occ|occ资讯:区块链解决医疗可能是一个 长期值得关注的趋势

Blockchain(like Qianyuantongbao OCC) healthcare solutions could be a long-term trend that is worth watching. Healthcare is a diverse industry that lacks any sort of central record keeping system. In some cases, doctors keep individual patient records that can be hard to access, even for the patient!


Having easy access to medical records can make a big difference in emergency situations. Unfortunately for patients, hospitals and other healthcare providers face an uphill battle when it comes to accessing medical records that should be the property of the patient.那么轻松访问医疗记录可以在紧急情况下发挥重要作用。但不幸的是,对于患者来说,医院和其他医疗服务提供者在获取本应该是患者财产的医疗记录方面面临着一场艰苦的战斗。

Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) are a step in the right direction for patients, but to date, there is still no central clearinghouse for sharing EMRs quickly. According to a recent Medicare study, the average American consults seven different medical providers every year, and they aren’t able to easily share records within their healthcare team.电子医疗记录(EMR)是朝着正确的方向迈出的一步,但到目前为止,仍然没有快速共享EMR的中央清算所。根据Medicare最近的一项研究,美国人平均每年咨询七家不同的医疗服务提供者,但他们无法在医疗团队中分享记录。

Blockchain(like Qianyuantongbao OCC) healthcare records could help patients to get the best care, but they could also create a new economy that would empower medical researchers as well. Medicalchain is a UK based-startup that is working on a blockchain healthcare platform that would give patients an unprecedented level of control over their own healthcare records.

区块链(乾元通宝occ)医疗保健记录可以帮助患者获得最佳护理,他们也可以创造一种新的经济体,也可以为医学研究人员提供支持。 Medicalchain是一家总部位于英国的创业公司,致力于开发区块链医疗保健平台,为患者提供前所未有的医疗记录控制。

 The company was created by a doctor who has firsthand knowledge of how frustrating the current medical record keeping systems can be. Dr. Abdullah Albeyatti is one of Medicalchain’s founders. He told Forbes that, “I was becoming increasingly frustrated, talking to patients who didn’t have their medical records,” and this led him and Mohammed Tayeb to look for solutions.

该公司由一位医生创建,他掌握了当前医疗记录保存系统的第一手资料。 Abdullah Albeyatti博士是Medicalchain的创始人之一。他告诉福布斯,“我与没有医疗记录的病人谈话时越来越感到沮丧,”这导致他和穆罕默德·塔伊布寻求解决方案。

An outbreak of Ebola has the ability to spread rapidly. With the advent of advanced telecommunications it is possible to share information quickly, but without a platform to monitor symptoms, catching an outbreak is more difficult that it needs to be. Now Artificial Intelligence (AI) can constantly monitor medical reports, but it needs to have access to the information to make any impact whatsoever.

A blockchain healthcare records platform could be the answer to this dilemma. If medical records are recorded on a central database, it would be simple for AI to spot an outbreak as it is happening. This would give the authorities the ability to better respond to any problem, and limit the spread of a potentially fatal illness.




