事务中间件 CICS 原理及应用开发

CICS Transaction Gateway

CICSChina  |   Aug 24 2011  | Comments (0)  |  Visits (410)
1.1 什么是CTG
1.1.1 概述
    而CTG(CICS Transaction gateway,以下简称为CTG),CICS交易网关,是分布式平台连接到CICS的首选工具,它具有高性能,高安全性,高可扩展性等特性。
    CTG与CICS的连接属于直接相连的方式,几乎不用修改CICS的已有应用,即可被外界访问。Web Services 同样可以实现与CICS的连接,但是相比于Web Services,CTG有以下优势:
本文中实例所使用的CICS Transaction Gateway软件为V7.2 for Windows版本。

1.1.2 CTG结构图
1. Gateway Daemon (网关守护程序):网关守护程序用于监听远端客户程序的请求,并且可以管理线程和网络连接,以达到优化的目的。网关守护程序中的一个重要组件是协议处理器(Protocol Handler),用于处理远端应用程序的请求,可以支持TCP/IP和SSL协议。
2. Client Daemon (客户机守护程序):客户机守护程序是开放平台CTG的重要组成部分,它提供一个本地接口,客户应用程序就通过这个接口连接到CICS,支持C,C++,.Net,COBOL等多种语言的应用程序。
3. IPIC driver (IPIC 驱动器):IPIC驱动器是CTG中的一个独立组件,作用类似于客户机守护程序,专用于IPIC方式连接到CICS。CICS在3.2版本中引入了IPIC(IP Intercommunication)的概念,用于CICS region之间的互连,这种连接是基于TCP/IP协议的,具体的IPIC概念请参考其他相关章节。从CTG V7.1版本以后,加入了对IPIC的支持。
4. CTGCFG tool(CTG configuration tool,CTG配置工具):CTG产品自带的图形化配置工具,用于设置ctg.ini配置文件中的属性,包括网关守护程序和客户机守护程序等的相关参数。配置客户端守护程序界面,如下图所示:
(1) 服务器名称:一个8位长的字符串,定义一个独立于协议的服务器名称,客户端应用程序发到CICS的请求都要发到这个服务器。
(2) 协议:指定CTG所支持的各种网络协议,本章重点介绍TCP/IP协议。
(3) 主机名或IP地址:CICS所在的主机地址,可以指定主机名或IP地址。
(4) 端口:CICS端定义的TCPIPService所指定的端口,是客户端请求发送到CICS的接入点。

图像 选中“启用协议处理程序”就能使图示的网关守护程序生效。

1.1.3 CTG编程接口

1.    External Call Interface (ECI) 外部访问接口
ECI是简单的RPC式访问接口,用来调用(LINK) CICS中的应用程序,可以使用COMMAREA或channel作为数据接口,用于客户应用程序和CICS之间的数据交换。
    CICS将此种类型的访问看成是一种分布式程序调用(DPL : distributed program link )。客户端发来的请求由一个镜像交易CPMI进行处理,然后进一步调用到目标应用程序。
图像 2.    External Presentation Interface (EPI) 外部表现接口
 3.    External Security Interface (ESI) 外部安全接口
图像 1.1.4 CTG支持的网络协议
SNA:必须和Communication Server搭配使用。
IPIC:CICS在3.2版本中引入了IPIC(IP Intercommunication)的概念,用于CICS region之间的互连,这种连接是基于TCP/IP协议的,具体的IPIC概念请参考其他相关章节。从CTG V7.1版本以后,加入了对IPIC的支持。

1.1.5 CTG的一些注意事项

1.2 两种模式

1.本地模式(Local Mode,两层结构)
图像 在本地模式下,客户应用程序与安装CTG的server为同一台机器。在客户应用程序对CICS发送请求的时候,不需要经过网关守护程序,而是直接发送到CICS端,因此,整个体系架构可以看作两层的结构。这种模式下,根本无需启动网关守护程序,对CICS的请求直接发送到客户端守护程序。
在客户应用程序中的ECI请求中仍需要指定URL参数为local,即ConnectionURL = "local://" 和PortNumber = 0。

2.    远程模式(Remote Mode,三层结构)
图像 在远程模式下,客户应用程序与安装CTG的server为不同的机器,甚至不同的系统平台。在这种模式下,必须要配置并且启动网关守护程序,网关守护程序介于客户应用程序和CICS之间,整体构成三层的结构。
在客户应用程序的ECI请求中需要指定URL参数为CTG所在机器的IP地址,即ConnectionURL = "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX" 和PortNumber = XXX。

