Codeforces Round #434 (Div. 1) -E Arkady and a Nobody-men





Arkady words in a large company. There are nn employees working in a system of a strict hierarchy. Namely, each employee, with an exception of the CEO, has exactly one immediate manager. The CEO is a manager (through a chain of immediate managers) of all employees.

Each employee has an integer rank. The CEO has rank equal to 1 1 , each other employee has rank equal to the rank of his immediate manager plus 1 1 .

Arkady has a good post in the company, however, he feels that he is nobody in the company’s structure, and there are a lot of people who can replace him. He introduced the value of replaceability. Consider an employee a a and an employee b b , the latter being manager of aa (not necessarily immediate). Then the replaceability r ( a , b ) r(a,b) of a a with respect to b b is the number of subordinates (not necessarily immediate) of the manager b b , whose rank is not greater than the rank of a a . Apart from replaceability, Arkady introduced the value of negligibility. The negligibility z a z_{a} of employee aa equals the sum of his replaceabilities with respect to all his managers, i.e. img, where the sum is taken over all his managers b b .

Arkady is interested not only in negligibility of himself, but also in negligibility of all employees in the company. Find the negligibility of each employee for Arkady.



The first line contains single integer n n ( 1 n 5 1 0 5 1\le n\le 5·10^{5} ) — the number of employees in the company.

The second line contains n n integers p 1 , p 2 , . . . , p n p_{1},p_{2},...,p_{n} ( 0 p i n 0\le p_{i}\le n ), where p i = 0 p_{i}=0 if the i i -th employee is the CEO, otherwise p i p_{i} equals the id of the immediate manager of the employee with id i i . The employees are numbered from 1 1 to n n . It is guaranteed that there is exactly one 0 0 among these values, and also that the CEO is a manager (not necessarily immediate) for all the other employees.


Print n n integers — the negligibilities of all employees in the order of their ids: z 1 , z 2 , . . . , z n z_{1},z_{2},...,z_{n} .



0 1 2 1


0 2 4 2 


2 3 4 5 0


10 6 3 1 0 


0 1 1 1 3


0 3 3 3 5 


Consider the first example:

  • The CEO has no managers, thus z 1 = 0 z_{1}=0 .
  • r ( 2 , 1 ) = 2 r(2,1)=2 (employees 2 2 and 4 4 suit the conditions, employee 3 3 has too large rank). Thus z 2 = r ( 2 , 1 ) = 2 z_{2}=r(2,1)=2 .
  • Similarly,$ z_{4}=r(4,1)=2$ .
  • r ( 3 , 2 ) = 1 r(3,2)=1 (employee 3 3 is a subordinate of 2 2 and has suitable rank). r ( 3 , 1 ) = 3 r(3,1)=3 (employees 2 2 , 3 3 , 4 4 suit the conditions). Thus z 3 = r ( 3 , 2 ) + r ( 3 , 1 ) = 4 z_{3}=r(3,2)+r(3,1)=4 .


给你一棵有根树, 设 b b a a 的祖先节点, r ( a , b ) r(a,b) 表示在 b b 子树中不超过 a a 深度的点的个数(不包括 a a 自己), 求对于所有点的 z ( i ) = j a n c e s t o r ( i ) r ( i , j ) z(i)=\sum_{j\in ancestor(i)}r(i,j)


很容易发现每个点 a a 对于其他点 b b ( d e p [ a ] d e p [ b ] dep[a]\le dep[b] )的贡献就是 d e p [ l c a ( a , b ) ] dep[lca(a,b)] , 所以将所有点按深度从小到大排序, 每次处理同一深度的点, 在其到根节点的路径上区间 + 1 +1 , 然后查询其到根节点的路径上的权值和即可, 总复杂度 O ( n l o g 2 ( n ) ) O(nlog^2(n)) , 卡卡常就过了。

