
Dependent List Example

Let us make a dependent list example with AjaxAnywhere.

We will take as a starting point a traditional JSP solution. Then we will integrate it with AjaxAnywhere. 

To feel and compare the page behavior with and wothout AjaxAnywhere, click on this Online Demo 

<%@ page pageEncoding="UTF-8" import="java.util.*"%>
<%  // some unimportant code here
    String currentLanguage = request.getParameter("language");
    if (currentLanguage==null)

    Locale[] availableLocales = Locale.getAvailableLocales();
    Map languagesDisplay = new TreeMap();
    Map countries = new TreeMap();

    for (int i = 0; i < availableLocales.length; i++) {
        Locale loc= availableLocales[i];
        languagesDisplay.put(loc.getLanguage(), loc.getDisplayLanguage(Locale.ENGLISH));
        if (loc.getDisplayCountry(Locale.ENGLISH).length()>0 
            && loc.getLanguage().equals(currentLanguage))
            countries.put(loc.getCountry(), loc.getDisplayCountry(Locale.ENGLISH));

Without AjaxAnywhere <br>
<%@ include file="/locales_counter.jsp"%>

<form method="POST" name=main>

    <select size="10" name="language" onchange="this.form.submit()">
        <%@ include file="/locales_options_lang.jsp"%>

    <select size="10" name="country" >
        <%@ include file="/locales_options_countries.jsp.jsp"%>

The first list contains all languages available in the JVM. The second list contains countries that use the selected language. As a new item of the first list is selected, the page gets reloaded refreshed, updating the second list with the countries that uses the selected language. 

The following code shows how easily we can make this page use AJAX.

<%@ page pageEncoding="UTF-8" import="java.util.*"%>
<%@ page import="org.ajaxanywhere.AAUtils"%>
<%@ taglib uri="http://ajaxanywhere.sourceforge.net/" prefix="aa" %>

    String currentLanguage = request.getParameter("language");
    if (currentLanguage==null)

    Locale[] availableLocales = Locale.getAvailableLocales();
    Map languagesDisplay = new TreeMap();
    Map countries = new TreeMap();

    for (int i = 0; i < availableLocales.length; i++) {
        Locale loc= availableLocales[i];
        languagesDisplay.put(loc.getLanguage(), loc.getDisplayLanguage(Locale.ENGLISH));
        if (loc.getDisplayCountry(Locale.ENGLISH).length()>0 
            && loc.getLanguage().equals(currentLanguage))
            countries.put(loc.getCountry(), loc.getDisplayCountry(Locale.ENGLISH));

// this code does not have to be placed inside a JSP page. It can (should)
// be executed inside your Controller, if you use an MVC famework. For Struts, for example,
// this code goes to an Action class.

    if (AAUtils.isAjaxRequest(request)){
        AAUtils.addZones(request, "countriesList");


<script src="aa/aa.js"></script><script>ajaxAnywhere.formName = "main";</script>

With AjaxAnywhere <br>
<%@ include file="/locales_counter.jsp"%>

<form method="POST" name=main>

<!-- Here the form does not have action attribute. 
This means that the form is submitted to
the original URL, this JSP page in our case.

However, your application may submit to a different URL.

Also, you application may use GET, instead of POST, download AjaxAnywhere Demo Application for more examples.

    <select size="10" name="language" onchange="ajaxAnywhere.submitAJAX();">
        <%@ include file="/locales_options_lang.jsp"%>

<aa:zone name="countriesList">

    <select size="10" name="country" >
        <%@ include file="/locales_options_countries.jsp.jsp"%>



Do not forget that AAFilter must be properly mapped in web.xml (see also :  Installation )


Now we will take a close look at each modification:
  • First of all we use aa:zone custom tag to mark a zone that needs to be refreshed.
  • Then we include JavaScript file and assign the form name to a property of AjaxAnywhere default instance. We also modify onchange attribute of the first list.
  • Finally, on the server side we use AAUtil class to indicate what zone is to be refreshed. As the zone name was already known before submitting the request, we could also have implemented this logic on the client-side instead:
    ajaxAnywhere.getZonesToReload = function() {
    	return "countriesList";
More examples are availble inside the AjawAnywhere DEMO Application, which is available for download. Detailed documentation will be shortly available. Stay tuned.
© 2005-2007 AjaxAnywhere Project

