
版权声明:文章为网上公开资源结合个人情况修改整理。如有侵权,请联系删除。 https://blog.csdn.net/qq_41895190/article/details/83056793





  1. 专注于培训速度

    • Tensorpack免费提供速度 - 它以高效的方式使用TensorFlow ,无需额外开销。在常见的CNN上,它比同等的Keras代码运行速度快1.2~5倍。如果用Tensorpack书写,你的训练可能会更快。

    • 数据并行多GPU /分布式培训策略现成可供使用。它的扩展性与谷歌的官方基准一样

    • 有关一些基准脚本,请参阅tensorpack / benchmarkmark

  2. 专注于大型数据集

    • 你通常不需要tf.data。符号编程通常会使数据处理更加困难。Tensorpack可帮助您使用自动并行化在纯Python中高效处理大型数据集(例如ImageNet)。
  3. 它不是模型包装器。

    • 世界上有太多的符号功能包装器。Tensorpack仅包含一些常见模型。但你可以在Tensorpack中使用任何符号函数库,包括tf.layers / Keras / slim / tflearn / tensorlayer / ....



Tensorpack Examples

Training examples with reproducible performance.

The word "reproduce" should always mean reproduce performance. With the magic of SGD, wrong deep learning code often appears to work, especially if you try it on toy datasets. Github is full of such deep learning code that "implements" but does not "reproduce" methods. See Unawareness of Deep Learning Mistakes.

We refuse toy examples. Instead of showing you 10 arbitrary networks trained on toy datasets with random final performance, tensorpack examples try to faithfully replicate experiments and performance in the paper, so you're confident that they are correct.

Getting Started:

These are all the toy examples in tensorpack. They are supposed to be just demos.


Name Performance
Train ResNetShuffleNet and other models on ImageNet reproduce paper
Train Faster-RCNN / Mask-RCNN on COCO reproduce paper
Generative Adversarial Network(GAN) variants, including DCGAN, InfoGAN, 
Conditional GAN, WGAN, BEGAN, DiscoGAN, Image to Image, CycleGAN
visually reproduce
DoReFa-Net: training binary / low-bitwidth CNN on ImageNet reproduce paper
Fully-convolutional Network for Holistically-Nested Edge Detection(HED) visually reproduce
Spatial Transformer Networks on MNIST addition reproduce paper
Visualize CNN saliency maps visually reproduce
Similarity learning on MNIST  
Single-image super-resolution using EnhanceNet  
Learn steering filters with Dynamic Filter Networks visually reproduce
Load a pre-trained AlexNet, VGG, or Convolutional Pose Machines  
Load a pre-trained FlowNet2-S, FlowNet2-C, FlowNet2  

Reinforcement Learning:

Name Performance
Deep Q-Network(DQN) variants on Atari games, including 
DQN, DoubleDQN, DuelingDQN.
reproduce paper
Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic(A3C) on Atari games reproduce paper

Speech / NLP:

Name Performance
LSTM-CTC for speech recognition reproduce paper
char-rnn for fun fun
LSTM language model on PennTreebank

我们拒绝玩具的例子。Tensorpack实例不是向您展示10个在玩具数据集上训练的任意网络, 而是忠实地复制论文并关注复制数字,展示其实际研究的灵活性。



演讲/ NLP:



  • Python 2.7或3.3+。
  • OpenCV的Python绑定(可选,但许多功能都需要)
  • TensorFlow> = 1.3。(如果您只想tensorpack.dataflow单独用作数据处理库,则不需要TensorFlow)
pip install --upgrade git+https://github.com/tensorpack/tensorpack.git
# or add `--user` to avoid system-wide installation.



