


smali数据类型 数据类型
B byte
C char
D double
F float
I int
J long
S short
V void
Z boolean
[XXX array
Lxxx/yyy object



Func-Name (Para-Type1Para-Type2Para-Type3…)Return-Type

 1. foo ()V

     void foo()。

 2. foo (III)Z

     boolean foo(int, int, int)。

 3. foo (Z[I[ILjava/lang/String;J)Ljava/lang/String;

     String foo (boolean, int[], int[], String, long) 

 4. foo ([Ljava/lang/String)Ljava/lang/String;

     String foo (String []) 

 5. foo(I[[IILjava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;

     String method(int, int[][], int, String, Object[])


对于一个使用m个寄存器(m=局部变量寄存器个数l+参数寄存器个数n)的方法而言,局部寄存器使用从v0开始的l个寄存器,而参数寄存器则使用最后的n个寄存器.举个例子说明假设实例方法test(String a,String b)一共使用了5个寄存器:0,1,2,3,4,那么参数寄存器是能使用2,3,4这三个寄存器,如图

寄存器有两种不同的命名方法:v字命名法和p字命 名法.这两种命名法仅仅是影响了字节码的可读性.


对于上面实例方法test(String a,String b)来说,v0,v1为局部变量能够使用的寄存器,v2,v3,v4为参数能够使用的寄存器:






指令 描述
const/4 vA,#+B 将数值符号扩展为32后赋值给寄存器vA
const-wide/16 vAA,#+BBBB 将数值符号扩展为64位后赋值个寄存器对vAA
const-string vAA,string@BBBB 通过字符串索引高走字符串赋值给寄存器vAA
const-class vAA,type@BBBB 通过类型索引获取一个类的引用赋值给寄存器vAA


move指令用于数据操作,其表示move destination,source,即数据数据从source寄存器(源寄存器)移动到destionation寄存器(源寄存器),可以理解java中变量间的赋值操作.根据字节码和类型的不同,move指令后会跟上不同的后缀.

指令 描述
move vA,vB 将vB寄存器的值赋值给vA寄存器,vA和vB寄存器都是4位
move/from16 vAA,VBBBB 将vBBBB寄存器(16位)的值赋值给vAA寄存器(7位),from16表示源寄存器vBBBB是16位的
move/16 vAAAA,vBBBB 将寄存器vBBBB的值赋值给vAAAA寄存器,16表示源寄存器vBBBB和目标寄存器vAAAA都是16位
move-object vA,vB 将vB寄存器中的对象引用赋值给vA寄存器,vA寄存器和vB寄存器都是4位
move-result vAA 将上一个invoke指令(方法调用)操作的单字(32位)非对象结果赋值给vAA寄存器
move-result-wide vAA 将上一个invoke指令操作的双字(64位)非对象结果赋值给vAA寄存器
mvoe-result-object vAA 将上一个invoke指令操作的对象结果赋值给vAA寄存器
move-exception vAA 保存上一个运行时发生的异常到vAA寄存器



指令 描述
new-instance vAA,type@BBBB 构造一个指定类型的对象将器引用赋值给vAA寄存器.此处不包含数组对象
instance-of vA,vB,type@CCCC 判断vB寄存器中对象的引用是否是指定类型,如果是,将v1赋值为1,否则赋值为0
check-cast vAA,type@BBBB 将vAA寄存器中对象的引用转成指定类型,成功则将结果赋值给vAA,否则抛出ClassCastException异常.



指令 描述
new-array vA,vB,type@CCCC 创建指定类型与指定大小(vB寄存器指定)的数组,并将其赋值给vA寄存器
fill-array-data vAA,+BBBBBBBB 用指定的数据填充数组,vAA代表数组的引用(数组的第一个元素的地址)




指令 描述
add-type 加法指令
sub-type 减法指令
mul-type 乘法指令
div-type 除法指令


指令 描述
and-type 与运算指令
or-type 或运算指令
xor-type 异或元算指令


指令 描述
shl-type 有符号左移指令
shr-type 有符号右移指令
ushr-type 无符号右移指令



比较指令用于比较两个寄存器中值的大小,其基本格式格式是cmp+kind-type vAA,vBB,vCC,type表示比较数据的类型,如-long,-float等;kind则代表操作类型,因此有cmpl,cmpg,cmp三种比较指令.coml是compare less的缩写,cmpg是compare greater的缩写,因此cmpl表示vBB小于vCC中的值这个条件是否成立,是则返回1,否则返回-1,相等返回0;cmpg表示vBB大于vCC中的值这个条件是否成立,是则返回1,否则返回-1,相等返回0.

指令 描述
cmpl-float vAA,vBB,vCC 比较两个单精度的浮点数.如果vBB寄存器中的值大于vCC寄存器的值,则返回-1到vAA中,相等则返回0,小于返回1
cmpg-float vAA,vBB,vCC 比较两个单精度的浮点数,如果vBB寄存器中的值大于vCC的值,则返回1,相等返回0,小于返回-1
cmpl-double vAA,vBB,vCC 比较两个双精度浮点数,如果vBB寄存器中的值大于vCC的值,则返回-1,相等返回0,小于则返回1
cmpg-double vAA,vBB,vCC 比较双精度浮点数,和cmpl-float的语意一致
cmp-double vAA,vBB,vCC 等价与cmpg-double vAA,vBB,vCC指令



指令 描述
iget-byte vX,vY,filed_id 读取vY寄存器中的对象中的filed_id字段值赋值给vX寄存器
iput-byte vX,vY,filed_id 设置vY寄存器中的对象中filed_id字段的值为vX寄存器的值
iget-boolean vX,vY,filed_id
iput-boolean vX,vY,filed_id
iget-long vX,vY,filed_id
iput-long vX,vY,filed_id



指令 描述
sget-byte vX,vY,filed_id
sput-byte vX,vY,filed_id
sget-boolean vX,vY,filed_id
sput-boolean vX,vY,filed_id
sget-long vX,vY,filed_id
sput-long vX,vY,filed_id



指令 描述
invoke-direct{parameters},methodtocall 调用实例的直接方法,即private修饰的方法.此时需要注意{}中的第一个元素代表的是当前实例对象,即this,后面接下来的才是真正的参数.比如指令invoke-virtual {v3,v1,v4},Test2.method5:(II)V中,v3表示Test2当前实例对象,而v1,v4才是方法参数
invoke-static{parameters},methodtocall 调用实例的静态方法,此时{}中的都是方法参数
invoke-super{parameters},methodtocall 调用父类方法
invoke-virtual{parameters},methodtocall 调用实例的虚方法,即public和protected修饰修饰的方法
invoke-interface{parameters},methodtocall 调用接口方法






指令 描述
return-void 什么也不返回
return vAA 返回一个32位非对象类型的值
return-wide vAA 返回一个64位非对象类型的值
return-object vAA 反会一个对象类型的引用



指令 描述
monitor-enter vAA 为指定对象获取锁操作
monitor-exit vAA 为指定对象释放锁操作



指令 描述
throw vAA 抛出vAA寄存器中指定类型的异常



指令 描述
goto +AA 无条件跳转到指定偏移处(AA即偏移量)
packed-switch vAA,+BBBBBBBB 分支跳转指令.vAA寄存器中的值是switch分支中需要判断的,BBBBBBBB则是偏移表(packed-switch-payload)中的索引值,
spare-switch vAA,+BBBBBBBB 分支跳转指令,和packed-switch类似,只不过BBBBBBBB偏移表(spare-switch-payload)中的索引值
if-test vA,vB,+CCCC 条件跳转指令,用于比较vA和vB寄存器中的值,如果条件满足则跳转到指定偏移处(CCCC即偏移量),test代表比较规则,可以是eq.lt等.


