42 Not very musical

V-T/V-I If someone or something continues to do something, they keep doing it and do not stop.
continue to do sth
Sheila continued to work after she had her baby.
continue unabated/apace/unchecked (= continue at the same high speed or level) 持续不减
The flood of refugees continued unabated.
[+ with ]
He was permitted to continue with his work while in prison.
[+ for ]
The strike continued for another four weeks.

[I,T] to start again, or start doing something again, after an interruption 
continue doing sth
He picked up his book and continued reading.

[C] a group of people who share the same ideas or beliefs and who work together to achieve a particular aim 〔政治、社会等方面的〕运动(团体)
civil rights/feminist/peace etc movement
the civil rights movement of the 1960s


movement to do sth
Mendes led a movement to stop destruction of the rain forest.


[+ for ]
the movement for independence

1.a quick look at someone or something that does not allow you to see them clearly 一瞥,瞟一眼
[+ of ]
have/catch/get a glimpse of

They caught a glimpse of a dark green car.


brief/fleeting/quick glimpse (= a very short look) 很快的一瞥
We only had a fleeting glimpse of the river.

a short experience of something that helps you begin to understand it 短暂的感受,短暂的体验
[+ of/into/at ]
a glimpse of what life might be like in the future

C,U] a way in which two or more people or things are not like each other 差别,差异
OPP similarity
(= there’s a very big difference ) between us
[+ between ]
There’s a big difference between knowing that something is true, and being able to prove it.
[+ in ]
Researchers found a number of important differences in the way boys and girls learn.

1.As we had had a long walk...
have a +动作名词
have a + walk/rest/look/smell/dance/fight/ride/sleep/swim/wash

2....we stopped at a square...
stop at 在…停留 逗留
The train will stop at a small town.
The plane has to stop at the city airport to fuel up.

3.after a time 过了一会儿
after a while
after a time, sally felt tired and stopped her work.

4.he picked up a long pipe
pick up
Jack picked up a coin from the floor.
Sam picked up a little English when he was travelling England.
He picked up a friend at the airport.

5.tell the difference between Indian music and jazz!
tell v 辨别 分辨(常与can, could, be able to 连用)
tell the difference between A and B
He can't tell the difference between bee and wasp.
There is great difference between Chinese and English.
It makes no difference whether he helps us or not.