Class AjaxAnywhere


class  AjaxAnywhere

Defined in aa.js

Field Summary
 Object delayBeforeContentUpdate 
 Object delayInMillis 
 Object formName 
 Object id 
 Object notSupported 
 Object req 
 Object substitutedSubmitButtons 
          Stores substitutes SubmitButton names in to redo sustitution if a button was eventually inside a refresh zone.
 Object substitutedSubmitButtonsInfo 
<static>  Object defaultInstanceName 


Constructor Summary
AjaxAnywhere () 


Method Summary
 void bindById() 
           Binds this instance to window object using "AjaxAnywhere."+this.id as a key.
 void callback() 
           A callback.
 void dropPreviousRequest() 
           Used internally by AjaxAnywhere.
 Object findForm() 
           Returns a Form object that corresponds to formName property of this AjaxAnywhere class instance.
 Object getAJAX(url, zonesToRefresh) 
           sends a GET request to the server.
 Object getDelayTime() 
           Returns the delay period in milliseconds.
 Object getGlobalScriptsDeclarationsList(script) 
           If the HTML received in responce to AJAX request contains JavaScript that defines new functions/variables, they must be propagated to the proper context.
 Object getZonesToReaload(url, submitButton) 
           depreceted : wrond spelling : Reaload will be removed in later versions
 Object getZonesToReload(url, submitButton) 
           This function should be overridden by AjaxAnywhere user to implement client-side determination of zones to reload.
 void handleException(type, details) 
           If an exception is throws on the server-side during AJAX request, it will be processed by this function.
 void handleHttpErrorCode(code) 
           If an HTTP Error code returned during AJAX request, it will be processed by this function.
 void handlePrevousRequestAborted() 
           Override it if you need.
 void hideLoadingMessage() 
           Default sample loading message hide function.
 Object isDelayBeforeLoad() 
           Returns the current delay behavior.
 Object isFormSubmitByAjax() 
           Override this function if you use AjaxAnywhere.substituteFormSubmitFunction() to dynamically inform AjaxAnywhere of the method you want to use for the form submission.
 void onAfterResponseProcessing() 
           Override this method to implement a custom action
 void onBeforeResponseProcessing() 
           Override this method to implement a custom action
 Object onGetAjaxNotSupported(url) 
           Provides a default implementation from graceful degradation for getAJAX() calls location.href=url if XMLHttpRequest is unavailable, reloading the entire page .
 void onRequestSent() 
           Override this method to implement a custom action
 Object onSubmitAjaxNotSupported(additionalPostData, submitButton) 
           Provides a default implementation from graceful degradation for submitAJAX() calls form.submit() if XMLHttpRequest is unavailable, reloading the entire page
 Object preparePostData(submitButton) 
           Internally used to prepare Post data.
 void setDelayBeforeLoad(isDelay) 
           Some browsers (notably IE) do not load images from thier cache when content is updated using innerHTML.
 void setDelayTime(delayMillis) 
           Sets the delay period in milliseconds.
 void showLoadingMessage() 
           Default sample loading message show function.
 Object submitAJAX(additionalPostData, submitButton) 
           This function is used to submit all form fields by AJAX request to the server.
 void substituteFormSubmitFunction() 
           This function is used to facilitatte AjaxAnywhere integration with existing projects/frameworks.
 void substituteSubmitButtonsBehavior(keepExistingOnClickHandler, elements) 
           Substitutes the default behavior of <input type=submit|image> to submit the form via AjaxAnywhere.
<static> Object findInstance(id) 
           Finds an instance by id.

Field Detail


Object delayBeforeContentUpdate


Object delayInMillis


Object formName


Object id


Object notSupported


Object req


Object substitutedSubmitButtons
    Stores substitutes SubmitButton names in to redo sustitution if a button was eventually inside a refresh zone.


Object substitutedSubmitButtonsInfo


<static> Object defaultInstanceName

Constructor Detail



Method Detail


void bindById()
    Binds this instance to window object using "AjaxAnywhere."+this.id as a key.


void callback()
    A callback. internally used


void dropPreviousRequest()
    Used internally by AjaxAnywhere. Aborts previous request if not completed.


