

at -l      查看任务信息
at -r      删除任务
at -c      查看指定任务信息

[root@foundation42 ~]# at 09:21
at> rm -fr /mnt/file{1..5}
at> <EOT>
job 4 at Sun Apr 22 09:21:00 2018
[root@foundation42 ~]# at now+2min
at> touch westos{1..5}
at> <EOT>
job 5 at Sun Apr 22 09:22:00 2018
[root@foundation42 ~]# at -l
4    Sun Apr 22 09:21:00 2018 a root
5    Sun Apr 22 09:22:00 2018 a root

vim /etc/at.deny  打开at的黑名单文件,系统黑名单默认存在

vim /etc/at.allow at白名单  系统不默认存在 需自行建立
[root@foundation42 ~]# useradd westos
[root@foundation42 ~]# useradd linux      先添加两个用户进行实验
[root@foundation42 ~]# vim /etc/at.deny   在文件中添加westos用户
[root@foundation42 ~]# su - westos    
[westos@foundation42 ~]$ at 09:35
You do not have permission to use at.      at无法执行
[westos@foundation42 ~]$ exit
[root@foundation42 ~]# su - linux
[linux@foundation42 ~]$ at 09:36
at> <EOT>
job 6 at Sun Apr 22 09:36:00 2018    at可执行

[root@foundation42 ~]# vim /etc/at.allow    建立白名单,添加westos用户,黑名单失效
[root@foundation42 ~]# su - westos   
Last login: Sun Apr 22 09:34:04 CST 2018 on pts/1
[westos@foundation42 ~]$ at 09:44
at> <EOT>
job 7 at Sun Apr 22 09:44:00 2018
[westos@foundation42 ~]$ exit
[root@foundation42 ~]# su - linux
Last login: Sun Apr 22 09:34:22 CST 2018 on pts/1
[linux@foundation42 ~]$ at 09:44

You do not have permission to use at.   linux用户未在白名单内,无法使用at命令


crontab -u root -e 编写命令
crontab -u root -l 查看命令
crontab -u root -r 删除命令

[root@foundation42 ~]# crontab -u root -e
no crontab for root - using an empty one
crontab: installing new crontab
[root@foundation42 ~]# crontab -u root -l
54 09 * * * touch file{1..5}


分钟       小时     天      月            周
  *         *      *       *             *
 *          8-17   *       *             *   表示每天的8点到17点
*/2         8-17  1,15     *              *  表示在一号和15号的8-17点之间的每两分钟


 The time and date fields are:

              field          allowed values
              -----          --------------
              minute         0-59
              hour           0-23
              day of month   1-31
              month          1-12 (or names, see below)
              day of week    0-7 (0 or 7 is Sunday, or use names)

       A  field  may  contain  an  asterisk  (*),  which  always  stands   for

       Ranges of numbers are allowed.  Ranges are two numbers separated with a
       hyphen.  The specified range is inclusive.  For example, 8-11 for an

       Lists are allowed.  A list is a set of numbers (or ranges) separated by
       commas.  Examples: "1,2,5,9", "0-4,8-12".

Step  values can be used in conjunction with ranges.  Following a range
       with "/<number>" specifies skips of  the  number's  value  through  the
       range.  For example, "0-23/2" can be used in the 'hours' field to spec‐
       ify command execution for every other hour (the alternative in  the  V7
       standard  is  "0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22").   Step values are also
       permitted after an asterisk, so if specifying a job to be run every two
       hours, you can use "*/2".

       Names  can  also be used for the 'month' and 'day of week' fields.  Use
       the first three letters of the particular day or month (case  does  not
       matter).  Ranges or lists of names are not allowed.



[root@foundation42 cron]# cd /etc/cron.d
[root@foundation42 cron.d]# ls
0hourly  raid-check  sysstat
[root@foundation42 cron.d]# touch file
[root@foundation42 cron.d]# vim file
[root@foundation42 cron.d]# cat file
* * * * * root touch /mnt/file{1..5}

[root@foundation42 cron.d]# touch rm-file
[root@foundation42 cron.d]# vim rm-file

cd /etc/c
cron.daily/   每天执行一次
cron.monthly/ 每月执行一次
cron.hourly/  每小时执行一次
cron.weekly/  每周执行一次


 systemd-tmpfiles --creat /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/*

vim westos.conf

d /mnt/ 1777 root root 5s

touch /mnt/file



 cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/


然后执行 work-hostset