图像图像 1.3 CTG连接到CICS实例
1.配置CICS region
        1. Set the SIT parameter TCPIP=YES.
        2. Install the following:
             –    CICS-supplied transient data queue CIEO, in group DFHDCTG
             –    Transaction CIEP in group DFHIPECI
             –    Program DFHIEP in group DFHIPECI
       3. Add a TCP/IP listener to CICS. Use the following CEDA command to define a TCPIPSERVICE in a group:
            –    CEDA DEF TCPIPSERVICE(service-name) GROUP(group-name)
       4. Use the following command to install the TCPIPSERVICE definition:
            –    CEDA INS TCPIPSERVICE(service-name) GROUP(group-name)
Attribute Description
POrtnumber The port on which the TCP/IP service listens.
PRotocol The protocol of the service is ECI.
TRansaction The transaction that CICS runs to handle incoming ECI requests. Set it to CIEP.
Backlog The number of TCP/IP requests that are queued before TCP/IP starts to reject incoming requests.
Ipaddress The IP address (in dotted decimal form) on which the TCPIPSERVICE listens. For configurations with more than one IP stack, specify ANY to make the TCPIPSERVICE listen on all addresses.
SOcketclose Whether CICS should wait before closing the socket after issuing a receive for incoming data on that socket. NO is recommended for ECI connections, to ensure that the connection from the Client daemon always remains open.
ATtachsec Specifies the level of attach-time security required for TCP/IP connections.

1.4 应用程序开发
(1) J2EE Connector Architecture(JCA) JAVA API,即J2EE连接器架构JAVA应用程序接口,这是推荐的编程接口。

1.    Java 应用程序开发
图像 图像 2.    JCA 应用程序开发

        JCA(J2EE Connector Architecture) defines a standard architecture for connecting the Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE) platform to heterogeneous Enterprise Information Systems (EIS). Examples of an EIS include transaction processing systems (such as the CICS TS) and Enterprise Resource Planning systems (such as SAP).
        A resource adapter is a middle-tier between a Java application and an EIS, which enables the Java application to connect to the EIS. A resource adapter plugs into application servers supporting the JCA.
        JNDI: The Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) is part of the Java platform, providing applications based on Java technology with a unified interface to multiple naming and directory services.
        J2C Connection Factory: The connection factory provides connections to the Enterprise Information System (EIS). It operates the connection management of JCA.
        Common Client Interface (CCI) : The CCI defines a common API for interacting with resource adapters. It is independent of a specific EIS. A Java application interfaces with the resource adapter using this API.
        System contracts: A set of system-level contracts between an application server and an EIS. These extend the application server to provide the following features: (Connection management, Transaction management, Security management). These system contracts are transparent to the application developer. That is, they do not implement these services themselves.
        Resource adapter deployment and packaging: A resource adapter provider includes a set of Java interfaces/classes as part of the resource adapter implementation. These Java interfaces/classes are packaged together with a deployment descriptor to create a Resource Adapter Archive (represented by a file with an extension of rar). This Resource Adapter Archive is used to deploy the resource adapter into the application server.
图像         1. Look up a ConnectionFactory for the ECI resource adapter.
        2. Create a Connection object using this ConnectionFactory. A Connection is a handle to the underlying network connection to the EIS. Specific connection properties, such as a user name and password, can be passed using an ECIConnectionSpec object.
        3. Create an Interaction from the Connection. Specific interaction properties such as the transaction identifier can be passed using an ECIInteractionSpec object. The call to the EIS is initiated by invoking the execute() method on the interaction, passing data as input and output records.
        4. After the required interactions have been processed, the interaction and connection should be closed.

1.5 应用举例

1.5.1 简单Java应用
public class CTGdemo {
         ... Java code ...

         // Program name
         String strProgram = "EC01";
         // Port number
         int iPort = 2006;
         * Use the extended constructor to set the parameters on the
         * ECIRequest object
         eciRequestObject =
         new ECIRequest(ECIRequest.ECI_SYNC,      //ECI call type
                        strChosenServer,          //CICS server
                        null,                     //CICS userid
                        null,                     //CICS password
                        strProgram,               //CICS program to be run
                        null,                     //CICS transid to be run
                        abytCommarea,             //Byte array containing the
                                                  // COMMAREA
                        iCommareaSize,            //COMMAREA length
                        ECIRequest.ECI_NO_EXTEND, //ECI extend mode
                        0);                       //ECI LUW token

... Java code ...

          ... COBOL code ...
     * Initialize commarea
     * Invoke api to get system time
          EXEC CICS
     * Format
          EXEC CICS

          ... COBOL code ...
     *end of program

1.5.2 JCA应用
        Lab3 implements a simple internet banking.
        Users can query/save/withdraw their money from the web application.




 1. Web client 
    (1)Operation Page s
          Operation Types: Query,Save,Withdraw
    (2)Return Page
        Result: Name, Gender, Balance

    (2)S= 0,1,2(0-Query, 1-Save, 2-Withdraw)
    (3) NNNNNNNNNN --- UserName
         XXXXXXXXXX   ---  Money
struct CTGINPUT{            
    char signal;            
    char username??(10??);  
    char money??(10??);     
    char success;           
    char name??(12??);      
    char gender??(12??);    
    char balance??(12??);   
图像 图像
3. CICS Program – VSAM1
    (1)three operations 
    (2) Operate the VSAM files

4. CICS DATA – VSAM files
    (1)VSAM file1--USERINFO
     (Username:10), (Account:6)
     (Name:12), (Gender:6)
    (2)VSAM file2--ACCOUNT
     (Account:6), (Balance:10) 
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