

在这一章节中,主要讲了 HTML 中众多的 element,element 就像在建筑房屋时候的材料,它可以分为两种:

  • Block Element
  • Inline Element
    Block Element 就像建筑时候的大结构,需要在 plan 的时候先考虑好 Inline Element 就像是增加的小材料,需要进一步修饰的时候添加。
    在这本书中目前见到的常用的 Block Element 有 <blockquote>,<p>常见的 Inline Element 有 <q>

同时,Elements 还有另外一种分类的方法: 

  • Vold Element
  • Normal Element
    在这本书中目前见到的 Void Element 有 和


Why we use <q> element?

Because Using double quotes doesn't make something  an actual quote.

The difference between <q> and <blockquote>

The<q> element :

  • A short Citation:
  • A inline element: appears "in line" within the flow of the text.


  • A long Citation
  • A block element:displayed as if they have a linebreak before and after them.


What is <br> element?

<br>element is a void element. It doesn't have any content.
When you need to use a void element , you only use an opening tag.

list's elements

How to make a list?

Creating HTML list element needs 2 element:

  1. mark up each element:<li>
  2. determine what kind of list you're creating: ordered or unorderd.:<ol><ul>


How to use" < "or" > i"n HTML?

You can use these special characters by using a character entity.You can also use it to type in a charactor not typeable in your editor.

<: &lt; 
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