
进程间通信(Interprocess Communication, IPC),经典的IPC:管道、FIFO、消息队列、信号量以及共享存储和套接字。







   它可以看成是一种特殊的文件,对于它的读写也可以使用普通的read、write 等函数。但是它不是普通的文件,并不属于其他任何文件系统,并且只存在于内存中。管道是通过调用pipe函数创建的。

通过使用man 2 pipe 查看pipe的用法,使用man 7 pipe了解细节






主要是通过注释掉read end 或者 write end 来实现关闭管道,以及对于管道基本的使用方法

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define DE

// signal process function
void sig_pipe(int signal)
	printf("catch the SIGPIPE signal\n");

// main function
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
	int n;
	int pipefd[2];
	int count = 0;
	char buf[100]  = {0};
	char buff[100] = {0};

	// Register a signal for sig_pipe function

	// creat pipe for interprocess communication
	if(pipe(pipefd) < 0)
		perror("fail to create pipe");
	// close read end pipefd
	// close(pipefd[0]);

	printf("please input a string,what you want to say!\n");
	// gets have some dangerous fgets is better
	if((n=write(pipefd[1],buff,sizeof(buff))) < 0)
		perror("write error");
	 printf("Write %d bytes : %s\n",n,buff);
	// close write end pipefd
#if 1

	// close(pipefd[0]);

#ifdef DE
	if((n=read(pipefd[0],buf,sizeof(buf))) < 0)
		perror("fail to read pipe");
	 printf("Rread %d bytes : %s\n",n,buf);
	return 0;


FPATHCONF(3)              Linux Programmer's Manual             FPATHCONF(3)
NAME         top
       fpathconf, pathconf - get configuration values for files
SYNOPSIS         top
       #include <unistd.h>

       long fpathconf(int fd, int name);
       long pathconf(const char *path, int name);

DESCRIPTION         top
       fpathconf() gets a value for the configuration option name for the
       open file descriptor fd.

       pathconf() gets a value for configuration option name for the
       filename path.

       The corresponding macros defined in <unistd.h> are minimum values; if
       an application wants to take advantage of values which may change, a
       call to fpathconf() or pathconf() can be made, which may yield more
       liberal results.

       Setting name equal to one of the following constants returns the
       following configuration options:

              The maximum number of links to the file.  If fd or path refer
              to a directory, then the value applies to the whole directory.
              The corresponding macro is _POSIX_LINK_MAX.

              The maximum length of a formatted input line, where fd or path
              must refer to a terminal.  The corresponding macro is

              The maximum length of an input line, where fd or path must
              refer to a terminal.  The corresponding macro is

              The maximum length of a filename in the directory path or fd
              that the process is allowed to create.  The corresponding
              macro is _POSIX_NAME_MAX.

              The maximum length of a relative pathname when path or fd is
              the current working directory.  The corresponding macro is

              The maximum number of bytes that can be written atomically to
              a pipe of FIFO.  For fpathconf(), fd should refer to a pipe or
              FIFO.  For fpathconf(), path should refer to a FIFO or a
              directory; in the latter case, the returned value corresponds
              to FIFOs created in that directory.  The corresponding macro
              is _POSIX_PIPE_BUF.

              This returns a positive value if the use of chown(2) and
              fchown(2) for changing a file's user ID is restricted to a
              process with appropriate privileges, and changing a file's
              group ID to a value other than the process's effective group
              ID or one of its supplementary group IDs is restricted to a
              process with appropriate privileges.  According to POSIX.1,
              this variable shall always be defined with a value other than
              -1.  The corresponding macro is _POSIX_CHOWN_RESTRICTED.

              If fd or path refers to a directory, then the return value
              applies to all files in that directory.

              This returns nonzero if accessing filenames longer than
              _POSIX_NAME_MAX generates an error.  The corresponding macro
              is _POSIX_NO_TRUNC.

              This returns nonzero if special character processing can be
              disabled, where fd or path must refer to a terminal.


	// creat pipe for interprocess communication
	if(pipe(pipefd) < 0)
		perror("fail to create pipe");
    printf("#####pipebuf#### %ld\n",fpathconf(pipefd[1],_PC_PIPE_BUF));
    // printf("#####pipebuf#### %ld\n",pathconf((char*)pipefd,_PC_PIPE_BUF));

#if 0