指令 描述
if-eq vA,vB,target vA,vB寄存器中的相等,等价于java中的if(a==b),比如if-eq v3,v10,002c表示如果条件成立,则跳转到current position+002c处.其余的类似
if-ne vA,vB,target 等价与java中的if(a!=b)
if-lt vA,vB,target vA寄存器中的值小于vB,等价于if(a>=b)
if-gt vA,vB,target 等价于java中的if(a>b)
if-ge vA,vB,target 等价于java中的if(a>=b)
if-le vA,vB,target 等价于java中的if(a<=b)


指令 描述
if-eqz vAA,target 等价于java中的if(a==0)或者if(!a)
if-nez vAA,target 等价于java中的if(a!=0)或者if(a)
if-ltz vAA,target 等价于java中的if(a<0)
if-gtz vAA,target 等价于java中的if(a>0)
if-lez vAA,target 等价于java中的if(a<=0)
if-gtz vAA,target 等价于java中的if(a>=0)



数据类型转换对任何java开发者都是非常熟悉的,用于实现两种不同数据类型的相互转换.其基本指令格式是:unop vA,vB,表示对vB寄存器的中值进行操作,并将结果保存在vA寄存器中.

指令 描述
int-to-long 整形转为长整型
float-to-int 单精度浮点型转为整形
int-to-byte 整形转为字节类型
neg-int 求补指令,对整数求补
not-int 求反指令,对整数求反


Opcode (hex) Opcode name Explanation Example
00 nop No operation 0000 - nop 
01 move vx,vy Moves the content of vy into vx. Both registers must be in the first 256 register range. 0110 - move v0, v1
Moves v1 into v0.
02 move/from16 vx,vy Moves the content of vy into vx. vy may be in the 64k register range while vx is one of the first 256 registers. 0200 1900 - move/from16 v0, v25
Moves v25 into v0.
03 move/16    
04 move-wide     
05 move-wide/from16 vx,vy Moves a long/double value from vy to vx. vy may be in the 64k register range while wx is one of the first 256 registers. 0516 0000 - move-wide/from16 v22, v0
Moves v0 into v22.
06 move-wide/16    
07 move-object vx,vy Moves the object reference from vy to vx. 0781 - move-object v1, v8
Moves the object reference in v8 to v1.
08 move-object/from16 vx,vy Moves the object reference from vy to vx, vy can address 64k registers and vx can address 256 registers. 0801 1500 - move-object/from16 v1, v21
Move the object reference in v21 to v1.
09 move-object/16    
0A move-result vx Move the result value of the previous method invocation into vx. 0A00 - move-result v0
Move the return value of a previous method invocation into v0.
0B move-result-wide vx Move the long/double result value of the previous method invocation into vx,vx+1. 0B02 - move-result-wide v2
Move the long/double result value of the previous method invocation into v2,v3.
0C move-result-object vx Move the result object reference of the previous method invocation into vx. 0C00 - move-result-object v0
0D move-exception vx Move the exception object reference thrown during a method invocation into vx.  0D19 - move-exception v25
0E return-void Return without a return value 0E00 - return-void
0F return vx Return with vx return value 0F00 - return v0
Returns with return value in v0.

