

pt_uwidth = 320
pt_uheight = 165

ffmpeg = "your/ffmpeg.exe"

fn existFile fname = (getfiles fname).count !=0

if maxfilepath != "" then previewname = getFilenameFile maxFileName else previewname = "UnTitled"

try(DestroyDialog PreviewTool)catch()
rollout PreviewTool "PreviewTool v0.1"
	group "Naming" (
		editText vdName "Video Name" text:" Custom Preview Name..." width:290 height:18 tooltip:"Custom Preview Name" --enabled:false
		edittext vdPath "Video Path" text:" Custom Video Path..." pos:[15,48] width:290 height:18

		Label devider1 "________________________________________________" pos:[15,66] width:290
		button _SaveFolder "Choose Save Folder" pos:[15,85] width:290
		Label devider2 "________________________________________________" pos:[15,106] width:290

		button pt_bt2 "Settings" tooltip:"Settings. (Make Preview Dialog)." pos:[15,130] width:95 height:25 
		button pt_play "Play Latest Video" tooltip:"Play the latest _scene.avi created" pos:[113,130] width:95 height:25
		button pt_bt3 "PlayLast" tooltip:"Instant Make Preview and Copy/Encode using Last Prevew Settings. But Turn Grid/Cameras Off and Force ShowFrames." pos:[211,130] width:95 height:25

 	on PreviewTool open do (
		if previewname != undefined then
				vdName.text = previewname
				vdName.text = "UnTitled"

	on _SaveFolder pressed do 
			folderpath = getSavePath caption:"Choose Point Cache Folder" initialDir:maxfilepath
			if folderpath != undefined do
			vdPath.text = folderPath

	on pt_bt2 pressed do (max preview)

	on pt_bt3 pressed do (
		startTime = AnimationRange.Start
		endTime = AnimationRange.End

		renderWidth = 1650
		renderHeight = 930

		video_previewname = vdName.text
		output_path = vdPath.text

		createPreview percentSize:100 start:startTime end:endTime dspFrameNums:true dspGrid:false dspCameras:false dspBones:false dspHelper:false

		userPath= substituteString tempPath "AppData\\Local\\Temp\\" ""
		video_in = userPath + "Documents\3dsMax\previews\_scene.avi "
		video_version = 1
		video_out = output_path + "\\" + video_previewname + ".v" + (formattedPrint video_version format:"03d") + ".mp4"

		while existFile video_out do
				video_version += 1
				video_out = output_path + "/" + video_previewname + ".v" + (formattedPrint video_version format:"03d") + ".mp4"

		convertout = ffmpeg + " -i " + video_in + "-pix_fmt yuv420p " + video_out
		print convertout
		DOSCommand convertout

		actionMan.executeAction 0 "40170"

		on pt_play pressed do actionMan.executeAction 0 "40170"

createDialog PreviewTool pt_uwidth pt_uheight fgcolor:yellow

