Leetcode 725:Split Linked List in Parts

版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,未经博主允许不得转载。 https://blog.csdn.net/qq_36022260/article/details/78979183
Given a (singly) linked list with head node root, write a function to split the linked list into k consecutive linked list "parts".

The length of each part should be as equal as possible: no two parts should have a size differing by more than 1. This may lead to some parts being null.

The parts should be in order of occurrence in the input list, and parts occurring earlier should always have a size greater than or equal parts occurring later.

Return a List of ListNode's representing the linked list parts that are formed.

Examples 1->2->3->4, k = 5 // 5 equal parts [ [1], [2], [3], [4], null ]
Example 1:
root = [1, 2, 3], k = 5
Output: [[1],[2],[3],[],[]]
The input and each element of the output are ListNodes, not arrays.
For example, the input root has root.val = 1, root.next.val = 2, \root.next.next.val = 3, and root.next.next.next = null.
The first element output[0] has output[0].val = 1, output[0].next = null.
The last element output[4] is null, but it's string representation as a ListNode is [].
Example 2:
root = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], k = 3
Output: [[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7], [8, 9, 10]]
The input has been split into consecutive parts with size difference at most 1, and earlier parts are a larger size than the later parts.

The length of root will be in the range [0, 1000].
Each value of a node in the input will be an integer in the range [0, 999].
k will be an integer in the range [1, 50].

Java 与 Python实现
class ListNode{ int val; ListNode next; ListNode (int x){ this.val = x ;} } public class split_links_in_parts { public ListNode[] Solution(ListNode root , int k){ ListNode [] parts = new ListNode[k]; int len = 0; for(ListNode node = root;node !=null;node = node.next) len++; int n = len / k ,rex = len % k ; ListNode node = root , prev = null; for (int i = 0;node != null && i<k ; i++) { parts[i] = node; for (int j = 0; j< n + (rex >0 ? 1:0);j ++) { prev = node; node = node.next; } prev.next = null; } return parts; } public static ListNode root; public ListNode current; //append node public ListNode addItem(int data){ if (root == null) { root = new ListNode(data); current = root; }else { current.next = new ListNode(data); current = current.next; } return root; } public static void main(String[] args) { ListNode[] parts = new ListNode[5]; split_links_in_parts split= new split_links_in_parts(); for (int i=1;i <=3;i++){ root = split.addItem(i); } System.out.println(root.next.val); parts = split.Solution(root,5); System.out.print("["); for (int i=0;i<5 ;i++){ System.out.print("["); for (ListNode node = parts[i];node!=null;node= node.next){ System.out.print(node.val+" "); } System.out.print("],"); } System.out.println("]"); } } 
class Listnode:
    def __init__(self,x):
        self.val = x
        self.next = None

roo ,current= None,None
class Solution:

    def addItem(self,data):
        global  roo,current
        if roo==None:
            roo = Listnode(data)
            current = roo
            current.next = Listnode(data)
            current = current.next
        return roo

    def split_list(self,root,k):
               :type root: ListNode
               :type k: int
               :rtype: List[ListNode]
        # count link ist ength
        cur ,length = root , 0
        while cur:
            cur , length = cur.next , length+1
        n , rex = length // k ,length % k
        list_link = [n + 1] * rex + [n] * (k - rex )
        # if rex>0: rex=1
        # else:rex=0
        # prev, cur = None, root
        # num_link ,i,n,parts= 0 , 0,n+rex,[0]*k
        # while cur != None and i < k:
        #     parts[i] = cur
        #     while num_link < n+rex:
        #         prev , cur = cur , cur.next
        #         num_link = num_link + 1
        #     num_link ,i  = 0 ,  i +  1
        #     prev.next = None

        prev ,cur = None ,root
        for index ,num in enumerate(list_link):
            if prev:
                prev.next = None
            list_link[index] = cur
            for i in range(num):
                prev , cur = cur , cur.next

        return list_link

if __name__ == '__main__':
    solution = Solution()
    for data in range(1,4):
        root = solution.addItem(data)

    list_link_parts = solution.split_list(root,5)
    print("[",end=" ")
    for i in range(0,5):
        node = list_link_parts[i]
        print("[", end=" ")
        while node:
            print(node.val,end=" ")
            node = node.next
        print("]",end=" ")
    print("]", end=" ")