10 return-wide vx Return with double/long result in vx,vx+1. 1000 - return-wide v0
Returns with a double/long value in v0,v1.
11 return-object vx Return with vx object reference value. 1100 - return-object v0
Returns with object reference value in v0
12 const/4 vx,lit4 Puts the 4 bit constant into vx 1221 - const/4 v1, #int2
Moves literal 2 into v1. The destination register is in the lower 4 bit in the second byte, the literal 2 is in the higher 4 bit.
13 const/16 vx,lit16 Puts the 16 bit constant into vx 1300 0A00 - const/16 v0, #int 10
Puts the literal constant of 10 into v0.
14 const vx, lit32 Puts the integer constant into vx 1400 4E61 BC00 - const v0, #12345678 // #00BC614E
Moves literal 12345678 into v0.
15 const/high16 v0, lit16 Puts the 16 bit constant into the topmost bits of the register. Used to initialize float values. 1500 2041 - const/high16 v0, #float 10.0 // #41200000
Moves the floating literal of 10.0 into v0. The 16 bit literal in the instruction carries the top 16 bits of the floating point number.
16 const-wide/16 vx, lit16 Puts the integer constant into vx and vx+1 registers, expanding the integer constant into a long constant.. 1600 0A00 - const-wide/16 v0, #long 10
Moves literal 10 into v0 and v1 registers.
17 const-wide/32 vx, lit32 Puts the 32 bit constant into vx and vx+1 registers, expanding the integer constant into a long constant. 1702 4e61 bc00 - const-wide/32 v2, #long 12345678 // #00bc614e
Puts #12345678 into v2 and v3 registers.
18 const-wide vx, lit64 Puts the 64 bit constant into vx and vx+1 registers. 1802 874b 6b5d 54dc 2b00- const-wide v2, #long 12345678901234567 // #002bdc545d6b4b87
Puts #12345678901234567 into v2 and v3 registers.
19 const-wide/high16 vx,lit16 Puts the 16 bit constant into the highest 16 bit of vx and vx+1 registers. Used to initialize double values. 1900 2440 - const-wide/high16 v0, #double 10.0 // #402400000
Puts the double constant of 10.0 into v0 register.
1A const-string vx,string_id Puts reference to a string constant identified by string_id into vx. 1A08 0000 - const-string v8, “” // string@0000
Puts reference to string@0000 (entry #0 in the string table) into v8.
1B const-string-jumbo    
1C const-class vx,type_id Moves the class object of a class identified by type_id (e.g. Object.class) into vx. 1C00 0100 - const-class v0, Test3 // type@0001
Moves reference to Test3.class (entry#1 in the type id table) into 
1D monitor-enter vx Obtains the monitor of the object referenced by vx. 1D03 - monitor-enter v3
Obtains the monitor of the object referenced by v3.
1E monitor-exit Releases the monitor of the object referenced by vx. 1E03 - monitor-exit v3
Releases the monitor of the object referenced by v3.
1F check-cast vx, type_id Checks whether the object reference in vx can be cast to an instance of a class referenced by type_id. Throws ClassCastException if the cast is not possible, continues execution otherwise. 1F04 0100 - check-cast v4, Test3 // type@0001
Checks whether the object reference in v4 can be cast to type@0001 (entry #1 in the type id table)
20 instance-of vx,vy,type_id Checks whether vy is instance of a class identified by type_id. Sets vx non-zero if it is, 0 otherwise. 2040 0100 - instance-of v0, v4, Test3 // type@0001
Checks whether the object reference in v4 is an instance of type@0001 (entry #1 in the type id table). Sets v0 to non-zero if v4 is instance of Test3, 0 otherwise.
21 array-length vx,vy Calculates the number of elements of the array referenced by vy and puts the length value into vx. 2111 - array-length v1, v1
Calculates the number of elements of the array referenced by v1 and puts the result into v1.
22 new-instance vx,type Instantiates an object type and puts the reference of the newly created instance into vx. 2200 1500 - new-instance v0, // type@0015
Instantiates type@0015 (entry #15H in the type table) and puts its reference into v0.
23 new-array vx,vy,type_id Generates a new array of type_id type and vy element size and puts the reference to the array into vx. 2312 2500 - new-array v2, v1, char[] // type@0025
Generates a new array of type@0025 type and v1 size and puts the reference to the new array into v2.
24 filled-new-array {parameters},type_id Generates a new array of type_id and fills it with the parameters5. Reference to the newly generated array can be obtained by a move-result-object instruction, immediately following the filled-new-array instruction. 2420 530D 0000 - filled-new-array {v0,v0},[I // type@0D53
Generates a new array of type@0D53. The array’s size will be 2 and both elements will be filled with the contents of v0 register.
25 filled-new-array-range {vx..vy},type_id Generates a new array of type_id and fills it with a range of parameters. Reference to the newly generated array can be obtained by a move-result-object instruction, immediately following the filled-new-array instruction. 2503 0600 1300 - filled-new-array/range {v19..v21}, [B // type@0006
Generates a new array of type@0D53. The array’s size will be 3 and the elements will be filled using the v19,v20 and v21 registers4.
26 fill-array-data vx,array_data_offset Fills the array referenced by vx with the static data. The location of the static data is the sum of  the position of the current instruction and the offset 2606 2500 0000 - fill-array-data v6, 00e6 // +0025
Fills the array referenced by v0 with the static data at current instruction+25H words location. The offset is expressed as a 32-bit number. The static data is stored in the following format:
0003 // Table type: static array data
0400 // Byte per array element (in this case, 4 byte integers)
0300 0000 // Number of elements in the table
0100 0000  // Element #0: integer 1
0200 0000 // Element #1: integer 2
0300 0000 // Element #2: integer3
27 throw vx Throws an exception object. The reference of the exception object is in vx. 2700 - throw v0
Throws an exception. The exception object reference is in v0.
28 goto target Unconditional jump by short offset2 28F0 - goto 0005 // -0010
Jumps to current position-16 words (hex 10). 0005 is the label of the target instruction.
29 goto/16 target Unconditional jump by 16 bit offset2. 2900 0FFE - goto/16 002f // -01f1
Jumps to the current position-1F1H words. 002F is the label of the target instruction.
2A goto/32 target    
2B packed-switch vx,table Implements a switch statement where the case constants are close to each other. The instruction uses an index table. vx indexes into this table to find the offset of the instruction for a particular case. If vx falls out of the index table, the execution continues on the next instruction (default case). 2B02 0C00 0000 - packed-switch v2, 000c // +000c
Execute a packed switch according to the switch argument in v2. The position of the index table is at current instruction+0CH words. The table looks like the following:
0001 // Table type: packed switch table
0300 // number of elements
0000 0000 // element base
0500 0000  0: 00000005 // case 0: +00000005
0700 0000  1: 00000007 // case 1: +00000007
0900 0000  2: 00000009 // case 2: +00000009
2C sparse-switch vx,table Implements a switch statement with sparse case table. The instruction uses a lookup table with case constants and offsets for each case constant. If there is no match in the table, execution continues on the next instruction (default case). 2C02 0c00 0000 - sparse-switch v2, 000c // +000c
Execute a sparse switch according to the switch argument in v2. The position of the lookup table is at current instruction+0CH words. The table looks like the following.
0002 // Table type: sparse switch table
0300 // number of elements
9cff ffff // first case: -100
fa00 0000 // second case constant: 250
e803 0000 // third case constant: 1000
0500 0000 // offset for the first case constant: +5
0700 0000 // offset for the second case constant: +7
0900 0000 // offset for the third case constant: +9
