如何解决eclipse subversion的一个问题-看不见别人提交的文件

New files added by other users are not showing up in Synchronize view or even coming into my workspace when I update the entire project

This is caused by a bug in Subversion 1.6 that was fixed in Subversion 1.6.2. However, the fix just prevents the problem from continuing to happen, it does not fix your existing working copies. To fix your working copy follow these steps:

  1. Right-click on your Project and choose Team > Update to Version ...

  2. Change the Depth combo box to a value of "Fully recursive"
  3. Check the box that says "Change working copy to specified depth"
  4. Press OK

The bug was that when new folders were added to Subversion in your working copy, they were added with a depth option of empty. So you could see updates to anything you added, but new files and folders added by others would not show up due to the depth setting. The Subversion add API was fixed to set the depth to fully recursive as had always been the case.

