
版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,未经博主允许不得转载。 https://blog.csdn.net/timebomb/article/details/73379613
根据上文的介绍,大家都已了解到wireshark的README文档中README.dissector是比较重要的一个文档,那文档主要讲了什么,我们一起来看看。 文档主要分为两部分:Setting up your protocol dissector code和Advanced dissector topics。

1、Setting up your protocol dissector code

上图是wireshark普遍版本的界面,明显的将主要内容展示为三个区域,文档将这些命名为“pane”。第一个区域叫做包列表区域,主要是显示抓到的一些列cap包,每一个包对应一行信息,每行信息又包含多列,概括性描述了包的基本信息;第二个区域叫做协议树区域,主要是将1区域选中的某个包按照protocol tree的形式分级展示包的实际解析内容,也是我们最为常用的区域;第三个区域就是原始包区域,以16进制展示数据包,便于协议解析人员分析具体包内容(很多协议解析的人会对着2、3区域做分析)。好了,界面分析完了,那这些界面的内容是如何展现的,如何处理的,就是我们所关注的重点。wireshark为1 2 区域都提供了完备的接口,我们首先了解一下这些.
       1.1)包列表区域对应接口------对应文档1.4 Functions to handle columns in the traffic summary window.
包列表区域对应的列是数量固定的,用户可以在wireshark “column preference”配置,也就说明了接口数量也是固定的。每一列是怎么标识呢?宏定义,每一列都有一个宏定义标识,在代码里面看到COL_开头的基本都是对这部分的操作。

  • col_set_str:最为常用函数之一,将某一列设置输入的字符串。col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_PROTOCOL, "FTP");/*设置COL_PROTOCOL列的数据为“FTP”*/
  • col_add_str:功能同上,只不过是将字符串做一份拷贝,避免字符串变量修改,相对来说安全一些。
  • col_add_fstr:将某一列设置为格式化后的字符串。col_add_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "%s: %s",   is_request ? "Request" : "Response",   format_text(line, linelen));/*将命令信息打印到COL_INFO列上*/
  • col_clear:填充列值之前,调用该接口去删除原有的列信息(层层协议解析都填充内容,例如ftp,会先填充ip层信息,在用tcp层信息覆盖,最后用ftp信息覆盖,该函数就是清理上层信息内容)
  • col_append_str:追加信息。在原有列信息上追加数据
  • col_append_fstr:追加格式化信息
  • col_append_sep_str、col_append_sep_fstr:即分段方式的信息追加。例如想在info列追加逗号分隔的数据“a,b,c,d,e,f”。如果用col_append_str追加“,a”时,信息就变成了“,a,b,c,d,e,f”多了一个逗号,这个函数就是避免第一个是逗号标记的问题。
  • col_set_fence、col_prepend_fence_fstr:有一些协议自身会带多个高层协议信息,例如SCTP,可能一个包会包含多个不同高层内容,为了避免解析器互相覆盖内容,fence接口用于隔离不同的信息。
  • col_set_time:没啥好介绍的,设置时间

     1.2)协议树区域对应接口----对应文档1.5 Constructing the protocol tree.

  • ①:定义树叶的属性
struct header_field_info {
  const char *name;/*参数名称*/
  const char *abbrev;/*参数索引,用于过滤,必须以协议名开头,中间用点号分隔*/
  enum ftenum type;/*参数的数据类型,类型非常丰富,可对照文档查看*/
  int display;/*定义显示方式,例如FT_ABSOLUTE_TIME表示显示为事件*/
  const void *strings;/*转译,例如ftp.response.code返回数值是200,会自动转换为response_table中的 "Command okay"*/
  guint64 bitmask;/*bit位掩码,例如tcp中flag标记位,不够一个字节怎么赋值?直接用bitmask与传入的字节与运算,取出bit位*/
  const char *blurb;

    static hf_register_info hf[] = {
        { &hf_ftp_response,
          { "Response",           "ftp.response",
            FT_BOOLEAN, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0,
            "TRUE if FTP response", HFILL }},

        { &hf_ftp_request,
          { "Request",            "ftp.request",
            FT_BOOLEAN, BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0,
            "TRUE if FTP request", HFILL }},

        { &hf_ftp_request_command,
          { "Request command",    "ftp.request.command",
            FT_STRING,  BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0,
            NULL, HFILL }},

