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< title >rem布局——rem+js </ title >
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body {
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/* js被禁止的回退方案 */
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body {
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font-size: 18px;

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/* js被禁止的回退方案 */

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border: 1px solid red;
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/* 字体使用em */

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font-size: 1.2em;
/* 字体使用em */

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width: 4rem;
height: 4rem;

.s2 {
font-size: 1.2em
/* 字体使用em */
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< body >
< noscript >开启JavaScript,获得更好的体验 </ noscript >
< div class= "p1" >
< div class= "s1" >
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< div class= "p2" >
< div class= "s2" >
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var documentElement = document. documentElement;
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