Lab-II: Signal Processing Software System_v2 (SPSS.2) LABORATORY EXERCISE

代写Lab-III作业、代做C/C++编程设计作业、代写Software System_v2作业、C/C++语言作业代做
Lab-II: Signal Processing Software System_v2 (SPSS.2)
Concepts and syntax to be used: Functions, random number
generation, looping and control, arrays, comparison operations,
linear search operations
Problem Statement: Consider Lab II, version 1 of your SPSS. In
this Lab III assignment, you will implement all the operations in
Lab II using C Functions. Thus, you need to do the following:
You must declare the signal arrays in the main function and pass
the arrays and any other required variables to the functions as
(i) Signal Generation function
(ii) Max and Min search function
(iii) Filtering function
(iv) Zero_Count function
(v) Statistics reporting function
You must keep your main(){…} function as simple as possible.
Use this suggestion, if you wish! We suggest the following to
facilitate your design and implementation. The output variables for
parts (ii), (iii) and (iv) are to be declared as global variables/arrays
so that the respective functions can directly write their output to
those global arrays/variables. Then use these global variables to

1 TE2101/TEE2101 Programming Methodology Exercise for Lab III for Sem 1 AY18/19;
generate statistics using Statistics reporting function. Read the
following remarks that facilitates your design.
Remarks: For this lab assignment, it is suggested that you draw a
flow-chart at a high level to capture the flow of the operations,
input and output parameters to facilitate your design. You need not
draw any detailed flow-chart as in Lab II. Show clearly the passing
of parameters and results to and from the functions.
Clearly write comments for your code. Comments carry marks.
You should reuse your own code developed for version 1. The
codes in your respective functions will be crosschecked with your
codes in Lab II assignment.

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