
WPS - Wi-Fi Protected Setup PBC - Push ButtonConfiguration 这个是不需要密码的方式 PIN - Personal Information Number 这个是要用密码的方式通常用在电子设备的互通,例如和电视机啥的


A PBC: WPS按钮实现WPS安全连接.

  • 在AP中,在WPS设置中,设置为启用.
  • 按一下客户端(无线网卡)上的WPS按键,搜索WPS网络.
  • 按一下AP上的WPS按键,WPS开始链接协商,片刻后WPS安全连接成功建立.


    B1)PIN(Internal Registra, 相对于AP而言):通过在路由器中输入客户端PIN码来实现WPS安全连接.

  •      在WPS设置中,把状态设置为启用.
  •      打开客户端WPS设置软件,选择在路由器中输入PIN的方式连接,同时软件上还会显示客户端当前的PIN码.
  •      打开路由器界面,在WPS模式里选择PIN模式,然后输入客户端的PIN码, 点添加新设备,一会儿后,WPS安全连接成功建立.


    B2)PIN(External Registra, 相对于AP而言):通过输入APPIN码实现WPS安全连接.

  •      在AP中,在WPS设置中,设置为启用.
  •      记住AP的PIN码,然后打开客户端(无线网卡)WPS设置软件,选择以AP的PIN码来进行连接.
  •      输入完PIN码后,点下一步,一会儿后,WPS安全连接成功建立.

WPSWi-Fi Protected SetupWi-Fi保护设置),它是由Wi-Fi联盟组织实施的认证项目,主要用来解决无线网络加密的设置步骤过于繁杂的问题。很多用户都有小A的经历,因为加密设置太过麻烦、难以理解,所以干脆不做任何加密安全设定。这样会引发很多的安全问题,给用户的数据安全带来极大威胁。







  目前通过WPS认证的产品能够为用户提供两种实现方式,即按钮配置(Push Button ConfigurationPBC)和输入PIN码(Pin InputConfigurationPIN)。














Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS)

Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) is a latest standard published bythe Wi-Fi Alliance with the aim of simplifying the configuration process toestablish a secure wireless home network. Previously, users need to manuallysetup a Wireless Network Name (SSID) and assign a passphrase as anencryption to secure their wireless network. This can not be done without anextensive knowledge in wireless networking.

WithWPS, the entire configuration process will be automatically configured with twomethods:

1. Push Button Configuration (PBC), in which the user simply has to push abutton, either an actual or virtual one, on both WPS device. 
2. PersonalInformation Number (PIN), inwhich a PIN is taken from a sticker or a display and entered into the AccessPoint (AP) or other WPS devices to connect.

Advantages of WPS

1. WPSautomatically configures the wireless network. 
2. There is no need to know the SSID and passphrase to connect to thewireless network. 
3. The key is randomly generated and less predictable minimizing the riskof network intrusion. 
4. Eliminates the need to enter complicated hexadecimal passphrase. 
5. WPS introduce Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) in WPA2encryption that allows secure transmission of sensitive information.

Disadvantages of WPS

1. Deviceswithout WPS certification is not able to take advantage of the enhancedsecurity provided by WPS. 
2. Non WPS devices will require the user to enter the long hexadecimalpassphrase manually. 
3. WPS does not supports "Ad Hoc" connection that allows devicesto communicate directly with each other. All connections must go through theAP. 
4. Not all devices support WPS as the technology is still new.