2D cmpl-float Compares the float values in vy and vz and sets the integer value in vx accordingly3 2D00 0607 - cmpl-float v0, v6, v7
Compares the float values in v6 and v7 then sets v0 accordingly. NaN bias is less-than, the instruction will return -1 if any of the parameters is NaN.
2E cmpg-float vx, vy, vz Compares the float values in vy and vz and sets the integer value in vx accordingly3. 2E00 0607 - cmpg-float v0, v6, v7
Compares the float values in v6 and v7 then sets v0 accordingly. NaN bias is greater-than, the instruction will return 1 if any of the parameters is NaN.
2F cmpl-double vx,vy,vz Compares the double values in vy and vz2 and sets the integer value in vx accordingly3. 2F19 0608 - cmpl-double v25, v6, v8
Compares the double values in v6,v7 and v8,v9 and sets v25 accordingly. NaN bias is less-than, the instruction will return -1 if any of the parameters is NaN.
30 cmpg-double vx, vy, vz Compares the double values in vy and vz2 and sets the integer value in vx accordingly3. 3000 080A - cmpg-double v0, v8, v10
Compares the double values in v8,v9 and v10,v11 then sets v0 accordingly. NaN bias is greater-than, the instruction will return 1 if any of the parameters is NaN.
31 cmp-long vx, vy, vz Compares the long values in vy and vz and sets the integer value in vx accordingly3. 3100 0204 - cmp-long v0, v2, v4
Compares the long values in v2 and v4 then sets v0 accordingly.
32 if-eq vx,vy,target Jumps to target if vx==vy2. vx and vy are integer values. 32b3 6600 - if-eq v3, v11, 0080 // +0066
Jumps to the current position+66H words if v3==v11. 0080 is the label of the target instruction.
33 if-ne vx,vy,target Jumps to target if vx!=vy2. vx and vy are integer values. 33A3 1000 - if-ne v3, v10, 002c // +0010
Jumps to the current position+10H words if v3!=v10. 002c is the label of the target instruction.
34 if-lt vx,vy,target Jumps to target is vx<vy2. vx and vy are integer values. 3432 CBFF - if-lt v2, v3, 0023 // -0035
Jumps to the current position-35H words if v2<v3. 0023 is the label of the target instruction.
35 if-ge vx, vy,target Jumps to target if vx>=vy2. vx and vy are integer values. 3510 1B00 - if-ge v0, v1, 002b // +001b
Jumps to the current position+1BH words if v0>=v1. 002b is the label of the target instruction.
36 if-gt vx,vy,target Jumps to target if vx>vy2. vx and vy are integer values. 3610 1B00 - if-ge v0, v1, 002b // +001b
Jumps to the current position+1BH words if v0>v1. 002b is the label of the target instruction.
37 if-le vx,vy,target Jumps to target if vx<=vy2. vx and vy are integer values. 3756 0B00 - if-le v6, v5, 0144 // +000b
Jumps to the current position+0BH words if v6<=v5. 0144 is the label of the target instruction.
38 if-eqz vx,target Jumps to target if vx==02. vx is an integer value. 3802 1900 - if-eqz v2, 0038 // +0019
Jumps to the current position+19H words if v2==0. 0038 is the label of the target instruction.
39 if-nez vx,target Checks vx and jumps if vx is nonzero2 3902 1200 - if-nez v2, 0014 // +0012
Jumps to current position+18 words (hex 12) if v2 is nonzero. 0014 is the label of the target instruction.
3A if-ltz vx,target Checks vx and jumps if vx<02. 3A00 1600 - if-ltz v0, 002d // +0016
Jumps to the current position+16H words if v0<0. 002d is the label of the target instruction.
3B if-gez vx,target Checks vx and jumps if vx>=02. 3B00 1600 - if-gez v0, 002d // +0016
Jumps to the current position+16H words if v0 >=0. 002d is the label of the target instruction.
3C if-gtz vx,target Checks vx and jumps if vx>02. 3C00 1D00 - if-gtz v0, 004a // +001d
Jumps to the current position+1DH words if v0>0. 004A is the label of the target instruction.
3D if-lez vx,target Checks vx and jumps if vx<=02. 3D00 1D00 - if-lez v0, 004a // +001d
Jumps to the current position+1DH words if v0<=0. 004A is the label of the target instruction.
3E unused_3E    
3F unused_3F    
40 unused_40    
41 unused_41    
42 unused_42    
43 unused_43    
44 aget vx,vy,vz Gets an integer value of an object reference array into vx. The array is referenced by vy and is indexed by vz. 4407 0306 - aget v7, v3, v6
Gets an integer array element. The array is referenced by v3 and the element is indexed by v6. The element will be put into v7.
45 aget-wide vx,vy,vz Gets a long/double value of long/double array into vx,vx+1. The array is referenced by vy and is indexed by vz. 4505 0104 - aget-wide v5, v1, v4
Gets a long/double array element. The array is referenced by v1 and the element is indexed by v4. The element will be put into v5,v6.
46 aget-object vx,vy,vz Gets an object reference value of an object reference array into vx. The array is referenced by vy and is indexed by vz. 4602 0200 - aget-object v2, v2, v0
Gets an object reference array element. The array is referenced by v2 and the element is indexed by v0. The element will be put into v2.
47 aget-boolean vx,vy,vz Gets a boolean value of a boolean array into vx. The array is referenced by vy and is indexed by vz. 4700 0001 - aget-boolean v0, v0, v1 
Gets a boolean array element. The array is referenced by v0 and the element is indexed by v1. The element will be put into v0.
48 aget-byte vx,vy,vz Gets a byte value of a byte array into vx. The array is referenced by vy and is indexed by vz. 4800 0001 - aget-byte v0, v0, v1
Gets a byte array element. The array is referenced by v0 and the element is indexed by v1. The element will be put into v0.
49 aget-char vx, vy,vz Gets a char value  of a character array into vx. The element is indexed by vz, the array object is referenced by vy 4905 0003 - aget-char v5, v0, v3
Gets a character array element. The array is referenced by v0 and the element is indexed by v3. The element will be put into v5.
4A aget-short vx,vy,vz Gets a short value  of a short array into vx. The element is indexed by vz, the array object is referenced by vy. 4A00 0001 - aget-short v0, v0, v1
Gets a short array element. The array is referenced by v0 and the element is indexed by v1. The element will be put into v0.
4B aput vx,vy,vz Puts the integer value in vx into an element of an integer array. The element is indexed by vz, the array object is referenced by vy. 4B00 0305 - aput v0, v3, v5
Puts the integer value in v2 into an integer array referenced by v0. The target array element is indexed by v1.
4C aput-wide vx,vy,vz Puts the double/long value in vx,vx+1 into a double/long array. The array is referenced by vy, the element is indexed by vz. 4C05 0104 - aput-wide v5, v1, v4
Puts the double/long value in v5,v6 into a double/long array referenced by v1. The target array element is indexed by v4.
4D aput-object vx,vy,vz Puts the object reference value in vx into an element of an object reference array. The element is indexed by vz, the array object is referenced by vy. 4D02 0100 - aput-object v2, v1, v0
Puts the object reference value in v2 into an object reference array referenced by v0. The target array element is indexed by v1.
4E aput-boolean vx,vy,vz Puts the boolean value in vx into an element of a boolean array. The element is indexed by vz, the array object is referenced by vy. 4E01 0002 - aput-boolean v1, v0, v2
Puts the boolean value in v1 into an object reference array referenced by v0. The target array element is indexed by v2.
4F aput-byte vx,vy,vz Puts the byte value in vx into an element of a byte array. The element is indexed by vz, the array object is referenced by vy. 4F02 0001 - aput-byte v2, v0, v1
Puts the boolean value in v2 into a byte array referenced by v0. The target array element is indexed by v1.
50 aput-char vx,vy,vz Puts the char value in vx into an element of a character array. The element is indexed by vz, the array object is referenced by vy. 5003 0001 - aput-char v3, v0, v1
Puts the character value in v3 into a character array referenced by v0. The target array element is indexed by v1.
