
本文为澳大利亚莫纳什大学(作者:Torsten Seemann)的博士论文,共300页。


A unifying philosophy for carrying out low level image processingcalled “local segmentation” is presented. Local segmentation provides a way toexamine and understand existing algorithms, as well as a paradigm for creatingnew ones. Local segmentation may be applied to range of important imageprocessing tasks. Using a traditional segmentation technique in intensitythresholding and a simple model selection criterion, the new FUELS denoising algorithmis shown to be highly competitive with state-of-the-art algorithms on a rangeof images. In an effort to improve the local segmentation, the minimum messagelength information theoretic criterion for model selection (MML) is used toselect between models having different structure and complexity. This leads tofurther improvements in denoising performance. Both FUELS and the MML variantsthereof require no special user supplied parameters, but instead learn from theimage itself. It is believed that image processing in general could benefitgreatly from the application of the local segmentation methodology.

1 引言
2 符号与术语
3 图像处理中的局部分割
4 局部分割去噪
5 基于信息理论的局部分割
6 局部分割的扩展与进一步应用
7 结论




