
Mega (巨大的)Millions jackpot (头奖)enters 'uncharted territory(领域)' at record (adj 创下纪录的)$1.6 billion 
超级百万的头奖进入“未知领域”,奖金创纪录高达 16 亿美元 (uncharted  v:未标注的

Yes, that headline is correct: The Mega Millions jackpot is at $1.6 billion. With a B.    
是的,这个标题没写错:超级百万的头奖是 16 亿美元。单位用的是亿。 (at +金额 : 是多少钱)

All eyes were on (所有的目光都聚焦在)the latest drawing (开奖)Friday night, when the jackpot was at an already mind-boggling (令人难以置信的)$1 billion. However, with no ticket(彩票) matching all six numbers drawn - 15, 23, 53, 65, 70 and Mega Ball(超级球) 7 - the grand prize now swells (膨胀)to $1.6 billion.
所有的目光都集中在周五晚上的最新开奖上,当时的头奖已经达到令人难以置信的 10 亿美元。然而,由于没有匹配全部六个号码的彩票—— 15,23,53,65,70 和超级球 7 ——这个大奖现在涨到 16 亿美元。  draw (v: 抽签)

The next drawing is at 11 p.m. Eastern time Tuesday.
下一次开奖是美东区时间周二晚上 11 点。

"Mega Millions has already entered historic territory, but it's truly astounding(令人吃惊的) to think that now the jackpot has reached an all-time (空前的)world record," Gordon Medenica, lead director (主管)of the Mega Millions Group and director of Maryland Lottery and Gaming, said in a statement(声明). "It's hard to overstate(夸张的) how exciting this is - but now it's really getting fun."
“超级百万已经进入了具有历史意义的版图,但想到金额已经创造了空前的世界纪录,这确实令人惊讶,” 超级百万集团的首席董事兼马里兰州彩票和博彩公司的主管戈登·梅德尼察在一份声明中说。“这件事的刺激性怎么说都不过分——但现在它真的变得十分有趣了。”

Medenica told The Post that about 57 percent of the possible number combinations(组合) were purchased in advance of (在...发生之前)Friday's drawing and that it was an "extremely (极其)pleasant surprise" there was no winner.
梅德尼察告诉《华盛顿邮报》,大约 57% 的可能数字组合是在周五开奖之前已经被购买的,没有赢家是一个“极其意外的惊喜”。

"That means the odds(几率,可能性) were [a winning ticket] would have gotten picked but it didn't," Medenica said. "This is really uncharted territory for all of us."

What's more(此外), the jackpot is likely to grow even larger before Tuesday, as word(消息) of the record-breaking grand prize grows and prompts even people who don't normally (通常)play the lottery(彩票) to buy a ticket, Medenica said.
梅德尼察说,此外,周二之前,彩票奖池可能会变得更大,因为越来越多人听说了破纪录大奖的消息,那些通常不买彩票的人甚至也去买彩票了。prompts sb to do sth   促使某人做某事

The estimated(估计) cash option (现金选择权)for a $1.6 billion jackpot - should a winner choose to take a one-time lump sum (一次性付清)payment (支付)instead of annual payouts (分期支付)over 30 years - is about $905 million, according to Mega Millions officials.
根据超级百万官方数据,如果中奖者选择一次性现金兑付,而不是 30 年的分期支付,那么中奖者获得 16 亿美元的现金选择权大约是 9.05 亿美元

—————  文章来源 / 华盛顿邮报 