51 aput-short vx,vy,vz Puts the short value in vx into an element of a short array. The element is indexed by vz, the array object is referenced by vy. 5102 0001 - aput-short v2, v0, v1
Puts the short value in v2 into a character array referenced by v0. The target array element is indexed by v1.
52 iget vx, vy, field_id Reads an instance field into vx. The instance is referenced by vy. 5210 0300 - iget v0, v1, Test2.i6:I // field@0003
Reads field@0003 into v0 (entry #3 in the field id table). The instance is referenced by v1.
53 iget-wide vx,vy,field_id Reads an instance field into vx1. The instance is referenced by vy. 5320 0400 - iget-wide v0, v2, Test2.l0:J // field@0004
Reads field@0004 into v0 and v1 registers (entry #4 in the field id table). The instance is referenced by v2.
54 iget-object vx,vy,field_id Reads an object reference instance field into vx. The instance is referenced by vy. iget-object v1, v2, LineReader.fis:Ljava/io/FileInputStream; // field@0002
Reads field@0002 into v1  (entry #2 in the field id table). The instance is referenced by v2.
55 iget-boolean vx,vy,field_id Reads a boolean instance field into vx. The instance is referenced by vy. 55FC 0000 - iget-boolean v12, v15, Test2.b0:Z // field@0000
Reads the boolean field@0000 into v12 register (entry #0 in the field id table). The instance is referenced by v15.
56 iget-byte vx,vy,field_id Reads a byte instance field into vx. The instance is referenced by vy. 5632 0100 - iget-byte v2, v3, Test3.bi1:B // field@0001
Reads the char field@0001 into v2 register (entry #1 in the field id table). The instance is referenced by v3.
57 iget-char vx,vy,field_id Reads a char instance field into vx. The instance is referenced by vy. 5720 0300 - iget-char v0, v2, Test3.ci1:C // field@0003
Reads the char field@0003 into v0 register (entry #3 in the field id table). The instance is referenced by v2.
58 iget-short vx,vy,field_id Reads a short instance field into vx. The instance is referenced by vy. 5830 0800 - iget-short v0, v3, Test3.si1:S // field@0008
Reads the short field@0008 into v0 register (entry #8 in the field id table). The instance is referenced by v3.
59 iput vx,vy, field_id Puts vx into an instance field. The instance is referenced by vy. 5920 0200 - iput v0,v2, Test2.i6:I // field@0002
Stores v0 into field@0002 (entry #2 in the field id table). The instance is referenced by v2.
5A iput-wide vx,vy, field_id Puts the wide value located in vx and vx+1 registers into an instance field. The instance is referenced by vy. 5A20 0000 - iput-wide v0,v2, Test2.d0:D // field@0000 
Stores the wide value in v0, v1 registers into field@0000 (entry #0 in the field id table). The instance is referenced by v2.
5B iput-object vx,vy,field_id Puts the object reference in vx into an instance field. The instance is referenced by vy. 5B20 0000 - iput-object v0, v2, LineReader.bis:Ljava/io/BufferedInputStream; // field@0000
Stores the object reference in v0 into field@0000 (entry #0 in the field table). The instance is referenced by v2.
5C iput-boolean vx,vy, field_id Puts the boolean value located in vx into an instance field. The instance is referenced by vy. 5C30 0000 - iput-boolean v0, v3, Test2.b0:Z // field@0000
Puts the boolean value in v0 into field@0000 (entry #0 in the field id table). The instance is referenced by v3.
5D iput-byte vx,vy,field_id Puts the byte value located in vx into an instance field. The instance is referenced by vy. 5D20 0100 - iput-byte v0, v2, Test3.bi1:B // field@0001
Puts the boolean value in v0 into field@0001 (entry #1 in the field id table). The instance is referenced by v2.
5E iput-char vx,vy,field_id Puts the char value located in vx into an instance field. The instance is referenced by vy. 5E20 0300 - iput-char v0, v2, Test3.ci1:C // field@0003
Puts the char value in v0 into field@0003 (entry #3 in the field id table). The instance is referenced by v2.
5F iput-short vx,vy,field_id Puts the short value located in vx into an instance field. The instance is referenced by vy. 5F21 0800 - iput-short v1, v2, Test3.si1:S // field@0008
Puts the short value in v1 into field@0008 (entry #8 in the field id table). The instance is referenced by v2.
60 sget vx,field_id Reads the integer field identified by the field_id into vx. 6000 0700 - sget v0, Test3.is1:I // field@0007
Reads field@0007 (entry #7 in the field id table) into v0.
61 sget-wide vx, field_id Reads the static field identified by the field_id into vx and vx+1 registers. 6100 0500 - sget-wide v0, Test2.l1:J // field@0005
Reads field@0005 (entry #5 in the field id table) into v0 and v1 registers.
62 sget-object vx,field_id Reads the object reference field identified by the field_id into vx. 6201 0C00 - sget-object v1, Test3.os1:Ljava/lang/Object; // field@000c
Reads field@000c (entry #CH in the field id table) into v1.
63 sget-boolean vx,field_id Reads the boolean static field identified by the field_id into vx. 6300 0C00 - sget-boolean v0, // field@000c
Reads boolean field@000c (entry #12 in the field id table) into v0.
64 sget-byte vx,field_id Reads the byte static field identified by the field_id into vx. 6400 0200 - sget-byte v0, Test3.bs1:B // field@0002
Reads byte field@0002 (entry #2 in the field id table) into v0.
65 sget-char vx,field_id Reads the char static field identified by the field_id into vx. 6500 0700 - sget-char v0, Test3.cs1:C // field@0007
Reads byte field@0007 (entry #7 in the field id table) into v0.
66 sget-short vx,field_id Reads the short static field identified by the field_id into vx. 6600 0B00 - sget-short v0, Test3.ss1:S // field@000b
Reads short field@000b (entry #BH in the field id table) into v0.
67 sput vx, field_id Puts vx into a static field. 6700 0100 - sput v0, Test2.i5:I // field@0001
Stores v0 into field@0001 (entry #1 in the field id table).
68 sput-wide vx, field_id Puts vx and vx+1 into a static field. 6800 0500 - sput-wide v0, Test2.l1:J // field@0005
Puts the long value in v0 and v1 into the field@0005 static field (entry #5 in the field id table).
69 sput-object vx,field_id Puts object reference in vx into a static field. 6900 0c00 - sput-object v0, Test3.os1:Ljava/lang/Object; // field@000c
Puts the object reference value in v0 into the field@000c static field (entry #CH in the field id table).
6A sput-boolean vx,field_id Puts boolean value in vx into a static field. 6A00 0300 - sput-boolean v0, Test3.bls1:Z // field@0003
Puts the byte value in v0 into the field@0003 static field (entry #3 in the field id table).
6B sput-byte vx,field_id Puts byte value in vx into a static field. 6B00 0200 - sput-byte v0, Test3.bs1:B // field@0002
Puts the byte value in v0 into the field@0002 static field (entry #2 in the field id table).
6C sput-char vx,field_id Puts char value in vx into a static field. 6C01 0700 - sput-char v1, Test3.cs1:C // field@0007
Puts the char value in v1 into the field@0007 static field (entry #7 in the field id table).
6D sput-short vx,field_id Puts short value in vx into a static field. 6D00 0B00 - sput-short v0, Test3.ss1:S // field@000b
Puts the short value in v0 into the field@000b static field (entry #BH in the field id table).
6E invoke-virtual { parameters }, methodtocall Invokes a virtual method with parameters. 6E53 0600 0421 - invoke-virtual { v4, v0, v1, v2, v3}, Test2.method5:(IIII)V // method@0006
Invokes the 6th method in the method table with the following arguments: v4 is the “this” instance, v0, v1, v2, and v3 are the method parameters. The method has 5 arguments (4 MSB bits of the second byte)5.
6F invoke-super {parameter},methodtocall Invokes the virtual method of the immediate parent class. 6F10 A601 0100 invoke-super {v1}, // method@01a6
Invokes method@01a6 with one parameter, v1.
70 invoke-direct { parameters }, methodtocall Invokes a method with parameters without the virtual method resolution. 7010 0800 0100 - invoke-direct {v1}, java.lang.Object.<init>:()V // method@0008
