





uv_fs_t open_req;uv_fs_t read_req;uv_fs_t write_req;static char buffer[1024];static uv_buf_t iov;...void on_read(uv_fs_t *req) {    if (req->result < 0) {        fprintf(stderr, "Read error: %s\n", uv_strerror(req->result));    }    else if (req->result == 0) {        uv_fs_t close_req;        // synchronous        uv_fs_close(uv_default_loop(), &close_req, open_req.result, NULL);    }    else if (req->result > 0) {        iov.len = req->result;        uv_fs_write(uv_default_loop(), &write_req, 1, &iov, 1, -1, on_write);    }}void on_open(uv_fs_t *req) {    // The request passed to the callback is the same as the one the call setup    // function was passed.    assert(req == &open_req);    if (req->result >= 0) {        iov = uv_buf_init(buffer, sizeof(buffer));        uv_fs_read(uv_default_loop(), &read_req, req->result,                   &iov, 1, -1, on_read);    }    else {        fprintf(stderr, "error opening file: %s\n", uv_strerror((int)req->result));    }}...uv_fs_open(uv_default_loop(), &open_req, argv[1], O_RDONLY, 0, on_open);
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2.其它线程不能访问缺省主循环。最近让cantk-runtime-v8里支持Touch/Key事件遇到这个问题:Touch/Key事件是UI线程里的,而V8是在GLSurfaceView的Render线程里的,直接通过JNI调用V8里的JS会导致程序崩溃,所以我想通过uv_idle来串行化,但结果是程序仍然崩溃。记得glib loop里idle是允许多线程访问的,我在设计FTK的主循环时也通过一个pipe来串行化多线程访问主循环的,呵呵,我以为所有的loop都应该支持多线程,一看代码才知道,它并没有加锁也没有用pipe来串行化:

  int uv_##name##_start(uv_##name##_t* handle, uv_##name##_cb cb) {           \    if (uv__is_active(handle)) return 0;                                      \    if (cb == NULL) return -EINVAL;                                           \    QUEUE_INSERT_HEAD(&handle->loop->name##_handles, &handle->queue);         \    handle->name##_cb = cb;                                                   \    uv__handle_start(handle);                                                 \    return 0;                                                                 \  }    
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void uv__async_send(struct uv__async* wa) {  const void* buf;  ssize_t len;  int fd;  int r;  buf = "";  len = 1;  fd = wa->wfd;#if defined(__linux__)  if (fd == -1) {    static const uint64_t val = 1;    buf = &val;    len = sizeof(val);    fd = wa->io_watcher.fd;  /* eventfd */  }#endif  do    r = write(fd, buf, len);  while (r == -1 && errno == EINTR);  if (r == len)    returnif (r == -1)    if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK)      return;  abort();}
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static void uv__async_io(uv_loop_t* loop, uv__io_t* w, unsigned int events) {  struct uv__async* wa;  char buf[1024];  unsigned n;  ssize_t r;  n = 0for (;;) {    r = read(w->fd, buf, sizeof(buf));    if (r > 0)      n += r;    if (r == sizeof(buf))      continue;    if (r != -1)      break;    if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK)      break;    if (errno == EINTR)      continue;    abort();  }  wa = container_of(w, struct uv__async, io_watcher);#if defined(__linux__)  if (wa->wfd == -1) {    uint64_t val;    assert(n == sizeof(val));    memcpy(&val, buf, sizeof(val));  /* Avoid alignment issues. */    wa->cb(loop, wa, val);    return;  }#endif  wa->cb(loop, wa, n);}
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void fake_download(uv_work_t *req) {    int size = *((int*) req->data);    int downloaded = 0;    double percentage;    while (downloaded < size) {        percentage = downloaded*100.0/size; = (void*) &percentage;        uv_async_send(&async);        sleep(1);        downloaded += (200+random())%1000; // can only download max 1000bytes/sec,                                           // but at least a 200;    }}
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