Object findForm()
    Returns a Form object that corresponds to formName property of this AjaxAnywhere class instance.


Object getAJAX(url, zonesToRefresh)
    sends a GET request to the server.


Object getDelayTime()
    Returns the delay period in milliseconds.


Object getGlobalScriptsDeclarationsList(script)
    If the HTML received in responce to AJAX request contains JavaScript that defines new functions/variables, they must be propagated to the proper context. Override this method to return the Array of function/variable names.


Object getZonesToReaload(url, submitButton)
    depreceted : wrond spelling : Reaload will be removed in later versions


Object getZonesToReload(url, submitButton)
    This function should be overridden by AjaxAnywhere user to implement client-side determination of zones to reload. If the form is submited with <input type=submit|image>, submitButton is a reference to the DHTML object. Otherwise - undefined.


void handleException(type, details)
    If an exception is throws on the server-side during AJAX request, it will be processed by this function. The default implementation is alert(stackTrace); Override it if you need.


void handleHttpErrorCode(code)
    If an HTTP Error code returned during AJAX request, it will be processed by this function. The default implementation is alert(code); Override it if you need.


void handlePrevousRequestAborted()
    Override it if you need.


void hideLoadingMessage()
    Default sample loading message hide function. Overrride it if you like.


Object isDelayBeforeLoad()
    Returns the current delay behavior.


Object isFormSubmitByAjax()
    Override this function if you use AjaxAnywhere.substituteFormSubmitFunction() to dynamically inform AjaxAnywhere of the method you want to use for the form submission.


void onAfterResponseProcessing()
    Override this method to implement a custom action


void onBeforeResponseProcessing()
    Override this method to implement a custom action


Object onGetAjaxNotSupported(url)
    Provides a default implementation from graceful degradation for getAJAX() calls location.href=url if XMLHttpRequest is unavailable, reloading the entire page .


void onRequestSent()
    Override this method to implement a custom action


Object onSubmitAjaxNotSupported(additionalPostData, submitButton)
    Provides a default implementation from graceful degradation for submitAJAX() calls form.submit() if XMLHttpRequest is unavailable, reloading the entire page


Object preparePostData(submitButton)
    Internally used to prepare Post data. If the form is submited with <input type=submit|image>, submitButton is a reference to the DHTML object. Otherwise - undefined.


void setDelayBeforeLoad(isDelay)
    Some browsers (notably IE) do not load images from thier cache when content is updated using innerHTML. As a result, each image is re-requested from the server even though the image exists in the cache. To work around this issue, AjaxAnywhere preloads images present in the new content and intrduces a brief dely (default of 100 milleseconds) before calling innerHTML. See http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;319546 for further details. This function can be used to change this behaviour.


       - ) isDelay


void setDelayTime(delayMillis)
    Sets the delay period in milliseconds. The default delay is 100 milliseconds.


       - ) delayMillis


void showLoadingMessage()
    Default sample loading message show function. Overrride it if you like.


Object submitAJAX(additionalPostData, submitButton)
    This function is used to submit all form fields by AJAX request to the server. If the form is submited with <input type=submit|image>, submitButton should be a reference to the DHTML object. Otherwise - undefined.


void substituteFormSubmitFunction()
    This function is used to facilitatte AjaxAnywhere integration with existing projects/frameworks. It substitutes default Form.sumbit(). The new implementation calls AjaxAnywhere.isFormSubmitByAjax() function to find out if the form should be submitted in traditional way or by AjaxAnywhere.


void substituteSubmitButtonsBehavior(keepExistingOnClickHandler, elements)
    Substitutes the default behavior of <input type=submit|image> to submit the form via AjaxAnywhere.


         - if existing onClick handlers should be preserved. If keepExistingOnClickHandler==true, Existing handler will be called first if it returns false, or if event.returnValue==false, AjaxAnywhere will not continue form submission. If keepExistingOnClickHandler==false or undefines, existing onClick event handlers will be replaced.


       - of submitButtons and submitImages names. If the parameter is omitted or undefined, all elements will be processed


<static> Object findInstance(id)
    Finds an instance by id.


Documentation generated by  JSDoc on Thu Dec 7 18:03:06 2006

