● the return is a 2D vector
We cannot actually read the dots, so instead we read a file of the following form (this file
representing dot patterns used in the image above).
No spaces on a row between each number. My suggestion is to read each line of the file in as a
string, convert each character to an integer, and push it back onto the row of the 2D vector. Do it
for each row.
Error Checking: if you cannot open the filename provided, throw a runtime_error
function vector<int> get_row(const vector<vector<int>> &v, int row)
● two arguments
o 2D vector of int (by reference)
o an int row
● returns a 1D vector containing that row.
No Error Checking.
function vector<int> get_column(const vector<vector<int>> &v,
int col)
● two arguments
o 2D vector of int (by reference)
o an int column
● returns a 1D vector containing that column including the parity bit.
No Error Checking.
function int col_to_int(const vector<vector<int>> & v, size_t col)
● two arguments
o 2D vector of int (by reference)
o an int column
● returns an integer, the value the column represents (without the parity value)
Should use get_column
function string get_time(const vector<vector<int>> & v)
● argument is the 2D vector
● return is a string, the time the matrix represents (for the above example, “12:50”)
Should use col_to_int
function string get_date(const vector<vector<int>> & v)
● argument is the 2D vector
● return is a string, the date the matrix represents (for the above example “06/21/2005”)
● Note: if the month or day has just a single digit, then it must be padded with a 0
Should use col_to_int
function string get_serial(const vector<vector<int>> & v)
● argument is the 2D vector
● return is a string, the serial number the matrix represents (for the above example 21052857)
Should use col_to_int
function string check_column_parity(vector<vector<int>> & v,
int col)
● two arguments
o 2D vector of int (by reference)
o an int col
● returns a string with the following information (follow the string format exactly, separated
by ":", no spaces, no return)
o column_parity:column_1's_count:true or false if parity of the matrix and the count match.
o "1:2:true" means? parity bit set, 1's count is 2, parity bit and count parity match
Should use get_col and parity
function string check_row_parity(vector<vector<int>> & v, int row)
● two arguments
o 2D vector of int (by reference)
o an int row
● returns a string with the following information (follow the string format exactly, separated
by ":", no spaces, no return)
o row_parity:row_1's_count:true or false if parity of the matrix and the count match.
o "1:2:true" means parity bit set, 1's count is 2, parity bit and count parity match
Should use get_row and parity
You will turn in one file: proj06_functions.cpp. We provide you only with
proj06_functions.h , you must write your own main to test your functions. Mimir can
test the individual functions without a main program but it's a good idea for you to test your
own code with a main, perhaps in the manner that we did previously.
Remember to include your section, the date, project number and comments and you do not
provide main.cpp. If you turn in a main with your code Mimir will not be able to grade you.
1. Please be sure to use the specified file names
2. Always a good idea to save a copy of your file in your H: drive on EGR.
3. Submit to Mimir as always. There will be a mix of visible and not-visible cases.
Assignment Notes
1. In the header file are two functions that we do not test on Mimr. That means you are not
required to do them (but it is suggested)
a. int parity(int)
b. string print_vector (const vector<vector<int>> &v)
The parity function is too easy to test, is the parameter even or odd (though useful to
have) and the print_vector is really useful but it is difficult to get a good Mimir test
up for it (long output can be hard to get right). How you would know you read the vector
correctly without printing I don’t know, but I guess that’s up to you. I’ll leave them in put
put a comment up about that in the header.
2. You turn in the functions only. To test against your own main you can write a separate
file with the main and then compile the two files at the same time. See the lab and videos
for examples.http://www.5daixie.com/contents/9/1727.html
3. I included a print_vector function in the proj06_functions.h The intent is for that
function print out the 2D vector that you just read in. I won’t test that function in Mimir,
but I submit you truly need it if you want to know that you read the data in right. Most of
the other tests are going to depend on read_file working right. If that doesn’t work,
very little else will.

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