        { &hf_ftp_request_arg,
          { "Request arg",        "ftp.request.arg",
            FT_STRING,  BASE_NONE, NULL, 0x0,
            NULL, HFILL }},

        { &hf_ftp_response_code,
          { "Response code",      "ftp.response.code",
            FT_UINT32,   BASE_DEC|BASE_EXT_STRING, &response_table_ext, 0x0,
            NULL, HFILL }},

/** Used when registering many fields at once, using proto_register_field_array() */
typedef struct hf_register_info {
    int             *p_id;  /**< written to by register() function */
    header_field_info       hfinfo; /**< the field info to be registered */
} hf_register_info;

/** information describing a header field */
struct _header_field_info {
    /* ---------- set by dissector --------- */
    const char      *name;              /**< [FIELDNAME] full name of this field */
    const char      *abbrev;            /**< [FIELDABBREV] abbreviated name of this field */
    enum ftenum      type;              /**< [FIELDTYPE] field type, one of FT_ (from ftypes.h) */
    int          display;           /**< [FIELDDISPLAY] one of BASE_, or field bit-width if FT_BOOLEAN and non-zero bitmask */
    const void      *strings;           /**< [FIELDCONVERT] value_string, val64_string, range_string or true_false_string,
                                         typically converted by VALS(), RVALS() or TFS().
                                         If this is an FT_PROTOCOL then it points to the
                                         associated protocol_t structure */
    guint64          bitmask;           /**< [BITMASK] bitmask of interesting bits */
    const char      *blurb;             /**< [FIELDDESCR] Brief description of field */

    /* ------- set by proto routines (prefilled by HFILL macro, see below) ------ */
    int          id;                /**< Field ID */
    int          parent;            /**< parent protocol tree */
    hf_ref_type      ref_type;          /**< is this field referenced by a filter */
    int          same_name_prev_id; /**< ID of previous hfinfo with same abbrev */
    header_field_info   *same_name_next;    /**< Link to next hfinfo with same abbrev */

  • ②:注册树叶---详见文档1.5.1 Field Registration.

  • ③:解析树叶数据--详见文档1.5.2 Adding Items and Values to the Protocol Tree.
     如下为所有的解析接口,第一参数tree是实际页面展现的tree(后续章节会有实例介绍),id为每个树叶注册后得到的p_id;tvb是wireshark中专有的数据结构,叫做Testy, Virtual(-izable) Buffer,所有数据包信息的读取都要通过它,他对数据包访问做了大量的封装,后面会介绍到;start是实际数据在tvb中的偏移量;length是长度;encoding视情况而定,如果树叶是数值型数据,它就表示大端序ENC_BIG_ENDIAN小端序 ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN(具体意义Google),如果是字符串型数据,则表示其编码格式ENC_UTF_8等。