这里有一种 O ( n l o g ( n ) ) O(nlog(n)) 的做法。我们可以发现 z ( i ) = z ( f a t [ i ] ) + d e p [ i ] + d e p [ i ] = d e p [ j ] d e p [ l c a ( i , j ) ] z(i)=z(fat[i])+dep[i]+\sum_{dep[i]=dep[j]}dep[lca(i,j)] ,那么实际上我们只需要考虑同深度的点之间的贡献。

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将同深度的点按 D F S DFS 序排序, 那么可以发现对于一个排在第 i i 位的点, 其前面的点从 1 1 开始, 它们的 l c a lca 的深度是递增的, 这样我们就可以维护一个单调栈, 维护其 l c a lca 深度, 同时记录数量, 扫过去即可。 最后再将数组翻转过来, 统计从后往前的贡献即可。


#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cctype>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#define R register
#define IN inline
#define W while
#define gc getchar()
#define MX 500500
#define ll long long
template <class T>
IN void in(T &x)
    x = 0; R char c = gc;
    for (; !isdigit(c); c = gc);
    for (;  isdigit(c); c = gc)
    x = (x << 1) + (x << 3) + c - 48;
int dot, cnt, root, dc;
int head[MX], dep[MX], fat[MX], son[MX], siz[MX], topf[MX], sta[MX], dp[MX], ct[MX], dfn[MX];
ll ans[MX];
struct Edge {int to, nex;} edge[MX << 1];
IN void add(R int from, R int to) {edge[++cnt] = {to, head[from]}, head[from] = cnt;}
std::vector <int> dat[MX];
bool cmp(R int x, R int y) {return dfn[x] < dfn[y];}
void DFS(R int now)
    siz[now] = 1; dfn[now] = ++dc;
    for (R int i = head[now]; i; i = edge[i].nex)
        if (edge[i].to == fat[now]) continue;
        dep[edge[i].to] = dep[now] + 1;
        fat[edge[i].to] = now;
        siz[now] += siz[edge[i].to];
        if (siz[edge[i].to] > siz[son[now]]) son[now] = edge[i].to;
void DFS(R int now, R int grand)
    topf[now] = grand;
    if (!son[now]) return;
    DFS(son[now], grand);
    for (R int i = head[now]; i; i = edge[i].nex)
        if (edge[i].to == fat[now] || edge[i].to == son[now]) continue;
        DFS(edge[i].to, edge[i].to);
IN int query(R int x, R int y)
    W (topf[x] ^ topf[y])
        if (dep[topf[x]] < dep[topf[y]]) std::swap(x, y);
        x = fat[topf[x]];
    return dep[x] < dep[y] ? x : y;
IN void solve(R int d)
    ll res = 0;
    R int top, lca, now;
    for (R int i = 0; i < dat[d].size(); ++i)
        now = dat[d][i];
        if (!i) sta[top = 1] = now, dp[1] = ct[1] = 0;
            W (233)
                lca = query(sta[top], now);
                if (dep[lca] >= dp[top])
                    sta[++top] = now;
                    dp[top] = dep[lca] + 1;
                    ct[top] = i; break;
                res -= 1ll * (ct[top] - ct[top - 1]) * dp[top];
            res += 1ll * (ct[top] - ct[top - 1]) * dp[top];
            ans[now] += res;
int main(void)
    in(dot); int a;
    for (R int i = 1; i <= dot; ++i)
        if (!a) root = i;
        else add(i, a), add(a, i);
    DFS(root), DFS(root, root);
    for (R int i = 1; i <= dot; ++i) dat[dep[i]].push_back(i);
    for (R int i = 1; i < dot; ++i)
        if (!dat[i].size()) break;
        std::sort(dat[i].begin(), dat[i].end(), cmp);
        for (R int j = 0; j < dat[i].size(); ++j) ans[dat[i][j]] += ans[fat[dat[i][j]]] + i;
        solve(i); std::reverse(dat[i].begin(), dat[i].end());
    for (R int i = 1; i <= dot; ++i) printf("%I64d ", ans[i]);