Invokes the 8th method in the method table with just one parameter, v1 is the “this” instance5.
71 invoke-static {parameters}, methodtocall Invokes a static method with parameters. 7110 3400 0400 - invoke-static {v4}, java.lang.Integer.parseInt:( Ljava/lang/String;)I // method@0034
Invokes method@34 static method. The method is called with one parameter, v45.
72 invoke-interface {parameters},methodtocall Invokes an interface method. 7240 2102 3154 invoke-interface {v1, v3, v4, v5}, mwfw.IReceivingProtocolAdapter.receivePackage:(
ILjava/lang/String;Ljava/io/InputStream;)Z // method@0221
Invokes method@221 interface method using parameters in v1,v3,v4 and v55.
73 unused_73    
74 invoke-virtual/range {vx..vy},methodtocall Invokes virtual method with a range of registers. The instruction specifies the first register and the number of registers to be passed to the method. 7403 0600 1300 - invoke-virtual {v19..v21}, Test2.method5:(IIII)V // method@0006
Invokes the 6th method in the method table with the following arguments: v19 is the “this” instance, v20 and v21 are the method parameters. 
75 invoke-super/range Invokes  the virtual method of the immediate parent class. The instruction specifies the first register and the number of registers to be passed to the method. 7501 A601 0100 invoke-super {v1}, // method@01a6
Invokes method@01a6 with one parameter, v1.
76 invoke-direct/range {vx..vy},methodtocall Invokes direct method with a range of registers. The instruction specifies the first register and the number of registers to be passed to the method. 7603 3A00 1300 - invoke-direct/range {v19..21},java.lang.Object.<init>:()V // method@003a
Invokes method@3A with 1 parameters (second byte of the instruction=03). The parameter is stored in v19 (5th,6th bytes of the instruction).
77 invoke-static/range {vx..vy},methodtocall Invokes static method with a range of registers. The instruction specifies the first register and the number of registers to be passed to the method. 7703 3A00 1300 - invoke-static/range {v19..21},java.lang.Integer.parseInt:( Ljava/lang/String;)I // method@0034
Invokes method@3A with 1 parameters (second byte of the instruction=03). The parameter is stored in v19 (5th,6th bytes of the instruction).
78 invoke-interface-range Invokes an interface method with a range of registers. The instruction specifies the first register and the number of registers to be passed to the method. 7840 2102 0100 invoke-interface {v1..v4}, mwfw.IReceivingProtocolAdapter.receivePackage:(
ILjava/lang/String;Ljava/io/InputStream;)Z // method@0221
Invokes method@221 interface method using parameters in v1..v4.
79 unused_79    
7A unused_7A    
7B neg-int vx,vy Calculates vx=-vy. 7B01 - neg-int v1,v0
Calculates -v0 and stores the result in v1.
7C not-int vx,vy    
7D neg-long vx,vy Calculates vx,vx+1=-(vy,vy+1)  7D02 - neg-long v2,v0
Calculates -(v0,v1) and stores the result into (v2,v3)
7E not-long vx,vy    
7F neg-float vx,vy Calculates vx=-vy 7F01 - neg-float v1,v0
Calculates -v0 and stores the result into v1.
80 neg-double vx,vy Calculates vx,vx+1=-(vy,vy+1) 8002 - neg-double v2,v0
Calculates -(v0,v1) and stores the result into (v2,v3)
81 int-to-long vx, vy Converts the integer in vy into a long in vx,vx+1. 8106 - int-to-long v6, v0
Converts an integer in v0 into a long in v6,v7.
82 int-to-float vx, vy Converts the integer in vx into a float in vx. 8206 - int-to-float v6, v0
Converts the integer in v0 into a float in v6.
83 int-to-double vx, vy Converts the integer in vy into the double in vx,vx+1. 8306 - int-to-double v6, v0
Converts the integer in v0 into a double in v6,v7
84 long-to-int vx,vy Converts the long value in vy,vy+1 into an integer in vx. 8424 - long-to-int v4, v2
Converts the long value in v2,v3 into an integer value in v4.
85 long-to-float vx, vy Converts the long value in vy,vy+1 into a float in vx. 8510 - long-to-float v0, v1
Convcerts the long value in v1,v2 into a float value in v0.
86 long-to-double vx, vy Converts the long value in vy,vy+1 into a double value in vx,vx+1. 8610 - long-to-double v0, v1
Converts the long value in v1,v2 into a double value in v0,v1.
87 float-to-int vx, vy Converts the float value in vy into an integer value in vx. 8730 - float-to-int v0, v3
Converts the float value in v3 into an integer value in v0.
88 float-to-long vx,vy Converts the float value in vy into a long value in vx. 8830 - float-to-long v0, v3
Converts the float value in v3 into a long value in v0,v1.
89 float-to-double vx, vy Converts the float value in vy into a double value in vx,vx+1. 8930 - float-to-double v0, v3
Converts the float value in v3 into a double value in v0,v1.
8A double-to-int vx, vy Converts the double value in vy,vy+1 into an integer value in vx. 8A40  - double-to-int v0, v4
Converts the double value in v4,v5 into an integer value in v0.
8B double-to-long vx, vy Converts the double value in vy,vy+1 into a long value in vx,vx+1. 8B40 - double-to-long v0, v4
Converts the double value in v4,v5 into a long value in v0,v1.
8C double-to-float vx, vy Converts the double value in vy,vy+1 into a float value in vx. 8C40 - double-to-float v0, v4
Converts the double value in v4,v5 into a float value in v0,v1.
8D int-to-byte vx,vy Converts the int value in vy to a byte value and stores it in vx. 8D00 - int-to-byte v0, v0
Converts the integer in v0 into a byte and puts the byte value into v0.
8E int-to-char vx,vy Converts the int value in vy to a char value and stores it in vx. 8E33  - int-to-char v3, v3
Converts the integer in v3 into a char and puts the char value into v3.
8F int-to-short vx,vy Converts the int value in vy to a short value and stores it in vx. 8F00 - int-to-short v0, v0
Converts the integer in v0 into a short and puts the short value into v3.
90 add-int vx,vy,vz Calculates vy+vz and puts the result into vx. 9000 0203 - add-int v0, v2, v3
Adds v3 to v2 and puts the result into v04.
91 sub-int vx,vy,vz Calculates vy-vz and puts the result into vx. 9100 0203 - sub-int v0, v2, v3
Subtracts v3 from v2 and puts the result into v0.
92 mul-int vx, vy, vz Multiplies vz with wy and puts the result int vx. 9200 0203 - mul-int v0,v2,v3
Multiplies v2 with w3 and puts the result into v0
93 div-int vx,vy,vz Divides vy with vz and puts the result into vx. 9303 0001 - div-int v3, v0, v1
Divides v0 with v1 and puts the result into v3.
94 rem-int vx,vy,vz Calculates vy % vz and puts the result into vx. 9400 0203 - rem-int v0, v2, v3
Calculates v3 % v2 and puts the result into v0.
95 and-int vx, vy, vz Calculates vy AND vz and puts the result into vx. 9503 0001 - and-int v3, v0, v1
Calculates v0 AND v1 and puts the result into v3.
96 or-int vx, vy, vz Calculates vy OR vz and puts the result into vx. 9603 0001 - or-int v3, v0, v1
Calculates v0 OR v1 and puts the result into v3.
97 xor-int vx, vy, vz Calculates vy XOR vz and puts the result into vx. 9703 0001 - xor-int v3, v0, v1
Calculates v0 XOR v1 and puts the result into v3.
98 shl-int vx, vy, vz Shift vy left by the positions specified by vz and store the result into vx. 9802 0001 - shl-int v2, v0, v1
Shift v0 left by the positions specified by v1 and store the result in v2.
99 shr-int vx, vy, vz Shift vy right by the positions specified by vz and store the result into vx. 9902 0001 - shr-int v2, v0, v1
Shift v0 right by the positions specified by v1 and store the result in v2.
9A ushr-int vx, vy, vz Unsigned shift right (>>>) vy by the positions specified by vz and store the result into vx. 9A02 0001 - ushr-int v2, v0, v1
Unsigned shift v0 right by the positions specified by v1 and store the result in v2.
9B add-long vx, vy, vz Adds vy to vz and puts the result into vx1. 9B00 0305 - add-long v0, v3, v5
The long value in v3,v4 is added to the value in v5,v6 and the result is stored in v0,v1.
9C sub-long vx,vy,vz Calculates vy-vz and puts the result into vx1. 9C00 0305 - sub-long v0, v3, v5
