
本文为西班牙加泰罗尼亚技术大学(作者:Roberto L′opez Gonz′alez)的博士论文,共237页。





Many problems arising in science andengineering aim to find a function which is the optimal value of a specifiedfunctional. Some examples include optimal control, inverse analysis and optimalshape design. Only some of these, regarded as variational problems, can besolved analytically, and the only general technique is to approximate thesolution using direct methods. Unfortunately, variational problems are verydifficult to solve, and it becomes necessary to innovate in the field ofnumerical methods in order to overcome the difficulties. The objective of thisPhD Thesis is to develop a conceptual theory of neural networks from theperspective of functional analysis and variational calculus. Within thisformulation, learning means to solve a variational problem by minimizing anobjective functional associated to the neural network. The choice of theobjective functional depends on the particular application. On the other side,its evaluation might need the integration of functions, ordinary differentialequations or partial differential equations. As it will be shown, neuralnetworks are able to deal with a wide range of applications in mathematics andphysics. More specifically, a variational formulation for the multilayerperceptron provides a direct method for solving variational problems. Thisincludes typical applications such as function regression, pattern recognitionor time series prediction, but also new ones such as optimal control, inverseproblems and optimal shape design. This addition of applications causes that astandard neural network is not able to deal with some particular problems, andit needs to be augmented. In this work an extended class of multilayerperceptron is developed which, besides the traditional neuron models andnetwork architectures, includes independent parameters, boundary conditions andlower and upper bounds. The computational performance of this numerical methodis investigated here through the solution of different validation problems withanalytical solution. Moreover, a variational formulation for an extended classof multilayer perceptron is applied to several engineering cases within optimalcontrol, inverse problems or optimal shape design. Finally, this work comeswith the open source neural networks C++ library Flood, which has beenimplemented following the functional analysis and calculus of variationstheories.

1 引言
2 基础知识
3 多层感知器的变分公式
4 数据建模
5 变分演算的传统问题
6 最优控制问题
7 反向问题
8 最优形状设计
9 结论与未来工作展望
附录A Flood软件模型
附录B 数值积分
附录C 相关论文
附录D 相关工程
附录E 相关软件



