
11月01日 03:10

新浪财经讯 11月1日消息,10月中旬达利欧再次来到中国,他在与新浪财经独家对话时,谈及桥水管理尤其是人才招聘和员工离职率。“第一年桥水的员工离职率高达30%。我们当然希望这个比率能低一些,但是我们仍然坚持贯彻高标准,并且认为只有不断地测试员工以及让员工检验工作环境才能达到两者完美的适应关系。”




而基金业协会备案数据还显示,今年10月9日,外资私募桥水投资就成立了首只私募基金——桥水全天候中国私募投资基金一号,随后该基金于10月17日在基金业协会完成备案并公示,托管人是招商证券。这距离桥水投资在基金业协会登记不到4个月。(新浪财经郭金霞 发自北京)



Ray Dalio:I have found that when I make decisions, writing down the criteria I’m using in words and then converting the criteria into algorithms allows me to create decision making systems that are much better than any decision I alone could make. This is because the criteria are much better thought out and the information processing is much faster and much less emotional. The criteria are better because by having them expressed in both writing and algorithms I can have them probed by others and back tested. This process also produces a much deeper understanding of how the world works, which I find exciting as well as invaluable. Through this process, I’ve come to see how the same things happen over and over again and unfold in basically the same ways because the same cause:effect relationships drive how they unfold. At first my biggest challenge to this was simply getting in the habit of doing it, but once I realized how productive it is – and how much fun – that was no longer a problem. Then the biggest challenge was to extend it to all sorts of qualitative, subjective decision making. However, with practice I learned how to do that better but still need to improve.






Ray Dalio:We at Bridgewater apply this to almost all decision making, not just investment decision making. For example, we apply it to how to run the business and how to manage people. That has been invaluable because it makes our decision making evidence-based and more understandable to people. It also allows others to contribute to making our decision making criteria better because they’re so explicit so anyone can suggest how the algorithms can be improved.



Ray Dalio:I’ve found that having lots of data and analyzing it well helps to identify cognitive biases and being very explicit about one’s decision making process helps to reduce biased decision making. I also find that radical transparency helps biased decision making. Frankly, I can’t imagine how anyone could identify and reduce the chances of biased decision without these processes.



Ray Dalio:It’s true that many smart people have their own minds. It’s also true most people, including really smart people often have wrong theories that they are harmfully attached to that leads them to make painfully wrong decisions. We at Bridgewater understand that risk so we are worried about being wrong and like to be stress-tested in order to improve our chances of being right. That’s fundamental to our idea-meritocratic culture. To do this well, we have agreed upon ways of determining different people’s believabities so the people who are the best thinkers in a subject can have stress-tests by others who are also great thinkers in that subject. How we do that is a bit complicated but it’s explained in my book.




Ray Dalio:We strive to have meaningful work and meaningful relationships by being radically truthful and radically transparent with each other. We provide “tough love” and an evidence based approach to decision making. Most people understand that by helping each other know our weaknesses and strengths better, and by looking at the evidence together, that the process is both caring and fair. Therefore, they are willing to go through this process to see if they are capable of doing their job well. If they’re not, we agree that they should evolve into something else. A small percentage of the people deny the evidence - which is like denying that one is incompetent after repeatedly failing tests. In that case we fire them explaining that that’s how our system works and that we are sticking to it because we believe it’s logical.

达利欧:为了实现有意义的工作与人际关系,在桥水我们践行完全的互信与坦诚(透明)。为了帮助在工作中存在问题的员工,我们对其采取严厉的态度(tough love)。在(人事的)决策方法上也是以事实为依据的。大多数人都认同,互相指出优缺点、共同审视事实的过程是对彼此的关心,是非常公正的。因此,桥水的员工大都愿意通过这个过程来了解自己的工作表现。不愿意的话也有别的方法。小部分员工对多次抗压测试后得出自己竞争力不足的结论不太认同,这种情况下,他们会被解雇。我们会向他们解释,这是桥水公司认为合乎逻辑且行之有效的一套方法,桥水的运作方式就是如此。


Ray Dalio:It’s true that I strictly maintain very high standards. It’s also true that I care a lot about my people and work hard to try to help them succeed. They know that and that helps a lot.



Ray Dalio:Because I honestly don’t know if they’re right or if I’m right we have fair, idea-meritocratic ways of exploring who is right. For example, by writing down and testing our criteria, and by triangulating with other believable people whom we agree would help us decide what makes sense, we can agree that we are being evidence-based rather than me being arbitrary or autocratic. The key is to have a decision making process that most people agree is idea-meritocratic.



Ray Dalio:We have about a 30 percent attrition rate in the first year. While we’d of course rather have a lower turnover rate, what matters most to us is maintaining very high standards and we know that we need to test people and they need to test our environment in order to make sure we have a good fit. The way I see it is that we are the top company in our industry which has about 10,000 companies in it, so we need very rare and exceptional people - let’s say one in a (did he mean to say “one in ten thousand”?) thousand type people. While our preselection process is good, it is not so good that we can pick such rare people without making a significant percentage of mistakes.

达利欧: 第一年桥水的员工离职率高达30%。我们当然希望这个比率能低一些,但是我们仍然坚持贯彻高标准,并且认为只有不断地测试员工以及让员工检验工作环境才能达到两者完美的适应关系。在这个领域内有超过一万家公司,作为行业的领头羊,桥水需要稀缺而极为优秀的人才,可以说是万里挑一吧。虽然公司前期的人才招录过程是不错的,但仍存在一定比例的失误。


Ray Dalio:You’re right about people having a bias to think they contributed more than they did. To see the extent of that bias I took a survey that asked people what percent of the contribution to Bridgewater success they made and it added up to 300 percent. However, by using metrics we are able to assess their contributions and we then pay them more than fairly. The key is to have great people who will produce great results that will lead to us having great income and to give them a generous slice of the pie.