proto_item* proto_tree_add_item(tree, id, tvb, start, length, encoding);
proto_item* proto_tree_add_item_ret_int(tree, id, tvb, start, length, encoding, *retval);
proto_item* proto_tree_add_item_ret_uint(tree, id, tvb, start, length, encoding, *retval);
proto_item* proto_tree_add_subtree(tree, tvb, start, length, idx, tree_item, text);
proto_item* proto_tree_add_subtree_format(tree, tvb, start, length, idx, tree_item, format, ...);
proto_item* proto_tree_add_none_format(tree, id, tvb, start, length, format, ...);
proto_item* proto_tree_add_protocol_format(tree, id, tvb, start, length, format, ...);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_bytes(tree, id, tvb, start, length, start_ptr);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_bytes_item(tree, id, tvb, start, length, encoding, retval, endoff, err);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_bytes_format(tree, id, tvb, start, length, start_ptr, format, ...);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_bytes_format_value(tree, id, tvb, start, length, start_ptr, format, ...);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_bytes_with_length(tree, id, tvb, start, tvb_length, start_ptr, ptr_length);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_time(tree, id, tvb, start, length, value_ptr);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_time_item(tree, id, tvb, start, length, encoding, retval, endoff, err);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_time_format(tree, id, tvb, start, length, value_ptr, format, ...);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_time_format_value(tree, id, tvb, start, length, value_ptr, format, ...);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_ipxnet(tree, id, tvb, start, length, value);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_ipxnet_format(tree, id, tvb, start, length, value, format, ...);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_ipxnet_format_value(tree, id, tvb, start, length, value, format, ...);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_ipv4(tree, id, tvb, start, length, value);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_ipv4_format(tree, id, tvb, start, length, value, format, ...);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_ipv4_format_value(tree, id, tvb, start, length, value, format, ...);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_ipv6(tree, id, tvb, start, length, value_ptr);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_ipv6_format(tree, id, tvb, start, length, value_ptr, format, ...);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_ipv6_format_value(tree, id, tvb, start, length, value_ptr, format, ...);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_ether(tree, id, tvb, start, length, value_ptr);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_ether_format(tree, id, tvb, start, length, value_ptr, format, ...);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_ether_format_value(tree, id, tvb, start, length, value_ptr, format, ...);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_guid(tree, id, tvb, start, length, value_ptr);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_guid_format(tree, id, tvb, start, length, value_ptr, format, ...);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_guid_format_value(tree, id, tvb, start, length, value_ptr, format, ...);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_oid(tree, id, tvb, start, length, value_ptr);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_oid_format(tree, id, tvb, start, length, value_ptr, format, ...);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_oid_format_value(tree, id, tvb, start, length, value_ptr, format, ...);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_string(tree, id, tvb, start, length, value_ptr);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_string_format(tree, id, tvb, start, length, value_ptr, format, ...);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_string_format_value(tree, id, tvb, start, length, value_ptr, format, ...);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_boolean(tree, id, tvb, start, length, value);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_boolean_format(tree, id, tvb, start, length, value, format, ...);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_boolean_format_value(tree, id, tvb, start, length, value, format, ...);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_float(tree, id, tvb, start, length, value);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_float_format(tree, id, tvb, start, length, value, format, ...);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_float_format_value(tree, id, tvb, start, length, value, format, ...);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_double(tree, id, tvb, start, length, value);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_double_format(tree, id, tvb, start, length, value, format, ...);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_double_format_value(tree, id, tvb, start, length, value, format, ...);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_uint(tree, id, tvb, start, length, value);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_uint_format(tree, id, tvb, start, length, value, format, ...);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_uint_format_value(tree, id, tvb, start, length, value, format, ...);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_uint64(tree, id, tvb, start, length, value);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_uint64_format(tree, id, tvb, start, length, value, format, ...);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_uint64_format_value(tree, id, tvb, start, length, value, format, ...);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_int(tree, id, tvb, start, length, value);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_int_format(tree, id, tvb, start, length, value, format, ...);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_int_format_value(tree, id, tvb, start, length, value, format, ...);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_int64(tree, id, tvb, start, length, value);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_int64_format(tree, id, tvb, start, length, value, format, ...);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_int64_format_value(tree, id, tvb, start, length, value, format, ...);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_eui64(tree, id, tvb, start, length, value);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_eui64_format(tree, id, tvb, start, length, value, format, ...);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_eui64_format_value(tree, id, tvb, start, length, value, format, ...);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_bitmask(tree, tvb, start, header, ett, fields, encoding);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_bitmask_len(tree, tvb, start, len, header, ett, fields, encoding);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_bitmask_text(tree, tvb, offset, len, name, fallback, ett, fields, encoding, flags);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_bitmask_with_flags(tree, tvb, offset, hf_hdr, ett, fields, encoding, flags);
proto_item* proto_tree_add_bits_item(tree, id, tvb, bit_offset, no_of_bits, encoding);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_split_bits_item_ret_val(tree, hf_index, tvb, bit_offset, crumb_spec, return_value);
voidproto_tree_add_split_bits_crumb(tree, hf_index, tvb, bit_offset, crumb_spec, crumb_index);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_bits_ret_val(tree, id, tvb, bit_offset, no_of_bits, return_value, encoding);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_uint_bits_format_value(tree, id, tvb, bit_offset, no_of_bits, value, format, ...);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_boolean_bits_format_value(tree, id, tvb, bit_offset, no_of_bits, value, format, ...);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_int_bits_format_value(tree, id, tvb, bit_offset, no_of_bits, value, format, ...);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_float_bits_format_value(tree, id, tvb, bit_offset, no_of_bits, value, format, ...);
proto_item * proto_tree_add_ts_23_038_7bits_item(tree, hf_index, tvb, bit_offset, no_of_chars);

  • ④:展现

  • 小尾巴
上面介绍了树叶的详细操作,那树是如何操作的呢?---对应文档其实也是1.5.2 Adding Items and Values to the Protocol Tree.只不过是在开头部分。

     1.3) 原始包区域
2、Advanced dissector topics