Subtracts the long value in v5,v6 from the long value in v3,v4 and puts the result into v0,v1.
9D mul-long vx,vy,vz Calculates vy*vz and puts the result into vx1. 9D00 0305 - mul-long v0, v3, v5
Multiplies the long value in v5,v6 with the long value in v3,v4 and puts the result into v0,v1.
9E div-long vx, vy, vz Calculates vy/vz and puts the result into vx1. 9E06 0002 - div-long v6, v0, v2
Divides the long value in v0,v1 with the long value in v2,v3 and pust the result into v6,v7.
9F rem-long vx,vy,vz Calculates vy % vz and puts the result into vx1. 9F06 0002 - rem-long v6, v0, v2
Calculates v0,v1 %  v2,v3 and puts the result into v6,v7.
A0 and-long vx, vy, vz Calculates the vy AND vz and puts the result into vx1. A006 0002 - and-long v6, v0, v2
Calculates v0,v1 AND v2,v3 and puts the result into v6,v7.
A1 or-long vx, vy, vz Calculates the vy OR vz and puts the result into vx1. A106 0002 - or-long v6, v0, v2
Calculates v0,v1 OR v2,v3 and puts the result into v6,v7.
A2 xor-long vx, vy, vz Calculates the vy XOR vz and puts the result into vx1. A206 0002 - xor-long v6, v0, v2
Calculates v0,v1 XOR v2,v3 and puts the result into v6,v7.
A3 shl-long vx, vy, vz Shifts left vy by vz positions and stores the result in vx1. A302 0004 - shl-long v2, v0, v4
Shift v0,v1 by postions specified by v4 and puts the result into v2,v3.
A4 shr-long vx,vy,vz Shifts right vy by vz positions and stores the result in vx1. A402 0004 - shr-long v2, v0, v4
Shift v0,v1 by postions specified by v4 and puts the result into v2,v3.
A5 ushr-long vx, vy, vz Unsigned shifts right vy by vz positions and stores the result in vx1. A502 0004 - ushr-long v2, v0, v4
Unsigned shift v0,v1 by postions specified by v4 and puts the result into v2,v3.
A6 add-float vx,vy,vz Adds vy to vz and puts the result into vx. A600 0203 - add-float v0, v2, v3
Adds the floating point numbers in v2 and v3 and puts the result into v0.
A7 sub-float vx,vy,vz Calculates vy-vz and puts the result into vx. A700 0203 - sub-float v0, v2, v3
Calculates v2-v3 and puts the result into v0.
A8 mul-float vx, vy, vz Multiplies vy with vz and puts the result into vx. A803 0001 - mul-float v3, v0, v1
Multiplies v0 with v1 and puts the result into v3.
A9 div-float vx, vy, vz Calculates vy/vz and puts the result into vx. A903 0001 - div-float v3, v0, v1
Divides v0 with v1 and puts the result into v3.
AA rem-float vx,vy,vz Calculates vy % vz and puts the result into vx. AA03 0001 - rem-float v3, v0, v1
Calculates v0 %  v1 and puts the result into v3.
AB add-double vx,vy,vz Adds vy to vz and puts the result into vx1 AB00 0305 - add-double v0, v3, v5
Adds the double value in v5,v6 registers to the double value in v3,v4 registers and places the result  in v0,v1 registers.
AC sub-double vx,vy,vz Calculates vy-vz and puts the result into vx1. AC00 0305 - sub-double v0, v3, v5
Subtracts the value in v5,v6 from the value in v3,v4 and puts the result into v0,v1.
AD mul-double vx, vy, vz Multiplies vy with vz and puts the result into vx1. AD06 0002 - mul-double v6, v0, v2
Multiplies the double value in v0,v1 with the double value in v2,v3 and puts the result into v6,v7.
AE div-double vx, vy, vz Calculates vy/vz and puts the result into vx1. AE06 0002 - div-double v6, v0, v2
Divides the double value in v0,v1 with the double value in v2,v3 and puts the result into v6,v7.
AF rem-double vx,vy,vz Calculates vy % vz and puts the result into vx1. AF06 0002 - rem-double v6, v0, v2
Calculates v0,v1 % v2,v3 and puts the result into v6,v7.
B0 add-int/2addr vx,vy Adds vy to vx. B010 - add-int/2addr v0,v1
Adds v1 to v0.
B1 sub-int/2addr vx,vy Calculates vx-vy and puts the result into vx. B140 - sub-int/2addr v0, v4
Subtracts v4 from v0 and puts the result into v0.
B2 mul-int/2addr vx,vy Multiplies vx with vy. B210 - mul-int/2addr v0, v1
Multiples v0 with v1 and puts the result into v0.
B3 div-int/2addr vx,vy Divides vx with vy and puts the result into vx. B310 - div-int/2addr v0, v1
Divides v0 with v1 and puts the result into v0.
B4 rem-int/2addr vx,vy Calculates vx % vy and puts the result into vx B410 - rem-int/2addr v0, v1
 Calculates v0 % v1 and puts the result into v0.
B5 and-int/2addr vx, vy Calculates vx AND vy and puts the result into vx. B510 - and-int/2addr v0, v1
Calculates v0 AND v1 and puts the result into v0.
B6 or-int/2addr vx, vy Calculates vx OR vy and puts the result into vx. B610 - or-int/2addr v0, v1
Calculates v0 OR v1 and puts the result into v0.
B7 xor-int/2addr vx, vy Calculates vx XOR vy and puts the result into vx. B710  - xor-int/2addr v0, v1
Calculates v0 XOR v1 and puts the result into v0.
B8 shl-int/2addr vx, vy Shifts vx left by vy positions. B810 - shl-int/2addr v0, v1
Shift v0 left by v1 positions.
B9 shr-int/2addr vx, vy Shifts vx right by vy positions. B910 - shr-int/2addr v0, v1
Shift v0 right by v1 positions.
BA ushr-int/2addr vx, vy Unsigned shift right (>>>) vx by the positions specified by vy. BA10 - ushr-int/2addr v0, v1
Unsigned shift v0 by the positions specified by v1.
BB add-long/2addr vx,vy Adds vy to vx1. BB20 - add-long/2addr v0, v2
Adds the long value in v2,v3 registers to the long value in v0,v1 registers.
BC sub-long/2addr vx,vy Calculates vx-vy and puts the result into vx1. BC70 - sub-long/2addr v0, v7
Subtracts the long value in v7,v8 from the long value in v0,v1 and puts the result into v0,v1.
BD mul-long/2addr vx,vy Calculates vx*vy and puts the result into vx1. BD70 - mul-long/2addr v0, v7
Multiplies the long value in v7,v8 with the long value in v0,v1 and puts the result into v0,v1.
BE div-long/2addr vx, vy Calculates vx/vy and puts the result into vx1. BE20 - div-long/2addr v0, v2
Divides the long value in v0,v1 with the long value in v2,v3 and puts the result into v0,v1
BF rem-long/2addr vx,vy Calculates vx % vy and puts the result into vx1. BF20 - rem-long/2addr v0, v2
Calculates v0,v1 % v2,v3 and puts the result into v0,v1
C0 and-long/2addr vx, vy Calculates vx AND vy and puts the result into vx1. C020 - and-long/2addr v0, v2
Calculates v0,v1 OR v2,v3 and puts the result into v0,v1.
C1 or-long/2addr vx, vy Calculates vx OR vy and puts the result into vx1. C120  - or-long/2addr v0, v2
Calculates v0,v1 OR v2,v3 and puts the result into v0,v1.
C2 xor-long/2addr vx, vy Calculates vx XOR vy and puts the result into vx1. C220 - xor-long/2addr v0, v2
Calculates v0,v1 XOR v2,v3 and puts the result into v0,v1.
C3 shl-long/2addr vx, vy Shifts left the value in vx,vx+1 by the positions specified by vy and stores the result in vx,vx+1. C320 - shl-long/2addr v0, v2
Shifts left v0,v1 by the positions specified by v2.
C4 shr-long/2addr vx, vy Shifts right the value in vx,vx+1 by the positions specified by vy and stores the result in vx,vx+1. C420 - shr-long/2addr v0, v2
Shifts right v0,v1 by the positions specified by v2.
C5 ushr-long/2addr vx, vy Unsigned shifts right the value in vx,vx+1 by the positions specified by vy and stores the result in vx,vx+1. C520 - ushr-long/2addr v0, v2
Unsigned shifts right v0,v1 by the positions specified by v2.
C6 add-float/2addr vx,vy Adds vy to vx.  C640 - add-float/2addr v0,v4
Adds v4 to v0.
C7 sub-float/2addr vx,vy Calculates vx-vy and stores the result in vx. C740 - sub-float/2addr v0,v4
Adds v4 to v0.
C8 mul-float/2addr vx, vy Multiplies vx with vy. C810 - mul-float/2addr v0, v1
Multiplies v0 with v1.
C9 div-float/2addr vx, vy Calculates vx/vy and puts the result into vx. C910 - div-float/2addr v0, v1
Divides v0 with v1 and puts the result into v0.
CA rem-float/2addr vx,vy Calculates vx/vy and puts the result into vx. CA10 - rem-float/2addr v0, v1
 Calculates v0 % v1 and puts the result into v0.
CB add-double/2addr vx, vy Adds vy to vx1. CB70 - add-double/2addr v0, v7
Adds v7 to v0.
CC sub-double/2addr vx, vy Calculates vx-vy and puts the result into vx1. CC70 - sub-double/2addr v0, v7
Subtracts the value in v7,v8 from the value in v0,v1 and puts the result into v0,v1.
