【转】Accessing Intel Omni-Path publications for Red Hat Enterprise Linux


Accessing Intel Omni-Path publications for Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Updated November 21 2017 at 10:05 AM - 


Readme for Intel Omni-Path publications for Red Hat* (RHEL*) Releases

This article provides details about the steps to locate, open, and download Intel Omni-Path Fabric end-user documentation for Red Hat* (RHEL*) releases.

Release Notes for Intel® Omni-Path Fabric Software in Red Hat* Enterprise Linux* 7.4

Opening and Downloading End User Documentation

  1. Using a Web browser (Chrome is suggested), type intel.com/support in the address field and press Enter.

  2. Click on the Search Support field, type Omni-Path.

  3. For switch publications, find and select "End User Publications, Release Notes, and EULAs for Intel Omni-Path Switches." For software publications, find and select "End User Publications, Release Notes, and EULAs for Intel Omni-Path Software."

  4. Scroll down to the Publications, Release Notes, or License agreements you wish to open. All documents will open as PDF files.
    In the Publications tables, the first cell is a zip file of the complete set of publications, which does not include Release Notes or License Agreements.

    • For RHEL* 7.4, refer to Publications and Release Notes for Intel Omni-Path Release 10.3.
    • For RHEL* 7.3, refer to Publications and Release Notes for Intel Omni-Path Release 10.1.
  5. If you want to save a publication to your PC, use "Save As" from the File menu or the save icon.

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