32位/64位系统,jdk32位,64位,32/64位jdk编译出来的class和eclipse 32位和64位

首先关于32位/64位系统,jdk32位,64位,32/64位jdk编译出来的class和eclipse 32位和64位的一些对应关系做些说明。



    Failed to load the JNI shared library "E:\Java\bin\..\jre\bin\client\jvm.dll".


注意如果想安装多个jdk又不想改动javahome的话,可以在eclipse.ini  修改,为eclipse设jdk,这样启动不同的eclipse时就不会有问题了。解决方法简述:


E:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_92\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll       --这里其实也可配javaw.exe   .但是启动时会有一个eclipse.exe 和一个javaw.exe



Before answering this specific question , let us understand what we mean when we use the term "32-bit" and "64-bit"

The difference in 32-bit and 64-bit can occur at 3 different layers

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  1. Processor : A 32 bit processor is one which handles instruction set using 32 bit addressing and hence can  point to physical memory upto 4GB. A 64 bit processor uses 64-bit addressing and can point physical memory > 4GB. Hence in order to *effectively* use RAM more than 4GB , you should have processors of 64-bit.
  2. OS : An OS can be 32-bit or 64-bit which effectively means the virtual memory they support. A 64-bit operating systems which has ability to create virtual memory larger than 4 GB. Theoretically , they can run on top of 32 bit processors as well but they will not be much useful. In fact, when Linux became the first OS to fully support x86_64 in 2001, it was developed on simulators on 32-bit processors. 
  3. Native Application : These are applications which are compiled to 64-bit addressing system to fully utilize 64 bit OS. A 64 bit JRE is a native application compiled using 64-bit compilers for that specific OS/processor combination ( aka platform).

A java application is not a native application. It is a java byte code which runs in JRE. Java byte code generated by java compiler does not change between 32-bit and 64-bit.
Hence, you can safely use a java application compiled using 64 bit JDK on 32 bit JRE.