CD mul-double/2addr vx, vy Multiplies vx with vy1. CD20 - mul-double/2addr v0, v2
Multiplies the double value in v0,v1 with the double value in v2,v3 and puts the result into v0,v1.
CE div-double/2addr vx, vy Calculates vx/vy and puts the result into vx1. CE20 - div-double/2addr v0, v2
Divides the double value in v0,v1 with the double value in v2,v3 and puts the value into v0,v1.
CF rem-double/2addr vx,vy Calculates vx % vy and puts the result into vx1. CF20 - rem-double/2addr v0, v2
 Calculates  v0,v1 %  v2,v3 and puts the value into v0,v1.
D0 add-int/lit16 vx,vy,lit16 Adds vy to lit16 and stores the result into vx. D001 D204 - add-int/lit16 v1, v0, #int 1234 // #04d2
Adds v0 to literal 1234 and stores the result into v1.
D1 sub-int/lit16 vx,vy,lit16 Calculates vy - lit16 and stores the result into vx. D101 D204 - sub-int/lit16 v1, v0, #int 1234 // #04d2
Calculates v0 - literal 1234 and stores the result into v1.
D2 mul-int/lit16 vx,vy,lit16 Calculates vy * lit16 and stores the result into vx. D201 D204 - mul-int/lit16 v1, v0, #int 1234 // #04d2
Calculates v0 * literal 1234 and stores the result into v1.
D3 div-int/lit16 vx,vy,lit16 Calculates vy / lit16 and stores the result into vx. D301 D204 - div-int/lit16 v1, v0, #int 1234 // #04d2
Calculates v0 / literal 1234 and stores the result into v1.
D4 rem-int/lit16 vx,vy,lit16 Calculates vy % lit16 and stores the result into vx. D401 D204 - rem-int/lit16 v1, v0, #int 1234 // #04d2
Calculates v0 % literal 1234 and stores the result into v1.
D5 and-int/lit16 vx,vy,lit16 Calculates vy AND lit16 and stores the result into vx. D501 D204 - and-int/lit16 v1, v0, #int 1234 // #04d2
Calculates v0 AND literal 1234 and stores the result into v1.
D6 or-int/lit16 vx,vy,lit16 Calculates vy OR lit16 and stores the result into vx. D601 D204 - or-int/lit16 v1, v0, #int 1234 // #04d2
Calculates v0 OR literal 1234 and stores the result into v1.
D7 xor-int/lit16 vx,vy,lit16 Calculates vy XOR lit16 and stores the result into vx. D701 D204 - xor-int/lit16 v1, v0, #int 1234 // #04d2
Calculates v0 XOR literal 1234 and stores the result into v1.
D8 add-int/lit8 vx,vy,lit8 Adds vy to lit8 and stores the result into vx. D800 0201 - add-int/lit8 v0,v2, #int1
Adds literal 1 to v2 and stores the result into v0.
D9 sub-int/lit8 vx,vy,lit8 Calculates vy-lit8 and stores the result into vx. D900 0201 - sub-int/lit8 v0,v2, #int1
Calculates v2-1 and stores the result into v0.
DA mul-int/lit-8 vx,vy,lit8 Multiplies vy with lit8 8-bit literal constant and puts the result into vx. DA00 0002 - mul-int/lit8 v0,v0, #int2
Multiplies v0 with literal 2 and puts the result into v0.
DB div-int/lit8 vx,vy,lit8 Calculates vy/lit8 and stores the result into vx. DB00 0203 - mul-int/lit8 v0,v2, #int3
Calculates v2/3 and stores the result into v0.
DC rem-int/lit8 vx,vy,lit8 Calculates vy % lit8 and stores the result into vx. DC00 0203 - rem-int/lit8 v0,v2, #int3
Calculates v2 % 3 and stores the result into v0.
DD and-int/lit8 vx,vy,lit8 Calculates vy AND lit8 and stores the result into vx. DD00 0203 - and-int/lit8 v0,v2, #int3
Calculates v2 AND 3 and stores the result into v0.
DE or-int/lit8 vx, vy, lit8 Calculates vy OR lit8 and puts the result into vx. DE00 0203 - or-int/lit8 v0, v2, #int 3
Calculates v2 OR literal 3 and puts the result into v0.
DF xor-int/lit8 vx, vy, lit8 Calculates vy XOR lit8 and puts the result into vx. DF00 0203     |  0008: xor-int/lit8 v0, v2, #int 3
Calculates v2 XOR literal 3 and puts the result into v0.
E0 shl-int/lit8 vx, vy, lit8 Shift v0 left by the bit positions specified by the literal constant and put the result into vx. E001 0001 - shl-int/lit8 v1, v0, #int 1
Shift v0 left by 1 position and put the result into v1.
E1 shr-int/lit8 vx, vy, lit8 Shift v0 right by the bit positions specified by the literal constant and put the result into vx. E101 0001 - shr-int/lit8 v1, v0, #int 1
Shift v0 right by 1 position and put the result into v1.
E2 ushr-int/lit8 vx, vy, lit8 Unsigned right shift of v0 (>>>) by the bit positions specified by the literal constant and put the result into vx. E201 0001 - ushr-int/lit8 v1, v0, #int 1
Unsigned shift v0 right by 1 position and put the result into v1.
E3 unused_E3    
E4 unused_E4    
E5 unused_E5    
E6 unused_E6    
E7 unused_E7    
E8 unused_E8    
E9 unused_E9    
EA unused_EA    
EB unused_EB    
EC unused_EC    
ED unused_ED    
EE execute-inline {parameters},inline ID Executes the inline method identified by inline ID6. EE20 0300 0100 - execute-inline {v1, v0}, inline #0003
Executes inline method #3 using v1 as “this” and passing one parameter in v0.
EF unused_EF    
F0 invoke-direct-empty Stands as a placeholder for pruned empty methods like Object.<init>. This acts as nop during normal execution6. F010 F608 0000 - invoke-direct-empty {v0}, Ljava/lang/Object;.<init>:()V // method@08f6
Replacement for the empty method java/lang/Object;<init>.
F1 unused_F1    
F2 iget-quick vx,vy,offset Gets the value stored at offset in vy instance’s data area to vx6. F221 1000 - iget-quick v1, v2, [obj+0010]
Gets the value at offset 0CH of the instance pointed by v2 and stores the object reference in v1.
F3 iget-wide-quick vx,vy,offset Gets the object reference value stored at offset in vy instance’s data area to vx,vx+16. F364 3001 - iget-wide-quick v4, v6, [obj+0130]
Gets the value at offset 130H of the instance pointed by v6 and stores the object reference in v4,v5.
F4 iget-object-quick vx,vy,offset Gets the object reference value stored at offset in vy instance’s data area to vx6. F431 0C00 - iget-object-quick v1, v3, [obj+000c]
Gets the object reference value at offset 0CH of the instance pointed by v3 and stores the object reference in v1.
F5 iput-quick vx,vy,offset Puts the value stored in vx to offset in vy instance’s data area6. F521 1000  - iput-quick v1, v2, [obj+0010]
Puts the object reference value in v1 to offset 10H of the instance pointed by v2.
F6 iput-wide-quick vx,vy,offset Puts the value stored in vx,vx+1 to offset in vy instance’s data area6. F652 7001 - iput-wide-quick v2, v5, [obj+0170]
Puts the value in v2,v3 to offset 170H of the instance pointed by v5.
F7 iput-object-quick vx,vy,offset Puts the object reference value stored in vx to offset in vy instance’s data area to vx6. F701 4C00 - iput-object-quick v1, v0, [obj+004c]
Puts the object reference value in v1 to offset 0CH of the instance pointed by v3.
F8 invoke-virtual-quick {parameters},vtable offset Invokes a virtual method using the vtable of the target object6. F820 B800 CF00 - invoke-virtual-quick {v15, v12}, vtable #00b8
Invokes a virtual method. The target object instance is pointed by v15 and vtable entry #B8 points to the method to be called. v12 is a parameter to the method call.
F9 invoke-virtual-quick/range {parameter range},vtable offset Invokes a virtual method using the vtable of the target object6 F906 1800 0000 - invoke-virtual-quick/range {v0..v5},vtable #0018
Invokes a method using the vtable of the instance pointed by v0. v1..v5 registers are parameters to the method call.
FA invoke-super-quick {parameters},vtable offset Invokes a virtual method in the target object’s immediate parent class using the vtable of that parent class6. FA40 8100 3254  - invoke-super-quick {v2, v3, v4, v5}, vtable #0081
Invokes a method using the vtable of the immediate parent class of instance pointed by v2. v3, v4 and v5 registers are parameters to the method call.
FB invoke-super-quick/range {register range},vtable offset Invokes a virtual method in the target object’s immediate parent class using the vtable of that parent class6. F906 1B00 0000 - invoke-super-quick/range {v0..v5}, vtable #001b
Invokes a method using the vtable of the immediate parent class of instance pointed by v0. v1..v5 registers are parameters to the method call.
FC unused_FC    
FD unused_FD    
FE unused_FE    
FF unused_FF    

