


蓝光光盘是由索尼及松下电器等企业组成的蓝光光盘联盟(Blu-ray Disc Association)策划的次世代光盘规格,并以SONY为首于2006年开始全面推动相关产品。


  • 蓝光光碟


  • 蓝光电影


  • BDMV


也是(Blu-ray Disc Movie的缩写),用来电影发行的有菜单的蓝光视频格式。


All BDMV application files are stored under a “BDMV” directory.

BDMV directory: contains the PLAYLIST, CLIPINF, STREAM, AUXDATA and BACKUP directories.

PLAYLIST directory: contains the Database files for Movie PlayLists.

xxxxx.mpls files: store information corresponding to Movie PlayLists. One file is created for each Movie PlayList. The filenames of these files are in the form “xxxxx.mpls”, where “xxxxx” is a 5-digit number corresponding to the Movie PlayList.
CLIPINF directory: contains the Database files for Clips.

zzzzz.clpi files: store Clip information associated with a Clip AV stream file. The filenames of these files are in the form “zzzzz.clpi”, where “zzzzz” is a 5-digit number corresponding to the Clip.

STREAM directory: contains AV stream files.

zzzzz.m2ts file: contains a BDAV MPEG-2 transport stream. The names of these files are in the form “zzzzz.m2ts”, where “zzzzz” is a 5-digit number corresponding to the Clip. The same 5-digit number “zzzzz” is used for an AV stream file and its associated Clip information file.

SSIF directory: If used, Stereoscopic Interleaved files shall be placed under this directory.

zzzzz.ssif file: is a Stereoscopic Interleaved file that is composed from two BDAV MPEG-2 transport streams. Both of the streams include an MPEG-4 MVC view video stream for left eye or right eye respectively. This file is used only when 3D video is played back. The 5-digit number “zzzzz” is the same as the number used for the AV stream file “zzzzz.m2ts” that includes the MPEG-4 MVC Base view video stream.

AUXDATA directory: contains Sound data files and Font files.


sound.bdmv file: stores data relating to one or more sounds associated with HDMV Interactive Graphic streams applications. This file may or may not exist under the AUXDATA directory. If it exists, there shall be only one sound.bdmv file.

aaaaa.otf file: stores the font information associated with Text subtitle applications. The names of these files are in the form “aaaaa.otf”, where “aaaaa” is a 5-digit number corresponding to the Font.
BACKUP directory: contains copies of the “index.bdmv” file, the “MovieObject.bdmv” file, all the files in the PLAYLIST directory and all files in the CLIPINF directory.

index.bdmv file: stores information describing the contents of the BDMV directory. There is only one index.bdmv file under the BDMV directory.

MovieObject.bdmv file: stores information for one or more Movie Objects. There is only one MovieObject.bdmv under the BDMV directory.



包含Movie PlayLists的数据库文件,是XXXXX.mpls的文件,这个文件存储有关Movie PlayLists的信息。每个文件对应每个Movie PlayList。 文件名是5个数字跟Movie PlayList对应。


包含有关Clips的数据库文件,是ZZZZ.clpl文件,这个文件存储有关Clip 视频流文件的Clip信息。同样的,文件名和clip相对应。


包含AV 流文件,是ZZZZ.m2ts文件,包含BDAV MPEG-2 传输流,同样文件名跟clip是对应的。




顾名思义是备份的数据,包含index.bdmv MovieObject.bdmv文件,以及所有在PLAYLIST和CLIPINF目录下的文件。

  • SSIF


  • index.bdmv


  • MovieObject.bdmv

存储Movie Object的信息

MPEG2 Transport stream for BD-ROM

BD-ROM 使用常见的m2ts格式来做为流的复用

